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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.


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Ciaio-Counter Molder (boot & shoe) 690.685-102
Ciaio-Lumite Injector (boot & shoe) 690.685-278
cicerone (amuse. & rec.; personal ser.) 353.363-010
cigar bander, hand (tobacco) 920.687-030
CIGAR BRANDER (tobacco) 920.685-046
cigarette and assembly-machine inspector (tobacco) 529.666-014
cigarette and assembly machine operator (tobacco) 529.685-066
Cigarette-Boxing-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.665-010
Cigarette-Carton Sealer (tobacco) 920.685-074
cigarette examiner (tobacco) 529.567-010
CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.567-010
CIGARETTE-LIGHTER REPAIRER (any industry) 709.684-034
cigarette-making examiner (tobacco) 529.567-010
CIGARETTE-PACKAGE EXAMINER (tobacco) 920.667-010
CIGARETTE TESTER (tobacco) 529.387-014
CIGARETTE VENDOR (hotel & rest.) 291.457-010
cigar-head holer (tobacco) 529.685-058
cigar-head pegger (tobacco) 529.685-058
cigar-head perforator (tobacco) 529.685-058
CIGAR-HEAD PIERCER (tobacco) 529.685-058
cigar-head puncher (tobacco) 529.685-058
cigar-head stringer (tobacco) 529.685-058
CIGAR INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.687-042
CIGAR MAKER (tobacco) 790.684-014
CIGAR PACKER (tobacco) 790.687-014
cigar packer and grader (tobacco) 790.687-014
cigar packer and picker (tobacco) 790.687-014
cigar packer and shader (tobacco) 790.687-014
cigar packer and sorter (tobacco) 790.687-014
cigar-packing examiner (tobacco) 529.687-042
cigar patcher (tobacco) 790.684-018
cigar roller (tobacco) 790.684-022
cigar sorter (tobacco) 790.687-014
Cigar-Tobacco Rehandler (tobacco) 522.687-026
Cinder-Block Mason (construction) 861.381-018
Cinder Crane Operator I (foundry; steel & rel.) 921.663-010
Cinder-Crane Operator II (foundry; steel & rel.) 921.663-042
cinematographer (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 143.062-010
cinetechnician (motion picture; photo. appar.) 714.281-018
cinetechnician supervisor (motion picture; photo. appar.) 714.131-010
Cinnamon Grinder (food prep., nec) 521.685-326
cipher expert (government ser.) 199.267-014
CIRCLE BEVELER (glass products) 673.685-034
CIRCLE-CUTTING-SAW OPERATOR (wood. container) 669.685-026
CIRCLE EDGER (glass products) 673.685-038
circuit board inspector (electron. comp.) 726.684-062
Circuit Breaker Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.687-010
Circuit-Breaker Mechanic (utilities) 829.261-018
Circuit-Breaker Supervisor (utilities) 829.131-014
circuit rider (wholesale tr.) 162.167-014
circuit walker (wholesale tr.) 162.167-014
Circular-Gang-Saw Operator (saw. & plan.) 667.682-030
Circular-Head-Saw Operator (saw. & plan.) 667.662-010
Circular-Knife Cutter, Machine (any industry) 781.684-014
Circular Knitter (knitting) 685.665-014
Circular-Knitter Helper (knitting) 685.686-014
Circular-Resaw Operator (saw. & plan.; wood. container) 667.682-058
Circular-Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-066
Circular-Saw Filer (any industry) 701.381-014
CIRCULAR SAW OPERATOR (construction) 869.682-010
circular-saw operator (machine shop) 607.682-010
CIRCULAR-SAWYER HELPER (stonework) 677.486-010
CIRCULAR SAWYER, STONE (stonework) 677.462-010
circular-shear operator (any industry) 615.482-030
Circular-Tank Cooper (wood. container) 764.684-030
CIRCULATING PROCESS INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 829.361-018
circulation clerk (library) 249.367-046
CIRCULATION CLERK (print. & pub.) 209.362-010
Circulation Librarian (library) 100.127-014
CIRCULATION-SALES REPRESENTATIVE (print. & pub.) 299.167-010
circulator (any industry) 914.682-010
CIRCUS AGENT (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-022
CIRCUS LABORER (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-010
CIRCUS-TRAIN SUPERVISOR (amuse. & rec.) 910.137-018
C-Iron Worker (wood prod., nec) 563.687-010
CISTERN-ROOM OPERATOR (beverage) 520.382-010
cistern-room working supervisor (beverage) 520.382-010
Citrus-Fruit Packer (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 920.687-134
Citrus-Fruit-Packing Grader (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 529.687-186
City Auditor (government ser.) 160.167-030
city carrier (government ser.) 230.367-010
City-Distribution Clerk (print. & pub.) 209.362-010
city editor (print. & pub.) 132.037-014
City-Library Director (library) 100.117-010
city planner (profess. & kin.) 199.167-014
CITY PLANNING AIDE (profess. & kin.) 199.364-010
city-planning engineer (profess. & kin.) 199.167-014
City-Plant Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 822.131-010
city service supervisor (motor trans.) 184.117-018
CIVIL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-014
CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 005.261-014
Civil Preparedness Coordinator (government ser.) 188.117-022
CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OFFICER (government ser.) 188.117-022
Civil Preparedness Operations Officer (government ser.) 188.117-022
Civil Preparedness Public Information Officer (government ser.) 169.127-010
Civil Preparedness Radiological Officer (government ser.) 188.117-022
Civil Preparedness Supply Specialist (government ser.) 188.117-022
CIVIL PREPAREDNESS TRAINING OFFICER (government ser.) 169.127-010
CIVIL-SERVICE CLERK (government ser.) 205.362-010
CLAIM ADJUSTER (business ser.; insurance) 241.217-010
CLAIM AGENT (petrol. & gas; pipe lines) 191.167-014
claim attorney (insurance) 110.117-014
Claim Clerk (clerical) 209.362-034
CLAIM EXAMINER (business ser.; insurance) 241.267-018
CLAIM EXAMINER (insurance) 168.267-014
CLAIMS ADJUDICATOR (government ser.) 169.267-010
claims administrator (insurance) 241.137-018
claims agent, right-of-way (any industry) 191.117-046
Claims And Insurance Information Clerk, Automobile Club (nonprofit org.)
CLAIMS CLERK (auto. mfg.) 241.387-010
claims clerk (r.r. trans.) 219.362-066
CLAIMS CLERK I (insurance) 241.362-010
CLAIMS CLERK II (insurance) 205.367-018
Claims Collector (clerical) 241.367-010
Clam-Bed Laborer (fishing & hunt.) 446.687-014
Clam-Bed Worker (fishing & hunt.) 446.684-014
Clam Digger (fishing & hunt.) 446.684-014
Clam Dredge Operator (fishing & hunt.) 446.663-010
Clam Grader (can. & preserv.) 529.687-098
Clam Grower (fishing & hunt.) 446.161-014
Clamp-Carrier Operator (woodworking) 762.687-034
Clamper (construction) 869.687-026
CLAMPER (pen & pencil) 733.687-026
CLAMPER (print. & pub.) 979.382-010
CLAMPER (woodworking) 669.685-030
CLAMP-JIG ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-022
CLAMP REMOVER (millwork-plywood) 569.687-010
Clamshell Operator I (any industry) 921.663-058
Clamshell Operator II (any industry) 921.663-062
Clam Shucker (can. & preserv.) 521.687-122
Clam-Shucking-Machine Tender (can. & preserv.) 529.685-214
CLAM SORTER (fishing & hunt.) 446.687-010
Clam Steamer (can. & preserv.) 529.685-214
Clam Tonger (fishing & hunt.) 446.684-014
Clam Treader (fishing & hunt.) 446.684-014
Clarification Operator (chemical) 551.685-122
CLARIFIER (beverage) 521.685-058
CLARIFIER (grain-feed mills; oils & grease) 521.685-054
clarifier (oils & grease) 529.382-026
clarifier (plastic-synth.) 559.687-038
Clarifier Operator (dairy products) 529.382-018
CLARIFIER OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.662-010
CLARIFIER-OPERATOR HELPER (smelt. & refin.) 511.667-010
CLARIFYING-PLANT OPERATOR (textile) 955.382-010
clasp machine operator (paper goods) 649.685-070
CLASSIFICATION CLERK (clerical) 206.387-010
classification inspector (r.r. trans.) 910.387-014
CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK I (print. & pub.) 247.367-010
CLASSIFIED-AD CLERK II (print. & pub.) 247.387-022
classified-copy-control clerk (print. & pub.) 247.387-022
CLASSIFIER (laundry & rel.) 361.687-014
CLASSIFIER (library) 100.367-014
CLASSIFIER (rubber goods) 753.467-010
CLASSIFIER OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.562-010
CLASSIFIER TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-014
classifying-machine operator (button & notion) 692.685-182
clay burner (petrol. refin.) 573.685-014
Clay-Coating-Machine Tender (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-018
Clay-Dry-Press Helper (brick & tile) 575.686-010
Clay-Dry-Press-Mixer Operator (brick & tile) 570.382-010
Clay-Dry-Press Operator (brick & tile) 575.662-010
Clay Hoister (cement) 850.683-018
clay-house worker (glass mfg.) 579.664-010
claying-up worker (pottery & porc.) 573.687-010
CLAY MAKER (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010
CLAY MIXER (brick & tile) 570.685-014
clay mixer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010
clay mixer (paper & pulp) 530.685-010
Clay Mixer (steel & rel.) 570.685-070
CLAY MODELER (any industry) 779.281-010
Clay-Plant Treater (petrol. refin.) 549.362-014
Clay-Products Glazer (elec. equip.) 599.685-026
clay puddler (brick & tile) 570.687-010
CLAY ROASTER (petrol. refin.) 573.685-014
CLAY-STAIN MIXER (brick & tile) 773.487-010
clay temperer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.382-010
clay thrower (pottery & porc.) 774.381-010
clay washer (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010
cleaner (any industry) 599.687-030
cleaner (any industry) 503.685-030
Cleaner (electroplating) 500.686-010
CLEANER (engraving) 704.687-010
CLEANER (fabrication, nec) 739.687-058
CLEANER (mfd. bldgs.) 869.687-018
cleaner (mine & quarry) 939.687-014
cleaner (optical goods) 716.687-010
CLEANER (ordnance) 503.684-010
Cleaner (tinware) 709.686-010
CLEANER AND POLISHER (any industry) 709.687-010
CLEANER AND PREPARER (elec. equip.) 721.687-010
cleaner assistant (laundry & rel.) 362.686-010
cleaner, carpet and upholstery (any industry) 389.664-010
CLEANER, FURNITURE (furniture) 709.687-014
cleaner-greaser (ordnance) 736.687-010
cleaner helper (laundry & rel.) 362.686-010
CLEANER, HOME RESTORATION SERVICE (any industry) 389.664-010
CLEANER, HOSPITAL (medical ser.) 323.687-010
CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING (any industry) 323.687-014
CLEANER I (any industry) master
CLEANER II (any industry) 919.687-014
CLEANER III (any industry) 911.687-014
CLEANER, INDUSTRIAL (any industry) 381.687-018
CLEANER, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (any industry) 381.687-022
cleaner operator (any industry) 503.362-010
cleaner operator (any industry) 389.683-010
CLEANER, SIGNS (fabrication, nec) 739.687-062
CLEANER-TOUCH-UP WORKER (office machines) 706.587-010
CLEANER, WALL (any industry) 381.687-026
CLEANER, WINDOW (any industry) 389.687-014
cleaning-machine operator (glass mfg.; glass products) 673.685-030
cleaning operator (any industry) 891.687-010
CLEAN-OUT DRILLER (petrol. & gas) 930.363-010
CLEAN-OUT-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. & gas) 930.664-014
CLEAN-RICE BROKER (grain-feed mills) 162.167-018
CLEAN-RICE GRADER AND REEL TENDER (grain-feed mills) 521.685-062
Clean-Up Helper, Banquet (hotel & rest.) 311.677-018
clean-up supervisor (construction) 869.133-010
clean-up worker (any industry) 381.687-014
clean-up worker (any industry) 381.687-018
clean-up worker (brick & tile) 579.667-010
CLEARANCE CUTTER (clock & watch) 615.685-014
clearing-distribution clerk (financial) 216.382-026
CLEARING-HOUSE CLERK (financial) 216.382-026
Clearing Inspector (office machines) 706.387-014
CLEARING SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.133-010
CLEAT FEEDER (wood. container) 669.687-010
Cleat Layer (wood. container) 669.686-014
Cleat Nailer (wood. container) 669.682-058
Cleat Notcher (wood. container) 669.382-010
cleat thrower (wood. container) 669.687-010
cleaver (jewelry-silver.) 770.381-014
CLERGY MEMBER (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
CLERICAL-METHODS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 161.267-010
clerk, cable transfer (tel. & tel.) 219.387-010
CLERK, GENERAL (clerical) 209.562-010
clerk, general office (clerical) 219.362-010
clerk guide (personal ser.) 359.573-010
CLERK-OF-SCALES (amuse. & rec.) 153.467-010
clerk-operator (tel. & tel.) 239.362-010
clerk, personal service bureau (tel. & tel.) 219.362-022
clerk, private wire-billing and control (tel. & tel.) 219.362-022
clerk, rating (tel. & tel.) 214.587-010
CLERK, ROUTE (tel. & tel.) 235.562-010
clerk-stenographer (clerical) 202.362-014
CLERK, TELEGRAPH SERVICE (tel. & tel.) 219.362-022
CLERK, TELEVISION PRODUCTION (radio-tv broad.) 221.367-086
clerk, travel reservations (clerical) 238.362-014
CLERK-TYPIST (clerical) 203.362-010
clicker (any industry) 699.682-022
clicker-machine operator (hat & cap) 686.685-038
clicker operator (any industry) 699.682-022
clicking-machine operator (any industry) 699.682-022
CLICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; glove & mit.; leather prod.) 789.382-010
CLINCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 616.685-014
clinical counselor (profess. & kin.) 045.107-050
Clinical Engineer (profess. & kin.) 019.061-010
Clinical Instructor (education) 090.227-010
Clinical Pathologist (medical ser.) 070.061-010
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 045.107-022
CLINICAL SOCIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 054.107-010
CLINICAL THERAPIST (profess. & kin.) 045.107-050
Clinical Transplant Coordinator (medical ser.) 079.151-010
clinical veterinarian (medical ser.) 073.061-030
clinic clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-018
CLIP-AND-HANGER ATTACHER (glass products) 739.684-038
clip baker (optical goods) 713.687-010
CLIP-BOLTER AND WRAPPER (metal prod., nec) 709.684-038
CLIP COATER (optical goods) 713.687-010
CLIP-LOADING-MACHINE ADJUSTER (ordnance) 694.362-010
CLIP-LOADING-MACHINE FEEDER (ordnance) 694.686-010
CLIPPER (any industry) 789.687-030
CLIPPER (boot & shoe) 753.687-010
clipper (carpet & rug) 781.684-046
CLIPPER (fabrication, nec) 739.685-022
clipper (hat & cap) 585.685-046
Clipper (laundry & rel.) 361.687-018
clipper and turner (any industry) 789.687-182
CLIPPER AND TURNER (furniture) 780.687-014
clipper, automatic (knitting) 684.686-010
CLIPPER, AUTOMATIC (millwork-plywood) 663.585-010
Clipper, Counters (rubber goods) 753.687-010
CLIPPER, MACHINE (knitting) 684.686-010
clipper offbearer (millwork-plywood) 663.686-018
Clipper, Outside Back Stay (rubber goods) 753.687-010
Clipper, Tongues (rubber goods) 753.687-010
clipping marker (business ser.) 249.387-022
clipping, stringing, and turning machine tender (tex. prod., nec) 689.585-018
Clip Riveter (metal prod., nec) 706.684-090
clip wrapper (metal prod., nec) 709.684-038
CLOCK ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.684-058
CLOCKER (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-010
clocker (optical goods) 716.687-026
clockmaker (clock & watch) 715.281-010
clockmaker apprentice (clock & watch) 715.281-014
closer (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
Closer (glove & mit.) 784.682-010
Closer (metal prod., nec) 616.682-034
CLOSER (real estate) 186.167-074
Closer (toy-sport equip.) 787.682-054
closet builder (mfd. bldgs.) 869.684-038
Closing Supervisor (metal prod., nec) 691.130-014
Cloth-And-Leather-Department Supervisor (leather prod.) 783.132-010
CLOTH-BALE HEADER (textile) 782.687-018
Cloth Baler (textile) 920.685-010
cloth beamer (textile) 689.685-046
Cloth-Bin Packer (textile) 922.687-058
Cloth-Bleaching-Range Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010
Cloth-Bleaching-Range Operator, Chief (textile) 589.562-010
Cloth-Bleaching-Range Tender (textile) 589.685-026
Cloth-Bleaching Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
CLOTH-BOLT BANDER (textile) 920.587-010
Cloth-Brushing-And-Sueding Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
cloth calender (nonmet. min.) 583.585-010
cloth changer (beverage) 529.667-014
cloth classer (textile) 689.387-010
Cloth-Colors Examiner (textile) 781.687-014
cloth-covered-helmet puller (hat & cap) 689.685-074
cloth coverer (hat & cap) 689.685-074
Cloth-Cutting Inspector (textile) 781.687-014
cloth-cutting-machine operator (any industry) 781.684-014
CLOTH DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.061-014
Cloth-Desizing-Range Operator, Chief (textile) 589.562-010
Cloth-Desizing-Range Tender (textile) 589.685-026
CLOTH DOFFER (textile) 689.686-058
CLOTH DRIER (knitting) 580.685-014
cloth drier (textile) 589.686-010
cloth-dry-can operator (textile) 581.685-022
Cloth-Dyeing-Range Operator, Chief (textile) 589.562-010
Cloth-Dyeing-Range Tender (textile) 589.685-026
cloth dyer (textile) 582.665-014
cloth dyer (textile) 582.582-010
CLOTH-EDGE SINGER (textile) 585.687-018
clothes designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-018
Clothes-Drier Assembler (house. appl.) 827.684-010
Clothes-Drier Repairer (any industry) 827.261-010
clothes marker (laundry & rel.) 369.687-026
CLOTHESPIN-DRIER OPERATOR (woodworking) 563.685-014
CLOTHESPIN-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.686-010
clothes wringer (any industry) 581.685-038
CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (narrow fabrics) 689.687-022
CLOTH EXAMINER, HAND (textile) 781.687-014
CLOTH EXAMINER, MACHINE (textile) 689.685-038
CLOTH FEEDER (textile) 589.686-014
CLOTH FINISHER (carpet & rug; textile) 589.130-010
Cloth-Finishing-Range Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010
CLOTH-FINISHING-RANGE TENDER (textile) 589.685-026
CLOTH FOLDER (textile) term
CLOTH FOLDER, HAND (tex. prod., nec; textile) 589.687-014
cloth folder, machine (textile) 689.585-014
cloth folder, machine (textile) 689.685-078
CLOTH FRAMER (textile) 689.687-026
CLOTH GRADER (textile) 689.387-010
CLOTH-GRADER SUPERVISOR (textile) 689.134-010
cloth handler (textile) 689.686-058
Cloth Hauler (textile) 929.687-030
CLOTHING MAKER (garment) term
clothing operator (garment) see CLOTHING MAKER
CLOTHING-PATTERN PREPARER (garment) 781.287-010
Clothing Sorter (nonprofit org.) 222.387-054
cloth inspector (carpet & rug; textile) 683.684-034
CLOTH INSPECTOR (knitting) 685.687-010
cloth inspector (textile) 689.685-038
Cloth Joiner, Tents (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-058
Cloth-Laminating Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
cloth layer (any industry) 781.687-058
cloth layer-out (textile) 781.687-038
CLOTH MEASURER, MACHINE (garment; textile) 589.685-022
Cloth-Mercerizer Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010
CLOTH-MERCERIZER OPERATOR (textile) 584.685-014
Cloth-Mercerizing Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
Cloth-Napping Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
Cloth Neutralizer (textile) 582.685-030
Cloth Numberer (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-022
cloth opener, hand (textile) 589.685-090
cloth pattern maker (profess. & kin.) 142.061-014
cloth picker (carpet & rug; textile) 689.684-010
cloth presser (textile) 584.685-042
CLOTH PRINTER (any industry) 652.382-010
Cloth Printer (ordnance) 651.685-022
CLOTH-PRINTER HELPER (any industry) 652.686-010
Cloth-Printer Helper (tex. prod., nec) 586.686-022
CLOTH-PRINTING INSPECTOR (textile) 652.567-010
Cloth-Printing-Machine-Operator Helper (tex. prod., nec) 589.687-026
CLOTH REELER (textile) 689.685-042
cloth-roll winder (textile) 689.685-046
CLOTH SANDER (textile) 581.685-010
Cloth-Seconds Sorter (textile) 789.687-146
CLOTH SHADER (garment; textile) 582.685-026
cloth shearer (carpet & rug; textile) 585.685-102
Cloth-Shearing Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
cloth shrinker (textile) 587.685-018
Cloth-Shrinking Supervisor (textile) 589.130-010
CLOTH-SHRINKING TESTER (textile) 587.384-010
cloth sponger (textile) 587.685-018
cloth spreader (any industry) 781.687-058
cloth spreader (knitting) 580.685-014
CLOTH-STOCK SORTER (tex. prod., nec; textile) 789.687-034
cloth stretcher (textile) 580.685-066
CLOTH TEARER (garment) 781.687-018
CLOTH TESTER (garment; textile) 029.381-010
CLOTH TESTER, QUALITY (textile) 689.384-010
Cloth Trimmer, Hand (textile) 781.687-070
CLOTH TRIMMER, MACHINE (textile) 585.685-026
Cloth Washer (any industry) 361.685-018
Cloth-Washer Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010
CLOTH-WASHER OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-030
Cloth Weigher (knitting) 222.387-074
CLOTH WINDER (textile) 689.685-046
CLOWN (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-010
club former (toy-sport equip.) 732.381-018
Clubhouse Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 358.677-014
Cluster-Bore Operator (woodworking) 666.382-010
Clutch Assembler (motor-bicycles) 806.684-094
CLUTCH REBUILDER (automotive ser.) 620.684-022

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Revised 2/10/97
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