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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.

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dobby-loom chain-pegger (narrow fabrics; textile) 689.687-054
Dobby-Loom Fixer (textile) 683.260-018
dock attendant (amuse. & rec.) 342.667-010
dock boss (water trans.) 911.137-018
Dock Builder (construction) 860.381-042
Dock Cleaner (steel & rel.) 911.687-014
Dock Grader (woodworking) 669.687-030
Dock Guard (any industry) 372.667-034
DOCK HAND (air trans.) 919.683-010
DOCK HAND (ship-boat mfg.) 891.684-010
dock hand (water trans.) 911.364-014
dock helper (water trans.) 911.687-010
DOCK SUPERVISOR (ship-boat mfg.) 891.131-010
dock worker (can. & preserv.) 922.687-062
doctor, chiropractic (medical ser.) 079.101-010
DOCTOR, NATUROPATHIC (medical ser.) 079.101-014
doctor, osteopathic (medical ser.) 071.101-010
DOCUMENTATION-BILLING CLERK (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.)
DOCUMENTATION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167-078
DOCUMENTATION SUPERVISOR (water trans.) 214.137-010
DOCUMENT PREPARER, MICROFILMING (business ser.) 249.587-018
DOCUMENT RESTORER (profess. & kin.) 979.361-010
doffer (plastic-synth.) 582.685-162
DOFFER (textile) 689.686-022
DOG BATHER (personal ser.) 418.677-010
dog beautician (personal ser.) 418.674-010
Dog Breeder (agriculture) 410.161-010
DOG CATCHER (government ser.) 379.673-010
Dog-Food Dough Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-234
DOG GROOMER (personal ser.) 418.674-010
dog-hair clipper (personal ser.) 418.674-010
DOG LICENSER (nonprofit org.) 249.367-030
Dog-Pound Attendant (government ser.) 410.674-010
dog warden (government ser.) 379.673-010
Doll-Eye-Setter (toy-sport equip.) 731.687-034
DOLL REPAIRER (any industry) 731.684-014
doll-wig maker, rooted hair (fabrication, nec) 731.685-010
DOLLY PUSHER (radio-tv broad.) 962.687-010
DOMER (paper goods) 641.685-038
DOOR ASSEMBLER (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 806.684-050
DOOR ASSEMBLER I (woodworking) 762.684-034
Door Assembler II (woodworking) 762.687-050
Door-Clamp Operator (saw. & plan.) 669.685-030
Door Closer (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-026
DOOR-CLOSER MECHANIC (any industry) 630.381-014
DOOR CORE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-030
Door-Engine Repairer (automotive ser.; railroad equip.) 620.381-018
Door Fitter (furniture) 763.684-026
Door-Frame Assembler, Machine (woodworking) 669.685-042
Door-Glass Installer (saw. & plan.) 865.684-014
Door Hanger (construction) 860.381-022
Door Installer I (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 809.684-030
Door Installer II (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 869.684-026
DOORKEEPER (any industry) 324.677-014
Door-Lock Installer (struct. metal) 809.684-010
DOOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 519.663-010
Door Maker (saw. & plan.) 669.380-014
Door Patcher (woodworking) 769.684-030
Door Repairer (steel & rel.) 861.381-026
door repairer, bus (automotive ser.) 807.381-010
doorshaker (business ser.) 372.667-038
Door Slinger (grain-feed mills) 529.685-154
dope-and-fabric worker (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) 849.381-010
DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (chemical) 559.685-046
Dope Edger (boot & shoe) 788.684-066
dope firer (construction) 869.685-010
dope heater (construction) 869.685-010
dope-house operator helper (chemical) 559.685-046
dope mixer (chemical) 550.685-106
Dope Mixer (chemical) 550.382-018
Dope Pourer (construction) 869.687-026
doper (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) 849.381-010
doper (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
doper (photofinishing) 976.681-010
Doper Operator (tinware) 741.687-018
Dope Sprayer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
dopster (garment) 781.287-010
dormitory supervisor (education) 045.107-038
DORR OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 522.685-050
dosimetrist (medical ser.) 078.261-034
DOT ETCHER (print. & pub.) 972.281-010
DOT ETCHER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 972.281-018
DOUBLE (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 961.364-010
Double-Bottom Driver (any industry) 904.383-010
Double-Corner Cutter (paper goods) 640.685-030
Double-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-022
double-cut sawyer (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 667.682-034
Double Cutter (boot & shoe) 699.682-022
Double-End-Chucking-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.382-010
Double-Ending-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-042
Double-End-Production Grinder (metal prod., nec) 616.485-010
Double-End Sewer (paper goods) 787.686-010
Double-End-Tenoner Operator (woodworking) 669.382-018
Double-End-Tenoner Setter (woodworking) 669.280-010
Double-Facing-Corrugating-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.562-010
Double-Fold-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-046
Double-Lay-Winder-And-Paraffin-Unit Operator (nonfer. metal) 691.682-018
Double-Needle Operator, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-170
Double-Needle Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
doubler (textile) 681.685-046
Double-Spindle-Disk Grinder Tender, Spring End (metal prod., nec) 603.685-062
Double-Spindle-Shaper Operator (woodworking) 665.682-034
doubling-and-rolling-machine operator (textile) 689.685-050
doubling-machine operator (rubber goods) 554.665-014
doubling-machine operator (textile) 689.685-050
DOUBLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-046
DOUGH-BRAKE-MACHINE OPERATOR (bakery products) 520.685-090
DOUGH MIXER (bakery products) 520.685-234
Dough-Mixer Helper (bakery products) 526.686-010
DOUGH-MIXER OPERATOR (bakery products) 520.462-010
dough molder, hand (bakery products) 520.384-010
Doughnut-Batter Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-010
doughnut-cooking-machine operator (bakery products) 526.682-022
Doughnut-Dough Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-234
Doughnut Icer (bakery products) 524.684-022
Doughnut Icer, Machine (bakery products) 524.685-034
DOUGHNUT-MACHINE OPERATOR (bakery products) 526.682-022
Doughnut-Machine-Operator Helper (bakery products) 526.686-010
DOUGHNUT MAKER (bakery products) 526.684-010
dough sheeter (bakery products) 520.685-214
DOVETAIL-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood. container) 669.685-046
Dovetail-Machine Operator (woodworking) 665.382-014
doweler (wood. container) 764.687-062
doweler (woodworking) 669.685-050
DOWELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.685-050
DOWEL-INSERTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.682-042
DOWEL INSPECTOR (woodworking) 669.687-014
DOWEL-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-010
DOWEL POINTER (woodworking) 667.685-038
Dowel-Sander Operator (woodworking) 662.685-014
dowel-setting-machine operator (woodworking) 669.685-050
dowel-sticker operator (woodworking) 665.682-010
Down Filler (tex. prod., nec) 780.684-066

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Revised 2/10/97

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