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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.


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Gaffer (fishing & hunt.) 443.684-010
gaffer (glass mfg.) 772.381-022
Gag-Press Straightener (steel & rel.) 617.482-026
Gag Writer (profess. & kin.) 131.067-026
GALLEY STRIPPER (print. & pub.) 973.681-010
galvanizer (any industry) 503.685-030
Galvanizer, Zinc (galvanizing) 501.685-010
galvanizing dipper (galvanizing) 501.685-010
Galvanometer Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.384-010
gambling broker (amuse. & rec.) 249.587-010
GAMBLING DEALER (amuse. & rec.) 343.464-010
GAMBLING MONITOR (amuse. & rec.) 343.367-014
GAMBRELER (meat products) 525.687-030
GAMBRELER HELPER (meat products) 525.687-034
game and fish protector (government ser.) 379.167-010
GAME ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 342.657-014
GAME-BIRD FARMER (agriculture) 412.161-010
GAME-FARM HELPER (agriculture) 412.684-010
GAMEKEEPER (agriculture) 169.171-010
game operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.657-014
Game Protector (government ser.) 379.167-010
game show host/hostess (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-018
game warden (government ser.) 379.167-010
GAMMA-FACILITIES OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 015.362-014
Gang-Bore Operator (woodworking) 666.382-010
gang boss (petrol. refin.) 899.137-018
gang boss (water trans.) 911.137-018
gang-drill-press operator (machine shop) 606.380-010
Gang-Hemstitching-Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 787.685-018
gang leader (any industry) see STRAW BOSS
gang-punch operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-114
gang pusher (petrol. refin.) 899.137-018
gang rider (any industry) 932.664-010
Gang-Ripsaw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-066
gang-saw operator (stonework) 670.362-010
GANG SAWYER (saw. & plan.) 667.682-030
GANG SAWYER, STONE (stonework) 670.362-010
gang supervisor, pipe lines (petrol. & gas) 862.131-022
Gang-Vibrator Operator (construction) 853.663-014
gang worker (petrol. & gas) 869.684-046
Gantry Crane Operator (any industry) 921.663-010
Garage-Door Hanger (construction) 860.381-022
garage mechanic (automotive ser.) 620.261-010
GARAGE SERVICER, INDUSTRIAL (any industry) 915.687-014
GARBAGE-COLLECTION SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 909.137-014
GARBAGE COLLECTOR (motor trans.) 955.687-022
GARBAGE COLLECTOR DRIVER (motor trans.) 905.663-010
GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.) 313.361-034
garde manger (water trans.) 315.381-014
gardener (any industry) 406.684-014
Gardener (domestic ser.) 301.687-018
gardener-florist (agriculture; museums) 406.684-018
garden farmer (agriculture) 402.161-010
Garden-Hose Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.662-014
garden worker (agriculture) 402.687-010
GARDEN WORKER (agriculture; museums) 406.684-018
GARLAND-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 692.685-090
GARMENT-ALTERATION EXAMINER (retail trade) 789.687-078
garment examiner (laundry & rel.) 369.687-022
garment finisher (any industry) 782.684-058
GARMENT FITTER (retail trade) 785.361-014
GARMENT FOLDER (garment; knitting) 789.687-066
GARMENT INSPECTOR (any industry) 789.687-070
Garment Looper (knitting) 689.682-010
garment maker (garment) see CLOTHING MAKER
garment marker (laundry & rel.) 369.687-026
Garment-Parts Cutter, Hand (garment) 781.684-074
Garment-Parts Cutter, Machine (garment) 781.684-014
Garment Ripper, Alterations (garment) 782.687-038
garment sewer, hand (any industry) 782.684-058
GARMENT SORTER (garment) 222.687-014
GARMENT STEAMER (knitting) 582.685-078
Garment-Tag Stringer (paper goods) 794.687-054
GARMENT TURNER (garment; knitting) 789.687-074
Garment Weigher (knitting) 222.387-074
GARNETTER (furniture; tex. prod., nec) 680.685-054
garnetter (textile) 680.685-050
Garnett Feeder (tex. prod., nec) 680.686-018
Garnett Fixer (tex. prod., nec) 689.260-010
garnetting-machine operator (textile) 680.685-050
GARNETT-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 680.685-050
Garnett-Machine-Operator Helper (tex. prod., nec) 586.686-022
GARNISHER (sugar & conf.) 524.687-014
gas analyst (petrol. refin.) 029.261-022
gas-and-oil checker (motor trans.) 915.587-010
GAS-AND-OIL SERVICER (motor trans.) 915.587-010
gas-anneal feeder (heat treating) 504.685-014
GAS-APPLIANCE SERVICER (any industry) 637.261-018
GAS-APPLIANCE-SERVICER HELPER (any industry) 637.684-010
gasateria attendant (automotive ser.) 915.477-010
GAS CHARGER (svc. ind. mach.) 827.485-010
GAS-CHECK-PAD MAKER (ordnance) 736.684-034
GAS-COMPRESSOR OPERATOR (any industry) 950.382-014
gas-cutting-machine operator (welding) 816.482-010
gas-cylinder inspector (chemical) 953.387-010
Gas-Delivery Driver (petrol. refin.; retail trade; wholesale tr.) 903.683-018
gas desulfurizer (steel & rel.) 541.362-010
GAS DISPATCHER (pipe lines; utilities) 953.167-010
gas-distribution supervisor (utilities) 862.137-010
gas-engine engineer (petrol. & gas) 950.382-022
GAS-ENGINE OPERATOR (any industry) 950.382-018
Gas-Engine Operator, Compressors (any industry) 950.382-018
Gas-Engine Operator, Generators (any industry) 950.382-018
GAS-ENGINE REPAIRER (any industry) 625.281-026
gas fitter (utilities) 953.364-010
gas-fitter helper (any industry) 637.684-010
Gas-Generator Operator (chemical) 559.382-018
Gas Inspector (mine & quarry) 168.267-074
GAS INSPECTOR (utilities) 168.264-018
Gas Inspector, Liquefied (government ser.) 168.264-018
Gasket Attacher (machinery mfg.) 795.687-014
GASKET INSPECTOR (nonmet. min.) 739.687-102
Gasket Molder (rubber goods) 556.685-066
Gasket Notcher (rubber goods) 690.680-010
GASKET SUPERVISOR (wood prod., nec) 569.130-010
GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR (pipe lines; utilities) 953.367-010
GAS-LEAK INSPECTOR HELPER (pipe lines; utilities) 953.667-010
GAS-LEAK TESTER (svc. ind. mach.) 827.584-014
gas-lift engineer (any industry) 950.382-014
GAS-MAIN FITTER (utilities) 862.361-014
GAS-MASK ASSEMBLER (protective dev.) 712.684-022
GAS-MASK INSPECTOR (protective dev.) 712.687-022
gas-meter adjuster (utilities) 710.281-022
GAS-METER CHECKER (utilities) 953.367-014
GAS-METER INSTALLER (utilities) 953.364-010
GAS-METER-INSTALLER HELPER (utilities) 953.687-010
GAS-METER MECHANIC I (utilities) 710.381-022
GAS-METER MECHANIC II (utilities) 710.684-026
GAS-METER PROVER (utilities) 710.281-022
Gas-Meter Reader (utilities) 209.567-010
gas-meter repairer (utilities) 710.684-026
GAS-METER TESTER (utilities) term
Gasoline-Dragline Operator (any industry) 850.683-018
Gasoline-Engine Assembler (engine-turbine) 806.481-014
Gasoline-Engine Inspector (engine-turbine) 806.261-010
gasoline finisher (petrol. refin.) 540.462-010
Gasoline-Locomotive-Crane Operator (any industry) 921.663-038
Gasoline-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry) 850.683-030
Gasoline-Tractor Operator (any industry) 929.683-014
Gasoline-Truck-Crane Operator (any industry) 921.663-062
Gasoline-Truck Operator (any industry) 921.683-050
gas-pit specialist (any industry) 638.381-010
GAS-PUMPING-STATION HELPER (utilities) 953.684-010
GAS-PUMPING-STATION OPERATOR (utilities) 953.382-010
GAS-PUMPING-STATION SUPERVISOR (utilities) 953.137-010
Gas-Refrigerator Servicer (any industry) 637.261-018
GAS-REGULATOR REPAIRER (petrol. refin.; pipe lines; utilities) 710.381-026
GAS-REGULATOR-REPAIRER HELPER (petrol. refin.; pipe lines; utilities) 710.384-010
Gas-Roller Operator (construction) 859.683-030
gas-scrubber operator (chemical) 551.362-010
GASSER (textile) 585.685-050
gas-station attendant (automotive ser.) 915.467-010
Gas-Stove Servicer (any industry) 637.261-018
Gas-Stove-Servicer Helper (any industry) 637.684-010
gas-substation operator (utilities) 953.382-010
gas tender (automotive ser.) 915.467-010
gas tender (steel & rel.) 519.683-014
gas tester (chemical) 549.364-010
GAS-TRANSFER OPERATOR (chemical) 914.585-010
GAS TREATER (any industry) 546.385-010
Gas-Turbine-Powerplant Mechanic (utilities) 631.261-014
Gas-Turbine-Powerplant-Mechanic Helper (utilities) 631.684-010
GAS USAGE METER CLERK (petrol. refin.; pipe lines; utilities) 216.685-010
GAS-WELDING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (any industry) 626.381-014
gas worker (chemical) 559.565-010
GATE AGENT (air trans.) 238.367-010
Gate Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 344.667-010
gate cutter (woodworking) 667.482-014
GATE GUARD (any industry) 372.667-030
Gate Guard (r.r. trans.) 376.667-018
gatekeeper (any industry) 372.667-030
gate-mortiser operator (woodworking) 667.482-014
Gate-Shear Operator I (any industry) 615.685-034
Gate-Shear Operator II (any industry) 615.682-018
gate tender (musical inst.) 690.686-042
gatherer (any industry) 787.682-078
GATHERER (glass mfg.) 575.684-026
Gathering-Machine Feeder (print. & pub.) 653.686-026
Gathering-Machine Setter (print. & pub.) 653.360-018
gauge checker (machine shop) 601.281-018
Gauge Controller (clock & watch) 601.281-022
Gauge Maker (machine shop) 601.281-026
GAUGE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 692.682-042
gauger (any industry) 609.684-010
GAUGER (beverage) 529.387-022
gauger (beverage) 529.587-010
GAUGER (clock & watch) 715.687-034
gauger (fabrication, nec) 590.685-022
GAUGER (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384-010
GAUGER (protective dev.) 712.687-018
GAUGER, CHIEF (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.134-010
gauger, chief delivery (pipe lines) 914.132-022
Gauger, Delivery (pipe lines) 914.384-010
Gauging-Machine Operator (ordnance) 737.685-010
gauntlet pairer (glove & mit.) 784.687-034

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Revised 2/10/97

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