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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.


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tc operator (chemical) 559.682-062
Tea-Bag-Machine Tender (food prep., nec) 920.685-078
Tea Blender (food prep., nec) 520.585-026
TEACHER (museums) 099.227-038
TEACHER, ADULT EDUCATION (education) 099.227-030
TEACHER, ADVENTURE EDUCATION (education) 099.224-014
teacher aide, clerical (education) 249.367-074
TEACHER AIDE I (education) 099.327-010
TEACHER AIDE II (education) 249.367-074
TEACHER, ART (education) 149.021-010
teacher assistant (education) 099.327-010
Teacher, Ballet (education) 151.027-014
Teacher, Child Development Center (education) 092.227-018
Teacher, Citizenship (education) 099.227-030
teacher, dancing (education) 151.027-014
Teacher, Day Care Center (education) 092.227-018
TEACHER, DRAMA (education) 150.027-014
teacher, dramatics (education) 150.027-014
teacher, driver education (education) 099.223-010
Teacher, Early Childhood Development (education) 092.227-018
TEACHER, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (education) 092.227-010
TEACHER, EMOTIONALLY IMPAIRED (education) 094.227-010
TEACHER, HEARING IMPAIRED (education) 094.224-010
TEACHER, HOME (education) term
TEACHER, HOME THERAPY (social ser.) 195.227-018
TEACHER, INDUSTRIAL ARTS (education) 091.221-010
Teacher, Instrumental (education) 152.021-010
Teacher, Junior College (education) 090.227-010
TEACHER, KINDERGARTEN (education) 092.227-014
TEACHER, LEARNING DISABLED (education) 094.227-030
Teacher, Lip Reading (education) 094.224-010
TEACHER, MENTALLY IMPAIRED (education) 094.227-022
TEACHER, MUSIC (education) 152.021-010
Teacher, Nursery School (education) 092.227-018
teacher, physical education (education) 099.224-010
TEACHER, PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED (education) 094.224-014
TEACHER, PRESCHOOL (education) 092.227-018
teacher, private (education) 099.227-034
teacher, public health (profess. & kin.) 079.117-014
TEACHER, RESOURCE (education) 099.227-042
TEACHER, SECONDARY SCHOOL (education) 091.227-010
teacher selection specialist (education) 099.167-010
teacher, theater arts (education) 150.027-014
TEACHER, VISUALLY IMPAIRED (education) 094.224-018
Teacher, Vocal (education) 152.021-010
teacher, vocational training (education) 097.221-010
TEACHER, VOCATIONAL TRAINING (education) 094.227-026
Teaching Assistant (education) 090.227-010
Tea-Leaf Reader (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-018
team coordinator (auto. mfg.) 806.367-014
team coordinator (auto. mfg.) 806.367-010
team driver (any industry) 919.664-010
team leader (auto. mfg.) 806.134-010
team leader (auto. mfg.) 806.367-014
team member (auto. mfg.) 806.684-010
TEAMSTER (any industry) 919.664-010
tear-down matcher (textile) 582.687-022
tearer (garment) 781.687-018
tearer, press clipping (business ser.) 249.587-014
tear-up worker, spring (automotive ser.) 620.584-010
Tea Taster (food prep., nec) 529.281-010
technical aide (profess. & kin.) see TECHNICIAN
technical aide, flight test data (aircraft mfg.) 002.262-010
technical assistant (profess. & kin.) see TECHNICIAN
technical assistant (pharmaceut.) 559.384-010
TECHNICAL COORDINATOR (government ser.) 209.132-014
TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, CHEMICAL PLANT (profess. & kin.) 008.167-010
TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 017.281-034
technical-maintenance technician (photo. appar.) 714.281-026
technical manager, chemical plant (profess. & kin.) 008.167-010
technical operations specialist (profess. & kin.) 033.162-018
TECHNICAL OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 930.167-010
Technical Operator, Grain Preparation (chemical) 590.464-010
technical release analyst (any industry) 229.267-010
technical specialist (museums) 962.261-010
technical specialist, aircraft systems (aircraft mfg.) 621.221-010
Technical Stenographer (clerical) 202.362-014
TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 033.162-018
TECHNICAL TESTING ENGINEER (motion picture) 194.381-010
technician (glass mfg.) 579.367-014
TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) term
technician, automated equipment (machinery mfg.) 638.261-010
technician, automatic (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010
TECHNICIAN, NEWS GATHERING (radio-tv broad.) 194.362-022
technician-photographer/editor (radio-tv broad.) 194.362-022
TECHNICIAN, PLANT AND MAINTENANCE (radio-tv broad.) 822.281-030
technician, terminal and repeater (tel. & tel.) 822.261-026
technician, test systems (any industry) 726.261-018
technologist, biochemistry (medical ser.) 078.261-010
Tectonophysicist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-030
TELECINE OPERATOR (radio-tv broad.) 194.362-018
TELECOMMUNICATOR (government ser.) 379.362-018
Telegram Messenger (tel. & tel.) 230.663-010
telegraph-equipment maintainer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010
TELEGRAPHER (r.r. trans.) 236.562-010
TELEGRAPHER AGENT (r.r. trans.) 236.562-014
Telegraphic-Instrument Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 722.131-010
Telegraphic-Service Dispatcher (tel. & tel.) 959.167-010
Telegraphic-Typewriter Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-010
telegraphic-typewriter operator, chief (clerical) 203.132-010
Telegraphic-Typewriter Repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010
telegraph operator, automatic (clerical) 203.582-050
TELEGRAPH-PLANT MAINTAINER (tel. & tel.) 822.381-022
Telegraph-Repeater Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-010
Telegraph-Repeater Technician (tel. & tel.) 822.261-026
TELEGRAPH-SERVICE RATER (tel. & tel.) 214.587-010
telemarketer (any industry) 299.357-014
telemetry technician (medical ser.) 078.367-010
Telephone Ad Taker (print. & pub.) 247.367-010
TELEPHONE CLERK, TELEGRAPH OFFICE (tel. & tel.) 239.362-010
Telephone Coin-Box Collector (tel. & tel.) 292.687-010
Telephone-Diaphragm Assembler (comm. equip.; elec. equip.) 729.684-026
TELEPHONE-DIRECTORY DELIVERER (business ser.) 230.667-014
telephone-information clerk (financial) 237.367-046
Telephone-Instrument Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 722.131-010
telephone-interceptor operator (business ser.) 235.662-026
TELEPHONE OPERATOR (clerical) 235.662-022
telephone operator (tel. & tel.) 235.462-010
TELEPHONE OPERATOR, CHIEF (clerical) 235.137-010
Telephone-Order Clerk (clerical) 249.362-026
Telephone-Order Clerk, Drive-in (hotel & rest.) 209.567-014
Telephone-Order Clerk, Room Service (hotel & rest.) 209.567-014
Telephone-Order Dispatcher (clerical) 249.362-026
telephone-plant power operator (tel. & tel.) 952.382-014
TELEPHONE QUOTATION CLERK (financial) 237.367-046
telephoner (r.r. trans.) 236.562-010
telephone repairer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-022
telephone-sales agent (air trans.) 238.367-018
telephone sales representative (any industry) 299.357-014
TELEPHONE SOLICITOR (any industry) 299.357-014
telephone supervisor (tel. & tel.) 239.132-010
telephone-switchboard operator (clerical) 235.662-022
Telephone-Switch Repairer (comm. equip.; elec. equip.) 729.684-038
telephoto engineer (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.) 193.362-010
Telephoto Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018
telephoto operator (print. & pub.) 239.382-010
Teleprinter Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018
teleticketing agent (air trans.) 248.382-010
Teletype Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-010
teletypesetter monitor (print. & pub.) 650.685-010
teletype-telegrapher (r.r. trans.) 236.562-010
TELEVISION-AND-RADIO REPAIRER (any industry) 720.281-018
Television Announcer (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-010
Television-Cabinet Finisher (woodworking) 763.381-010
TELEVISION INSTALLER (any industry) 823.361-010
television-picture-tube rebuilder (electron. comp.) 725.381-010
Television Producer (radio-tv broad.) 159.117-010
Television-Receiver Analyzer (electron. comp.) 726.261-018
television repairer (any industry) 720.281-018
TELEVISION-SCHEDULE COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.) 199.382-010
TELEVISION TECHNICIAN (radio-tv broad.) 194.062-010
Television-Tube Inspector (glass mfg.) 579.384-018
TELLER (financial) 211.362-018
TELLER (utilities) 211.462-034
TELLER, HEAD (financial) 211.132-010
TELLER, VAULT (financial) 211.382-010
Tempeh Maker (food prep., nec) 529.685-290
TEMPERATURE-CONTROL INSPECTOR (plastic-synth.) 559.467-010
TEMPERATURE INSPECTOR (meat products) 529.687-202
temperer (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 582.685-050
TEMPERER (heat treating) 504.682-026
tempering-kiln tender (heat treating) 504.685-018
tempering-machine operator (sugar & conf.) 523.682-010
Temper-Mill Roller (steel & rel.) 613.662-018
TEMPLATE CUTTER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 703.684-018
Template Inspector (any industry) 619.261-010
TEMPLATE MAKER (any industry) 601.381-038
TEMPLATE MAKER, EXTRUSION DIE (machine shop) 601.280-038
TEMPLATE MAKER, TRACK (any industry) 809.484-014
TEMPLATE REPRODUCTION TECHNICIAN (aircraft mfg.) 976.381-022
Template-Storage Clerk (clerical) 222.387-058
Temple-Meat Cutter (meat products) 525.684-034
templer, head (meat products) 525.684-034
tenant relations coordinator (social ser.) 195.167-014
tenderizer tender (millwork-plywood) 669.685-038
TENNIS-BALL-COVER CEMENTER (toy-sport equip.) 795.687-030
TENNIS-BALL COVERER, HAND (toy-sport equip.) 795.687-026
Tennis Coach (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010
Tennis-Court Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 341.367-010
Tennis-Net Maker (tex. prod., nec) 789.684-030
Tennis-Racket Repairer (any industry) 732.684-122
Tenoner Offbearer (woodworking) 669.686-034
TENONER OPERATOR (wood prod., nec) 677.682-026
TENONER OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.382-018
tension checker (textile) 683.687-034
TENSIONING-MACHINE OPERATOR (concrete prod.) 616.665-010
tension machine operator (paper goods) 649.685-070
Tension Regulator (print. & pub.) 651.362-030
Tent Assembler (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-058
Tenter-Frame Back-Tender (textile) 589.686-010
Tenter-Frame Feeder (textile) 589.686-014
TENTER-FRAME OPERATOR (textile) 580.685-066
tentering-machine off-bearer (textile) 589.686-010
tentering-machine operator (textile) 580.685-066
Tent Finisher (tex. prod., nec) 789.484-014
Tentmaker (tex. prod., nec) 739.381-010
Terminal-Block Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.687-010
terminal gauger (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384-010
terminal-gauger supervisor (pipe lines) 914.132-022
TERMINAL-MAKEUP OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 208.382-010
terminal manager (motor trans.) 184.167-110
terminal superintendent (petrol. refin.; retail trade) 181.117-010
TERMINAL SUPERINTENDENT (r.r. trans.) 184.167-254
terminal supervisor (chemical) 559.132-138
terminal supervisor (petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.137-018
termination clerk (insurance) 203.382-014
termite treater (business ser.) 383.364-010
termite-treater helper (business ser.) 383.687-010
Terra-Cotta Mason (construction) 861.381-018
TERRAZZO FINISHER (construction) 861.664-014
terrazzo helper (construction) 861.664-014
terrazzo mechanic helper (construction) 861.664-014
Terrazzo Polisher (construction) 861.381-046
TERRAZZO-TILE MAKER (brick & tile) 575.684-046
TERRAZZO WORKER (construction) 861.381-046
TERRAZZO-WORKER APPRENTICE (construction) 861.381-050
terrazzo worker helper (construction) 861.664-014
Terry-Cloth Cutter, Hand (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-074
Terry-Cloth Cutter, Machine (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-014
test assembler (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 509.584-010
test-bore helper (any industry) 930.687-014
test borer (any industry) 930.682-010
test-boring crew chief (construction) 850.137-010
test carrier (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 509.584-010
Test Cell Technician (aircraft mfg.) 621.261-014
test clerk (education) 219.467-010
TEST-DEPARTMENT HELPER (comm. equip.; elec. equip.) 729.664-010
TEST-DESK SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 822.131-030
TEST DRIVER I (auto. mfg.) 806.283-014
TEST DRIVER II (auto. mfg.) 806.283-010
TEST ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) master
TEST ENGINEER, AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 013.061-022
TEST ENGINEER, MARINE EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 014.061-022
TEST ENGINEER, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 007.161-034
TEST ENGINEER, MINING-AND-OIL-FIELD EQUIPMENT (mine & quarry; petrol. & gas)
TEST ENGINEER, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT (profess. & kin.) 015.061-022
TEST-ENGINE EVALUATOR (petrol. refin.) 010.261-026
TEST-ENGINE OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 029.261-018
test equipment certification technician (aircraft mfg.) 019.281-010
TEST EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (aircraft mfg.) 710.361-014
tester (agric. equip.) 624.361-010
Tester (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-026
tester (mine & quarry) 579.484-010
TESTER (musical inst.) 730.684-086
TESTER (petrol. refin.) 029.261-022
TESTER (pottery & porc.) 774.687-026
TESTER (profess. & kin.) 011.361-010
TESTER (rubber goods) 899.487-010
tester (woodworking) 762.384-010
TESTER AND INSPECTOR, LAMPS (light. fix.) 723.687-014
tester, armature or fields (elec. equip.) 724.384-010
TESTER, COMPRESSED GASES (chemical) 549.364-010
tester, electrical accessories (aircraft mfg.) 729.381-010
TESTER, ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY (elec. equip.; house. appl.; light. fix.)
TESTER, ELECTRONIC SCALE (office machines) 710.381-046
tester, equipment (tel. & tel.) 822.261-026
TESTER, FOOD PRODUCTS (any industry) 199.251-010
tester helper (any industry) 381.687-022
TESTER, MOTORS AND CONTROLS (elec. equip.) 721.281-030
TESTER OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 614.684-014
tester operator (tobacco) 529.387-014
TESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal) 614.686-014
Tester, Printed Circuit Boards (electron. comp.) 726.684-026
TESTER, REGULATOR (protective dev.; toy-sport equip.) 710.387-010
tester, rocket engine (aircraft mfg.) 806.261-022
TESTER, ROCKET MOTOR (aircraft mfg.) 806.261-022
TESTER, SEMICONDUCTOR PACKAGES (electron. comp.) 726.685-054
TESTER, SEMICONDUCTOR WAFERS (electron. comp.) 726.684-102
TESTER, SOUND (machinery mfg.) 706.382-014
tester, systems (any industry) 726.261-018
tester, vibrator equipment (machinery mfg.) 825.361-014
TESTER, WAFER SUBSTRATE (electron. comp.) 726.684-106
TESTER, WASTE DISPOSAL LEAKAGE (house. appl.) 723.687-018
test examiner (clerical) 249.367-078
TEST FIXTURE ASSEMBLER (electron. comp.) 726.684-098
TEST FIXTURE DESIGNER (electron. comp.) 726.364-014
test-hole driller (any industry) 930.682-010
TESTING-AND-REGULATING CHIEF (tel. & tel.) 184.167-258
testing-machine operator (profess. & kin.) 011.361-010
TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 586.685-038
TESTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tinware) 703.685-014
testing-tool operator (petrol. & gas) 930.261-014
Test-Kitchen-Home Economist (profess. & kin.) 096.121-014
TEST PILOT (aircraft mfg.) 196.263-042
TEST PREPARER (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 509.584-010
test puller (tobacco) 529.587-022
test rack operator (railroad equip.) 622.382-010
Test Rider (motor-bicycles) 806.281-018
TEST-SKEIN WINDER (glass mfg.) 575.685-082
TEST TECHNICIAN (agric. equip.) 019.261-022
test technician (any industry) 726.261-018
TEST TECHNICIAN (clerical) 249.367-078
test technician (elec. equip.) 727.381-022
TEST TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 019.161-014
TEST WORKER (foundry) 519.687-042
Tetryl-Blender Operator (chemical) 550.665-010
Tetryl-Boiling-Tub Operator (chemical) 551.685-014
TETRYL-DISSOLVER OPERATOR (chemical) 550.685-114
Tetryl-Nitrator Operator (chemical) 558.382-046
TETRYL-SCREEN OPERATOR (chemical) 551.685-146
tetryl-wringer operator (chemical) 551.685-162
TEXTILE ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) term
textile-scrap salvager (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-010
textile stylist (profess. & kin.) 142.061-014
TEXTURING-MACHINE FIXER (textile) 628.684-046

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Revised 2/12/97

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