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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA, makers of immigration software.

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Wolf Hunter (fishing & hunt.) 461.661-010
Women's-Activities Adviser (education) 090.167-022
Women's Garment Fitter (retail trade) 785.361-014
Women's Leather-Belt Maker (leather prod.) 690.685-266
Wood And Hardware Outfitter (ship-boat mfg.) 806.684-146
wood barker (fabrication, nec; paper & pulp) 569.687-026
Wood Buffer (musical inst.) 761.684-026
wood carver, hand (woodworking) 761.281-010
WOOD-CARVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.382-018
WOOD CAULKER (ship-boat mfg.) 843.384-010
Wood-Club-Neck Whipper (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-082
wood cooker (wood. container) 562.665-010
WOOD-CREW SUPERVISOR (chemical; saw. & plan.) 564.132-010
wood-cut engraver (print. & pub.) 979.281-014
Wooden-Fence Erector (construction) 869.684-022
WOODEN-FRAME BUILDER (furniture) 762.684-066
Wooden-Heel Beveler (boot & shoe) 690.685-198
WOODENWARE ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.687-070
wood finisher (woodworking) 763.381-010
wood-finisher apprentice (woodworking) 763.381-014
wood-form builder (construction) 860.381-046
WOOD-FUEL PELLETIZER (fabrication, nec) 569.685-078
WOOD GRINDER, HEAD (paper & pulp) 530.132-022
WOOD GRINDER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 530.662-014
WOOD HACKER (fabrication, nec; paper & pulp) 569.687-026
WOOD HANDLER (paper & pulp) 921.687-034
WOOD-HEEL BACK-LINER (boot & shoe) 662.685-042
Wood-Heel Cementer (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
wood-heel cementer (boot & shoe) 788.684-058
Wood-Heel-Cover Ironer (boot & shoe) 788.684-130
WOOD-HEEL FINISHER (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
wood-heel fitter, machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-046
Wood-Heel-Flap Inserter (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
Wood-Heel-Flap Rubber (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
Wood-Heel-Flap Trimmer (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
WOOD INSPECTOR (paper & pulp) 663.687-010
wood-lathe operator (woodworking) 664.382-014
Wood Lather (construction) 842.361-010
wood-mill supervisor (paper & pulp) 530.132-018
Wood-Pile-Driver Operator (construction) 859.682-018
wood piler (woodworking) 569.685-066
WOOD-POLE TREATER (wood prod., nec) 561.687-010
wood-preparation supervisor (paper & pulp) 530.132-018
Wood-Sash-And-Frame Carpenter (construction) 860.381-022
WOODS BOSS (logging) 459.137-010
WOOD SCRAP HANDLER (millwork-plywood) 564.686-010
Wood-Shingle Roofer (construction) 866.381-010
Woods Manager (profess. & kin.) 040.167-010
woods overseer (logging) 459.137-010
wood-stock-blank handler (woodworking) 563.685-018
Wood-Strip-Block Floor Installer (construction) 860.381-022
WOOD TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-062
Wood-Tool Maker (aircraft mfg.) 693.281-030
WOOD-TURNING-LATHE OPERATOR (woodworking) 664.382-014
wood-type finisher (print. & pub.) 979.281-014
Woodwind-Instrument Repairer (any industry) 730.281-054
woodworker (ship-boat mfg.) 860.381-058
woodworker helper (ship-boat mfg.) 860.664-018
WOODWORKING-MACHINE FEEDER (woodworking) 669.686-030
WOODWORKING-MACHINE OFFBEARER (woodworking) 669.686-034
woodworking-machine operator (woodworking) 669.380-014
WOODWORKING-SHOP HAND (woodworking) 769.687-054
woodworking-shop laborer (woodworking) 769.687-054
WOODWORK-SALVAGE INSPECTOR (ordnance) 769.387-010
WOOL-AND-PELT GRADER (meat products) 589.387-018
wool-batting worker (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-130
Woolens Examiner (textile) 689.685-038
woolen-suiting shrinker (textile) 587.685-018
WOOL-FLEECE GRADER (agriculture) 589.687-054
WOOL-FLEECE SORTER (agriculture) 410.687-026
Wool-Hat Blocker (hat & cap) 580.685-026
Wool-Hat Finisher (hat & cap) 589.685-062
Wool-Hat Flanger (hat & cap) 784.684-026
Wool-Hat-Forming-Machine Tender (hat & cap) 586.685-030
Wool-Hat Hydraulicker (hat & cap) 580.685-038
wool-hat-sanding-machine operator (hat & cap) 585.685-014
wooling-machine operator (furniture) 680.685-078
Wool-Picker Operator (textile) 680.685-082
Wool Presser (laundry & rel.) 363.682-018
WOOL PULLER (leather mfg.; meat products) 589.687-050
WOOL SACKER (agriculture) 920.687-198
wool shearer (agriculture) 410.684-014
WOOL SORTER (textile) 589.387-014
Wool Spotter (laundry & rel.) 362.381-010
wool tamper (agriculture) 920.687-198
Work Checker (clerical) 215.362-022
Work Coordinator, Tower Control (automotive ser.) 221.167-018
working second hand (textile) 652.260-010
work-measurement engineer (profess. & kin.) 012.167-070
work-order clerk (clerical) 221.382-022
work-order detailer (clerical) 221.387-046
WORK-ORDER-SORTING CLERK (utilities) 221.367-082
work-over rig operator (petrol. & gas) 930.382-030
WORK-TICKET DISTRIBUTOR (knitting) 221.667-010
World-Travel Counselor (nonprofit org.) 238.167-014
worm-bed attendant (agriculture) 413.687-014
WORM-FARM LABORER (agriculture) 413.687-014
WORM GROWER (agriculture) 413.161-018
WORM PACKER (agriculture) 920.687-202
WORM PICKER (agriculture) 413.687-010
worm raiser (agriculture) 413.687-014
worm sorter (agriculture) 920.687-202
Worsted Winder (textile) 681.685-154
WORT EXTRACTOR (dairy products) 526.485-010
Wort Pumper (beverage) 914.665-014
Woven-Blind-Loom Tender (furniture) 692.685-262
Woven-Label Designer (narrow fabrics) 142.061-014
Woven-Paper-Hat-Hydraulic-Press Operator Finisher (hat & cap) 580.685-038
Woven-Paper-Hat Mender (hat & cap) 784.684-046
WOVEN-WOOD SHADE ASSEMBLER (furniture) 739.684-178
Wrap Checker (any industry) 358.677-010
Wrapper (any industry) 920.587-018
WRAPPER (metal prod., nec) 920.685-102
Wrapper (plastic prod.) 690.685-438
wrapper (retail trade) 299.364-014
wrapper (tex. prod., nec) 689.380-010
wrapper-and-bagger, sheeting (textile) 929.687-042
Wrapper And Preserver (aircraft mfg.) 920.587-018
Wrapper Caser (tobacco) 522.687-026
WRAPPER COUNTER (tobacco) 929.687-050
wrapper dipper (tobacco) 522.685-106
Wrapper, Hand (can. & preserv.) 920.587-018
wrapper, hand (tobacco) 790.684-022
WRAPPER-HANDS SPRAYER (tobacco) 522.687-042
wrapper laster (boot & shoe) 690.685-174
WRAPPER LAYER (tobacco) 529.685-266
wrapper-leaf inspector (tobacco) 529.687-134
Wrapper Opener (tobacco) 521.687-110
WRAPPER OPERATOR (metal prod., nec) 706.684-110
wrapper rewinder (rubber goods; rubber tire) 554.685-022
WRAPPER SELECTOR (tobacco) 529.687-218
Wrapper Sheeter (any industry) 699.682-018
wrapper sizer (tobacco) 529.687-218
wrapper sorter (tobacco) 529.687-218
wrapper stemmer, hand (tobacco) 521.687-134
wrapper-stemmer operator (tobacco) 521.685-334
Wrapper Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
Wrapper Stripper (tobacco) 521.685-334
Wrapper Stripper, Hand (tobacco) 521.687-134
Wrapping-And-Packing-Machine Operator (any industry) 920.685-078
WRAPPING MACHINE HELPER (tobacco) 529.687-222
Wrapping-Machine Operator (any industry) 920.685-078
wrapping-machine operator (paper goods) 641.685-034
WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.685-098
Wrapping-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) 692.685-046
Wrapping Remover (any industry) 920.587-018
WRAP TURNER (boot & shoe) 788.685-030
WREATH AND GARLAND MAKER (fabrication, nec) 739.684-182
Wreath And Garland Maker, Hand (button & notion) 739.684-014
Wreath-Machine Operator (fabrication, nec) 692.685-090
WREATH MACHINE TENDER (button & notion) 739.685-058
Wreath Wrapper, Machine (button & notion) 739.685-058
Wrecker (construction) 869.664-014
wrecker operator (automotive ser.) 919.663-026
wrecking mechanic (wholesale tr.) 620.684-010
WRECKING SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.137-014
wringer (any industry) 581.685-038
wringer and setter (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 589.685-098
WRINGER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 589.685-098
WRINGER OPERATOR (chemical) 551.685-162
WRINGER OPERATOR (tobacco) 522.685-106
WRINKLE CHASER (boot & shoe) 788.684-130
Wrist Closer (glove & mit.) 784.682-010
Wrister (glove & mit.) 784.682-010
Wrist Hemmer (glove & mit.) 787.682-026
Wrist Liner (glove & mit.) 784.682-010
writer (profess. & kin.) 131.067-046
WRITER, PROSE, FICTION AND NONFICTION (profess. & kin.) 131.067-046
writer's representative (business ser.) 191.117-034
WRITER, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (profess. & kin.) 131.267-026
WRONG-ADDRESS CLERK (retail trade) 209.587-050

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Revised 2/12/97

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