Manuel II - Encyclopedia

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MANUEL II., the descendant of Manuel I., reigned only a few months in 1332-1333. Manuel III. reigned from 1390 to 1417, but the only interest attaching to his name arises from his connexion with Timur, whose vassal he became without resistance.

See G. Finlay, History of Greece (ed. 1877, Oxford), iv. 338-340, 34 0 -34 1, 386; Ph. Fallmerayer, Geschichte des Kaisertums Trapezunt (Munich, 1827), i. chs. 8, 14, ii. chs. 4, 5; T. E. Evangelides, `IaTOp(a Tats Tpaire ouvros (Odessa, 1898), 71-73, 87-88, 126-132.

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