Ocelot - Encyclopedia

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OCELOT (Mexican Flalocelotl, literally field-jaguar, from Flalli, field, and ocelotl, tiger, jaguar), an American member (Felis pardalis) of the family Felidae, ranging from Arkansas in the north to Paraguay. The species is subject to great racial variation. The fur has, however, a tawny yellow or reddishgrey ground colour, marked with black spots, aggregated in streaks and blotches, or in elongated rings enclosing areas rather darker than the general ground-colour. In the typical form the total length may reach 4 ft.; the average measurement of the Ocelot (Felis pardalis). head and body lies between 26 in. and 33 in., 4nd of the tail between 11 in. and 15 in. The ocelot is essentially a forest cat, and a ready climber; its disposition is said to be fierce and bloodthirsty but in confinement it becomes tame and playful. In Asia the group is represented by the Tibetan Felis tristis.

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