Friedrich August von Quenstedt - Encyclopedia

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FRIEDRICH AUGUST VON QUENSTEDT (1809-1889), German geologist and palaeontologist, was born at Eisleben in Saxony on the 9th of July 1809. He was educated at Berlin, and after having acted as assistant in the mineralogical museum he was appointed professor of mineralogy and geognosy in the university of Tubingen in 1837, a post which he occupied until his death. His earlier work related chiefly to crystallography and mineralogy, on which subjects he published text-books that were widely used. He became distinguished for his researches on palaeontology, and especially for those on the fossils of the Jurassic system. The museum at Tubingen owed its establishment to his exertions. He died at Tubingen on the 21st of December 1889.

His chief publications were: Method der Krystallographie (1840); Das Flozgebirge Wisrttembergs (1843); Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands (7 vols. and atlases, 1846-84); Die Cephalopoden (1846-49); Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde (2 vols., 1852, 3rd ed. 1882-85); Der Jura (2 vols., 1858); Handbuch der Mineralogie (18 55, 3rd ed. 1877); Die Ammoniten des Schwabischen Jura (1883-84). Obituary by W. T. Blandford, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xlvi., 1890.

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