Publius Rupilius - Encyclopedia

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PUBLIUS RUPILIUS, Roman statesman, consul in 132 B.C. During the inquiry that followed the death of Tiberius Gracchus, conducted by himself and his colleague Popillius Laenas, he proceeded with the utmost severity against the supporters of Gracchus. In the same year he was despatched to Sicily, where he suppressed the revolt of the slaves under Eunus. During 131 he remained as proconsul of the island, and, with the assistance of ten commissioners appointed by the senate, drew up regulations for the organization of Sicily as a province. These regulations were known by the title of leges Rupiliae, though they were not laws in the strict sense. Rupilius was subsequently brought to trial (123 B.C.) and condemned for his treatment of the friends of Gracchus. The disgrace of his condemnation, added to disappointment at the failure of his brother to obtain the consulship in spite of the efforts of Scipio,. caused his death shortly afterwards.

See Cicero, De Am. 19, Tusc. disp. iv. 17, in Verr. ii. 13, 15; Diod. Sic. xxxiv. 1, 20; Veil. Pat. ii. 7.

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