Revillagigedo - Encyclopedia

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REVILLAGIGEDO, an isolated, uninhabited group of rocky islands in the N. Pacific, lat. 18° N., long. 112° W., belonging to Mexico, and forming part of the state of Colima. They are about 420 m. from the Mexican coast and comprise the large island of Socorro (San Tomas), 24 m. long by an average of 9 m. wide, and the three widely separated islets of San Benedicto, Roca Partida and Clarion, with a total area of 320 sq. m. The island of Socorro has an extinct volcano 3660 ft. high. The islands have certain remarkable zoological features, comprising several birds and reptiles allied to those of the Mexican mainland but differing from them in species. The archipelago derives its name from the Spanish viceroy who governed Mexico from 1746 to 1755.

Reville, Albert (1826-), French Protestant theologian, was born at Dieppe on the 4th of November 1826. After studying at Geneva and Strassburg, he became in 1849 pastor at Lunerai near Dieppe, and in 1851 of the Walloon Church at Rotterdam, where he remained until 1872. In 1880 he was made professor of the history of religions in the College de France at Paris. Six years later he was appointed president of the section of religious studies in the Ecole des hautes etudes at the Sorbonne. He is one of the leaders of the French school of advanced critical theology.


Besides contributing to the Revue de theologie (Paris), the Revue de l'histoire des religions (Paris), the Revue des deux mondes, the following works are important: Manuel d'histoire comparee de la philosophie et de la religion (1859; Eng. trans., 1864); Histoire du dogme de la divinite de Jesus Christ (1869, 3rd ed., 1904; Eng. trans., 1905); Prolegomenes de l'histoire des religions (1881, 4th ed., 1886; Eng. trans., 1884); Theodore Parker, sa vie et ses ceuvres (1865; Eng. trans., 1865, 2nd ed., 1877); Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru (the "Hibbert Lectures" for 1884); Jesus de Nazareth (1897, 12th ed., 1906).

His son, Jean Reville, was born on the 6th of November 1854, studied at Geneva, Paris, Berlin and Heidelberg, and became professor of patristic literature and secretary of the section of religious studies in the E. des hautes etudes at the Sorbonne. In 1884 he became co-editor of the Revue de l'histoire des religions (Paris).

His books include: La Doctrine du logos (1881); La Religion a Rome sous les Severes (1886); Les Origines de l'episcopat (1895); and Le Protestantisme liberal, ses origines, sa nature, sa mission (1903; Eng. trans., 1903).

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