Charles John Vaughan - Encyclopedia

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CHARLES JOHN VAUGHAN (1816-1897), English scholar and divine, was educated at Rugby and Cambridge, where he was bracketed senior classic with Lord Lyttelton in 1838. In 1839 he was elected fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and for a short time studied law. He took orders, however, in 1841, and became vicar of St Martin's, Leicester. Three years later he was elected headmaster of Harrow. He resigned the headmastership in 1859 and accepted the bishopric of Rochester, but afterwards withdrew his acceptance. In 1880 he was appointed vicar of Doncaster. He was appointed master of the Temple in 1869, and dean of Llandaff in 1879. In 1894 he was elected president of University College, Cardiff, in recognition of the prominent part he took in its foundation. Vaughan was a well-known Broad Churchman, an eloquent preacher and an able writer on theological subjects, his numerous works including lectures, commentaries and sermons; he was joint-author with the Rev. John Llewelyn Davies (b. 1826) - also a well-known Cambridge scholar and Broad Churchman - of a well-known translation of Plato's Republic.

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