Valyevo - Encyclopedia

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VALYEVO (sometimes written Valjevo or Valievo), a town of western Servia, prettily situated on the river Kolubara, in a well-wooded valley, 627 ft. above the sea. Valyevo gives its name to the department of which it is the capital. It is a garrison town, with streets lighted by electricity, a high-school or gymnasium, a prefecture and a court of first instance. In the neighbouring Medvenik mountains lead-mining and smelting are carried on by an English company; lead and antimony being also worked at Podgora and other places in the same department. Besides being the centre of the plumgrowing and distilling industries, Valyevo has a considerable trade in cattle, for which the pastures watered by the Kolubara are celebrated. Pop (1900) about 6800.

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