VERANDAH, or Veranda, a roofed gallery or portico attached to the outside of a dwelling-house or other building, usually open at the sides or partially covered by lattice-work,. or glass or other screens. The roofing is slanting and supported by pillars; a light rail or balustrade often surrounds it. The word in English is comparatively modern, having only been included by Todd in his edition of Johnson's Dictionary in 1827. But it was known earlier in India, and the occurrence of the word in modern Hindustani (varanda) and Malayan (baranda) has led some etymologists to connect the word with the Persian baramadan, to climb. It is, however, certainly of European origin, and was taken to the East by the early Portuguese navigators. It is to be found as early as the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th in Spanish and Portuguese (so Minsheu, "varanda, railes to leane the brest on"), and apparently is to be referred to Lat. vara, a forked pole or rod.
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