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  • USA Flag Burning Archive Page 8

      NOTE: This an attempt to construct a unique historical archive from around the world. Intellectual rights belong to their respective copyright holders, noted below the photos. The author of this page has no connection with those depicted, so, don't shoot the messenger.
      Photius Coutsoukis
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    Burning the  American flag in Greece . Burning the American flag in Indonesia
    Athens 13-Oct-00 (Reuters, left) and Surabaya 20-Oct-00 (AP, right)
    Burning the American flag in Iran . Burning the  American flag in Spain
    Tehran 16-Oct-00 (Reuters, left) and Madrid 16-Oct-00 (Reuters, right)
    Burning the American flag in Iraq . Burning the American flag in Pakistan
    Baghdad 16-Oct-00 (AP, left) and Islamabad 20-Oct-00 (AP, right)
    Burning the American flag in Lebanon . Burning the  American flag in Gaza
    Sidon 21-Oct-00 (AP, left) and Gaza 11-Oct-00 (Reuters, right)
    Burning the American flag in Gaza . Burning the American flag in Iran
    Gaza 11-Oct-00 (AP) and Tehran 16-Oct-00 (AP, left)

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    Save America's Children

    USA Immigration Software for Windows !
    Revised 1-Apr-00
    Copyright © Photius Coutsoukis (All rights reserved).