- Mr. Wang is a U.S. Lawyer/Engineer/MBA who has extensive engineering and
business experience.
He has lived, studied and worked in Europe, Asia
and the U.S.
has provided business advice to both large and small companies in
various capacities
ranging from engineering analysis and product design to marketing,
business law and international trade.
He has a proven record of creating and bringing
successful products
to worldwide markets.
He comes from an industrial background most
recently serving as Director of Engineering and R&D for a major multinational corporation.
Mr. Wang received his education from Cambridge University, I.I.T., St.
Louis University and Washington University.
He has earned a doctorate in law, masters in
mechanical engineering and petroleum engineering, and graduate certificates in
artificial intelligence and neural computing.
He has published in
various journals, chaired conferences and taught in college.
Most recently, he was
published in the The Deskbook of Purchasing Law.
He is conversant in many languages and also
holds a DOD
secret clearance.
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