Joint Function and Lupus
Joint pain or arthritis is experienced
by 95 percent of people with lupus at
some time during the course of their
disease. In fact, joint pain is usually
the first symptom of lupus. Unlike
rheumatoid arthritis, the arthritis of
lupus tends to be temporary. It is also
less damaging to the joints. The joints
most commonly involved are those of
the fingers, wrists, and knees. Elbows,
ankles, and shoulders are not affected as
often. When a particular joint is affected
on one side of the body, the same joint
on the other side of the body is usually
affected as well.
Arthralgia: This word means "joint
pain". Morning stiffness, swelling, or
heat in the joints can also occur.
Myalgia or myositis: Myalgia means
"pain in the muscles", while myositis
means "inflammation of the muscle".
These may include overall muscle pain
and tenderness, especially in the upper
arms and upper legs. Most numb pain in
patients with lupus is not due to lupus,
but to fibromyalgia, which is a common,
chronic disorder characterized by
widespread fatigue and muscle pain, as
well as multiple tender points.
Other joint complications: Several
types of joint complications occur rarely
in lupus. They include osteonecrosis
(damage to the hip joint that leads
to severe arthritis), development of
nodules in the small joints of the hands,
tendinitis, tendon rupture, and carpal
tunnel syndrome. Your doctor or nurse
can give you more information about
these problems.
Taking Care of Your
If you have joint or muscle problems,
the first goal is to keep pain at a
tolerable level. You can do this in
several ways:
- Apply heat or cold to the
affected joints.
- Support the affected joints with
pillows, blankets, or splints (if
ordered by your doctor).
- Rest the affected joints as
much as possible and keep
them elevated to reduce
- Follow your doctor's plan for
managing pain and using antiinflammation
Your second goal is to maintain joint
function and increase muscle strength.
You can do this by using the following
- Take warm showers or baths to
lessen stiffness.
- Don't put any weight on an
acutely inflamed joint. Sit or
lie down. Avoid strenuous
activity and avoid any activity
that causes increased pain,
swelling, tenderness, or heat to
the affected joint.
- Ask a physical therapist or
trained family member or friend
to gently move the inflamed
joint in all the directions it can
be moved (this is called passive
range of motion [ROM]). This
will help prevent stiffness. Your
doctor can let you know when
and how often this should be
- Gently move the affected
joint yourself when the acute
inflammation is over.
- Talk with your doctor or nurse
about physical or occupational
therapy if you are having
trouble regaining joint strength
and motion or if activities of
daily living (cooking, cleaning,
bathing, etc.) are still difficult.
- Hire a housekeeper or
someone to help care for
yourself or your children until
you feel better.
When you are feeling better and your
physical condition has improved, your
doctor will probably recommend an
exercise program tailored to your
needs. Although rest and protecting
joint function are extremely important,
exercise is also necessary to keep
muscles, bones, joints, and tendons
strong and healthy. A well-planned
exercise program combined with other
aspects of your care will help you
maintain joint function and improve
your overall fitness.
Source: National Institutes of Health, U.S.Dept of Health and Human Services