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Medical Dictionaryadipo- See adip-. adipocellular (ad′i-po-sel′u-lar) Relating to both fatty and cellular tissues, or to connective tissue with many fat cells. adipoceratous (ad-i-po-ser′a-tus) Relating to adipocere. SYN: lipoceratous. adipocere (ad′i-po-ser) A waxy or unctuous brownish substance consisting chiefly of fatty acids and calcium soaps produced by chemical changes affecting dead body fat and muscle long buried or immersed in moisture. adipocyte (ad′i-po-sit) SYN: fat cell. adipogenesis (ad′i-po-jen′e-sis) SYN: lipogenesis. adipogenic, adipogenous (ad′i-po-jen′ik, ad-i-poj′e-nus) SYN: lipogenic. adipoid (ad′i-poyd) SYN: lipoid. [adipo- + G. eidos, resemblance] adipokinetic (ad′i-po-ki-net′ik) Denoting a substance or factor that causes mobilization of stored lipid. [adipo- + G. kinesis, movement] adipokinin (ad-i-po-ki′nin) An anterior pituitary hormone that causes mobilization of fat from adipose tissue. SYN: adipokinetic hormone. adipometer (ad-i-pom′e-ter) An instrument for determining the thickness of the skin. [adipo- + G. metron, measure] adiponecrosis (ad′i-po-ne-kro′sis) Rarely used term referring to necrosis of fat, as in hemorrhagic pancreatitis. adiposalgia (ad′i-po-sal′je-a) Condition in which painful areas of subcutaneous fat develop. [adipo- + G. algos, pain] adipose (ad′i-pos) Denoting fat. adiposis (ad-i-po′sis) Excessive local or general accumulation of fat in the body. SYN: lipomatosis, liposis (1) , steatosis (1) . [adipo- + G. -osis, condition] a. cerebralis obesity resulting from intracranial disease, most commonly of the hypothalamus, resulting in hyperphagia. a. dolorosa a condition characterized by a deposit of symmetrical nodular or pendulous masses of fat in various regions of the body, with discomfort or pain. SYN: Anders disease, Dercum disease, lipomatosis neurotica. a. orchica SYN: adiposogenital dystrophy. a. tuberosa simplex a condition resembling a. dolorosa, in which the fat occurs in small, nodular masses, which are sensitive to touch and may be spontaneously painful, on the abdomen or on the extremities. a. universalis excessive deposition of fat throughout all parts of the body, including the viscera. adiposity (ad-i-pos′i-te) 1. SYN: obesity. 2. Excessive accumulation of lipids in a site or organ. adiposuria (ad′i-po-soo′re-a) SYN: lipuria. [adipo- + G. ouron, urine] adipsia, adipsy (a-dip′se-a, -dip′se) Absence of thirst or the lack of desire to drink. [G. a- priv. + dipsa, thirst] aditus (ad′i-tus) [TA] SYN: aperture, inlet. [L. access, fr. ad-eo, pp. -itus, go to] a. ad antrum [TA] SYN: a. to mastoid antrum. a. ad antrum mastoideum [TA] SYN: a. to mastoid antrum. a. ad aqueductum cerebri SYN: opening of aqueduct of midbrain. a. ad infundibulum [TA] SYN: infundibular recess. a. ad saccum peritonei minorem SYN: omental foramen. a. glottidis inferior SYN: infraglottic cavity. a. glottidis superior SYN: intermediate laryngeal cavity. laryngeal a. [TA] SYN: laryngeal inlet. a. laryngis [TA] SYN: laryngeal inlet. a. to mastoid antrum [TA] the orifice leading from the epitympanic recess to the mastoid antrum. SYN: a. ad antrum mastoideum [TA] , a. ad antrum [TA] , aperture of mastoid antrum. a. orbitae [TA] SYN: orbital opening. a. pelvis SYN: pelvic inlet. adjustment (a-just′ment) 1. In dentistry, any modification made upon a fixed or removable prosthesis during or after its insertion to perfect its adaptation and function. 2. SYN: adaptation (6) . 3. A summarizing procedure for a statistical measure in which the effects of differences in composition of the populations being compared have been minimized by statistical methods. occlusal a. modification of the occluding and incising surfaces of teeth to develop harmonious relationships between these surfaces. adjuvant (ad′joo-vant) 1. A substance added to a drug product formulation that affects the action of the active ingredient in a predictable way. 2. In immunology, a vehicle used to enhance antigenicity; e.g., a suspension of minerals (alum, aluminum hydroxide, or phosphate) on which antigen is adsorbed; or water-in-oil emulsion in which antigen solution is emulsified in mineral oil (Freund incomplete a.), sometimes with the inclusion of killed mycobacteria (Freund's complete a.) to further enhance antigenicity (inhibits degradation of antigen and/or causes influx of macrophages). 3. Additional therapy given to enhance or extend primary therapy's effect, as in chemotherapy's addition to a surgical regimen. 4. A treatment added to a curative treatment to prevent recurrence of clinical cancer from microscopic residual disease. [L. ad-juvo, pres. p. -juvans, to give aid to] Freund a. a.. Freund complete a. water-in-oil emulsion of antigen, to which killed mycobacteria or tuberculosis bacteria are added. Freund incomplete a. water-in-oil emulsion of antigen, without mycobacteria. ADL Abbreviation for activities of daily living. See activities of daily living scale. Adler Alfred, Austrian psychiatrist, 1870–1937. See adlerian psychology, adlerian psychoanalysis. Adler Oscar, German physician, 1879–1932. See A. test. adlerian (ad-ler′e-an) Relating to or described by Alfred Adler. ad lib Abbreviation for L. ad libitum, freely, as desired. adm. See admov. admedial, admedian (ad-me′de-al, -de-an) Toward or near the median plane. adminiculum, pl .adminicula (ad-mi-nik′u-lum, -u-la) That which gives support to a part. [L. a hand-rest, prop, fr. ad + manus, hand] a. lineae albae a triangular fibrous expansion, sometimes containing a few muscular fibers, passing from the superior pubic ligament to the posterior surface of the linea alba. admittance (ad-mit′ans) SYN: immittance. admov. Abbreviation for L. a., apply. adnerval (ad-ner′val) SYN: adneural. adneural (ad-noor′al) 1. Lying near a nerve. 2. In the direction of a nerve; said of an electric current passing through muscular tissue toward the point of entrance of the nerve. SYN: adnerval. adnexa, gen. adnexum (ad-nek′sa, -sum) SYN: accessory structures, under structure. SEE ALSO: appendage. [L. connected parts] a. oculi SYN: accessory visual structures, under structure. a. uteri SYN: uterine appendages, under appendage. adnexal (ad-nek′sal) Relating to the adnexa. SYN: annexal. adnexectomy (ad-nek-sek′to-me) 1. Excision of any adnexa. 2. In gynecology, excision of the fallopian tube and ovary if unilateral and excision of both tubes and ovaries (adnexa uteri) if bilateral. adnexitis (ad-neks-i′tis) Inflammation of the adnexa uteri. [L. annexa, adnexa, + -itis, inflammation] adnexopexy (ad-neks′o-pek-se) Operation for suspension of the fallopian tube and ovary; usually, oophoropexy is accomplished without suspension of the tube. [L. annexa, adnexa, + G. pexis, fixation] Ado Symbol for adenosine. adolescence (ad-o-les′ens) The period of life beginning with puberty and ending with completed growth and physical maturity. [L. adolescentia] adolescent (ad-o-les′ent) 1. Pertaining to adolescence. 2. An individual in that stage of development. AdoMet Abbreviation for S-adenosyl-l-methionine. adonis (a-don′is) Medicinal herb obtained from A. vernalis (family Ranunculaceae), grown in Eastern Europe and used there in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Contains strophanthidin and related cardiotonic glycosides. SYN: false hellebore. [G. A., mythical figure, fr. Phoenicial adon, lord] adonitol (a-don′i-tol) SYN: ribitol. ADP Abbreviation for adenosine 5′-diphosphate. ADPase SYN: apyrase. adren- See adreno-. adrenal (a-dre′nal) 1. Near or upon the kidney; denoting the suprarenal (a.) gland. 2. A suprarenal gland or separate tissue or product thereof. SEE ALSO: suprarenal. [L. ad, to, + ren, kidney] accessory a. an island of a. cortical tissue separate from the a. gland, usually found in the retroperitoneal tissues, kidney, or genital organs. SYN: a. rest. Marchand adrenals small collections of accessory a. tissue in the broad ligament of the uterus or in the testes. SYN: Marchand rest. adrenalectomy (a-dre-nal-ek′to-me) Removal of one or both adrenal glands. [adrenal + G. ektome, excision] adrenaline (a-dren′a-lin) SYN: epinephrine. a. oxidase SYN: amine oxidase (flavin-containing). adrenalism SYN: hypercorticoidism. adrenalitis (a-dre-nal-i′tis) Inflammation of the adrenal gland. adrenalone (a-dren′a-lon) Precursor of epinephrine in some manufacturing processes; a topical adrenergic agent in ophthalmology. adrenalopathy (a-dre-na-lop′a-the) Any pathologic condition of the adrenal glands. SYN: adrenopathy. [adrenal + G. pathos, suffering] adrenarche (ad′ren-ar-ke) 1. Axillary and pubic hair growth during puberty induced by hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex. 2. Physiologic change at puberty caused by adrenocortical secretion of androgenic hormones or precursors of them. [adren- + G. arche, beginning] adrenergic (ad-re-ner′jik) 1. Relating to nerve cells or fibers of the autonomic nervous system that employ norepinephrine as their neurotransmitter. Cf.:cholinergic. 2. Relating to drugs that mimic the actions of the sympathetic nervous system. See α-a. receptors, under receptor, β-a. receptors, under receptor. [adren- + G. ergon, work] adrenic (a-dre′nik) Relating to the suprarenal gland. adreno-, adrenal-, adren- Relating to the adrenal gland. [L. ad, to, near, + ren, kidney, + -o- + -alis, pertaining to] adrenoceptive (a-dren-o-sep′tiv) Referring to chemical sites in effectors with which the adrenergic mediator unites. Cf.:cholinoceptive. adrenoceptor (a-dre′sep′tor) SYN: adrenergic receptors, under receptor. adrenocortical (a-dre-no-kor′ti-kal) Pertaining to suprarenal cortex. adrenocorticoid (a-dre-no-kor′ti-koid) SYN: corticosteroid. adrenocorticomimetic (a-dre′no-kor′ti-ko-mi-met′ik) Mimicking or producing effects similar to adrenocortical function. [adrenal + cortex + G. mimetikos, imitating] adrenocorticotropic, adrenocorticotrophic (a-dre′no-kor′ti-ko-tro′pik, -tro′fik) Stimulating growth of the adrenal cortex or secretion of its hormones. SYN: adrenotropic, adrenotrophic. [adrenal cortex + G. trophe, nurture; trope, a turning] adrenocorticotropin (a-dre′no-kor-ti-ko-tro′pin) SYN: adrenocorticotropic hormone. adrenogenic, adrenogenous (a-dre-no-jen′ik, a-dre-noj′e-nus) Of adrenal origin. [adreno- + G. -gen, producing] adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) (a-dre′no-loo-ko-dis′tro-fe) [MIM*300100] An X-linked recessive disorder affecting young males, characterized by chronic adrenocortical insufficiency, skin hyperpigmentation, progressive dementia, spastic paralysis, and other intellectual and neurologic disturbances; due to myelin degeneration in the white matter of the brain. The causative gene maps to Xq and encodes a. protein (ALDP), an ATP-binding transporter located in the peroxisomal membrane. adrenolytic (a-dren-o-lit′ik) Denoting antagonism to or inhibition or blockade of the action of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and related sympathomimetics. SEE ALSO: adrenergic blocking agent. [adreno- + G. lysis, loosening, dissolution]
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