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arterialization (ar-te′re-al-i-za′shun)
1. Making or becoming arterial. 2. Aeration or oxygenation of the blood whereby it is changed in character from venous to arterial. 3. SYN: vascularization. 4. Conversion of a venous structure to function as an artery.

arteriectasis, arteriectasia (ar-ter-e-ek′ta-sis, -ek-ta′ze-a)
Obsolete term for vasodilation of the arteries. [L. arteria, artery, + G. ektasis, distention]

arteriectomy (ar-ter-e-ek′to-me)
Excision of part of an artery. [L. arteria, artery, + G. ektome, excision]

arterio-, arteri-
Artery. [L. arteria, fr. G. arteria, a windpipe, an artery]

arterioatony (ar-ter′e-o-at′o-ne)
An abnormally relaxed state of the arterial walls. [arterio- + G. atonia, atony]

arteriocapillary (ar-ter′e-o-cap′i-lar-e)
Relating to both arteries and capillaries.

arteriogram (ar-ter′e-o-gram)
Radiographic demonstration of an artery after injection of contrast medium into it. [arterio- + G. gramma, something written]

arteriographic (ar-ter′e-o-graf′ik)
Relating to or utilizing arteriography.

arteriography (ar-ter-e-og′ra-fe)
Demonstration of an artery or arteries by x-ray imaging after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium. [arterio- + G. grapho, to write] bronchial a. radiography of bronchial arteries by selective injection of the intercostal arteries from which they arise. cerebral a. SYN: cerebral angiography.

arteriola, pl .arteriolae (ar-ter-e-o′la, -o′le) [TA]
SYN: arteriole. [Mod. L. dim. of arteria, artery] a. glomerularis afferens [TA] SYN: afferent glomerular arteriole. a. glomerularis efferens [TA] SYN: efferent glomerular arteriole. a. maculae medius [TA] a. macularis inferior [TA] SYN: inferior macular arteriole. a. macularis superior [TA] SYN: superior macular arteriole. a. medialis retinae [TA] SYN: middle macular arteriole. a. nasalis retinae inferior [TA] SYN: inferior nasal arteriole of retina. a. nasalis retinae superior [TA] SYN: superior nasal retinal arteriole. arteriolae rectae [TA] SYN: vasa recta renis, under vas. a. temporalis retinae inferior [TA] SYN: inferior temporal retinal arteriole. a. temporalis retinae superior [TA] SYN: superior temporal retinal arteriole.

arteriolar (ar-ter-e-o′lar)
Of or pertaining to an arteriole or the arterioles collectively.

arteriole (ar-ter′e-ol) [TA]
A minute artery with a tunica media comprising only one or two layers of smooth muscle cells; a terminal artery continuous with the capillary network. SYN: arteriola [TA] . afferent glomerular a. [TA] a branch of an interlobular artery of the kidney that conveys blood to the glomerulus. SYN: arteriola glomerularis afferens [TA] , afferent vessel (2) , vas afferens. capillary a. a minute artery that terminates in a capillary. efferent glomerular a. [TA] the vessel that carries blood from the glomerular capillary network to the capillary bed of the proximal convoluted tubule; collectively, these vessels constitute the renal portal system. SYN: arteriola glomerularis efferens [TA] , efferent vessel, vas efferens (2) . inferior macular a. [TA] origin, central artery of retina; distribution, inferior part of macula. SYN: arteriola macularis inferior [TA] . inferior nasal a. of retina [TA] the branch of the central artery of the retina that supplies the lower medial, or nasal, part of the retina. SYN: arteriola nasalis retinae inferior [TA] . inferior temporal retinal a. [TA] the branch of the central artery of the retina that passes laterally below the macula to supply the lower lateral or temporal part of the retina. SYN: arteriola temporalis retinae inferior [TA] . medial a. of retina SYN: middle macular a.. middle macular a. [TA] an a. supplying the part of the retina between the optic disk and the macula. SYN: arteriola medialis retinae [TA] , medial a. of retina. superior macular a. [TA] origin, central artery of retina; distribution, upper part of macula. SYN: arteriola macularis superior [TA] . superior nasal retinal a. [TA] the branch of the central artery of the retina that passes to the upper medial, or nasal, part of the retina. SYN: arteriola nasalis retinae superior [TA] . superior temporal retinal a. [TA] the branch of the central artery of the retina that passes laterally above the macula to supply the upper lateral or temporal part of the retina. SYN: arteriola temporalis retinae superior [TA] .

arteriolith (ar-ter′e-o-lith)
A calcareous deposit in an arterial wall or thrombus. [L. arteria, artery, + G. lithos, a stone]

arteriolitis (ar-ter′e-o-li′tis)
Inflammation of the wall of the arterioles. [L. arteriola, arteriole, + G. -itis, inflammation] necrotizing a. necrosis in the media of arterioles, characteristic of malignant hypertension. SYN: arteriolonecrosis.

The arterioles. [Modern L. arteriola, arteriole]

arteriology (ar-ter′e-ol′o-je)
The anatomy of the arteries: usually associated with the study of the other vessels under the name angiology. [L. arteria, artery, + G. logos, study]

arteriolonecrosis (ar-ter-e-o′lo-ne-kro′sis)
SYN: necrotizing arteriolitis. [L. arteriola, arteriole, + G. nekrosis, a killing]

arteriolonephrosclerosis (ar-ter-e-o′lo-nef′ro-skler-o′sis)
SYN: arteriolar nephrosclerosis.

arteriolosclerosis (ar-ter-e-o′lo-skler-o′sis)
Arteriosclerosis affecting mainly the arterioles, seen especially in chronic hypertension. SYN: arteriolar sclerosis.

arteriolovenous (ar-ter-e-o′lo-ve′nus)
Involving both the arterioles and veins. SYN: arteriolovenular.

arteriolovenular (ar-ter-e-o′lo-ve′nu-lar)
SYN: arteriolovenous.

arteriomalacia (ar-ter′e-o-ma-la′she-a)
Softening of the arteries. [arterio- + G. malakia, softness]

arteriometer (ar-ter-e-om′e-ter)
An instrument for measuring the diameter of an artery, or its change in size during pulsation. [arterio- + G. metron, measure]

arteriomotor (ar-ter′e-o-mo′ter)
Causing changes in the caliber of an artery; vasomotor with special reference to the arteries.

arteriomyomatosis (ar-ter′e-o-mi′o-ma-to′sis)
Thickening of the walls of an artery by an overgrowth of muscular fibers arranged irregularly, intersecting each other without any definite relation to the axis of the vessel. [arterio- + G. mys, muscle, + -oma, tumor, + -osis, condition]

arterionephrosclerosis (ar-ter′e-o-nef′ro-skler-o′sis)
SYN: arterial nephrosclerosis.

arteriopalmus (ar-ter′e-o-pal′mus)
Subjective sensation of throbbing of an artery. [arterio- + G. palmos, throbbing]

arteriopathy (ar-ter-e-op′a-the)
Any disease of the arteries. [arterio- + G. pathos, suffering] hypertensive a. arterial degeneration resulting from hypertension. plexogenic pulmonary a. SYN: Ayerza syndrome.

arterioplania (ar-ter′e-o-pla′ne-a)
Presence of an anomaly in the course of an artery. [arterio- + G. plane, a straying]

arterioplasty (ar-ter′e-o-plas-te)
Any operation for the reconstruction of the wall of an artery. [arterio- + G. plastos, formed]

arteriopressor (ar-ter′e-o-pres′ser)
Causing increased arterial blood pressure.

arteriorrhaphy (ar-ter-e-or′a-fe)
Suture of an artery. [arterio- + G. rhaphe, seam]

arteriorrhexis (ar-ter′e-o-rek′sis)
Rupture of an artery. [arterio- + G. rhexis, rupture]

arteriosclerosis (ar-ter′e-o-skler-o′sis)
Hardening of the arteries; types generally recognized are: atherosclerosis, Mönckeberg a., and arteriolosclerosis. SYN: arterial sclerosis, vascular sclerosis. [arterio- + G. sklerosis, hardness] coronary a. degenerative and metabolic changes of the walls of the coronary arteries usually beginning with atheroma of the intima and preceding to involve the media; also, calcified lesions known as Mönckeberg a.. hyperplastic a. hyperplasia of the intima and internal elastic layer and hypertrophy of the media independent of atheromatous lesions. hypertensive a. progressive increase in muscle and elastic tissue of arterial walls, resulting from hypertension; in longstanding hypertension, elastic tissue forms numerous concentric layers in the intima and there is replacement of muscle by collagen fibers and hyaline thickening of the intima of arterioles; such changes can develop with increasing age in the absence of hypertension and may then be referred to as senile a.. medial a. SYN: Mönckeberg a.. Mönckeberg a. arterial sclerosis involving the peripheral arteries, especially of the legs of older people, with deposition of calcium in the medial coat (pipestem arteries) but with little or no encroachment on the lumen. SYN: medial a., Mönckeberg calcification, Mönckeberg degeneration, Mönckeberg medial calcification, Mönckeberg sclerosis. nodular a. atheromas occurring in the arterial intima as discrete tumors. a. obliterans a. producing narrowing and occlusion of the arterial lumen. peripheral a. a. in any of the vessels beyond the aorta; most often refers to the lower extremities. senile a. a. similar to hypertensive a., but as a result of advanced age rather than hypertension.

arteriosclerotic (ar-ter′e-o-skler-ot′ik)
Relating to or affected by arteriosclerosis.

arteriospasm (ar-ter′e-o-spazm)
Spasm of an artery or arteries.

arteriostenosis (ar-ter′e-o-ste-no′sis)
Narrowing of the caliber of an artery, either temporary, through vasoconstriction, or permanent, through arteriosclerosis. [arterio- + G. stenosis, a narrowing]

arteriotomy (ar-ter-e-ot′o-me)
Any surgical incision into the lumen of an artery, e.g., to remove an embolus. [arterio- + G. tome, incision]

arteriovenous (AV) (ar-ter′e-o-ve′nus)
Relating to both an artery and a vein or to both arteries and veins in general; both arterial and venous, as an “AV anastomosis.”

arteritis (ar-ter-i′tis)
Inflammation or infection involving an artery or arteries. [L. arteria, artery, + G. -itis, inflammation] brachiocephalic a. giant-cell a. seen in older adults; characterized by inflammatory lesions in medium sized arteries, most commonly in the head, neck and/or shoulder girdle area; lesions include fragmented elastin, macrophages, and giant cells. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually markedly elevated. Visual loss can occur. coronary a. inflammation of any or all of the layers of coronary artery walls. cranial a. SYN: temporal a.. extracranial a. SYN: temporal a.. giant cell a. SYN: temporal a.. granulomatous a. SYN: temporal a.. Heubner a. inflammation of arteries within the circle of Willis secondary to chronic basal meningitis from tubercle bacillus or particular fungi such as Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, or Coccidiodes. Horton a. SYN: temporal a.. intracranial granulomatous a. a small vessel, giant cell a. that affects only intracranial blood vessels, of unknown etiology, and with diverse clinical manifestations, including those seen with an involving cerebral tumor, and with a low grade meningitis, leading to infarction of one portion of the cerebrum or cerebellum. SYN: neurocranial granulomatous a.. neurocranial granulomatous a. SYN: intracranial granulomatous a.. a. nodosa SYN: polyarteritis nodosa. a. obliterans, obliterating a. SYN: endarteritis obliterans. rheumatic a. a. due to rheumatic fever; Aschoff bodies are frequently found in the adventitia of small arteries, especially in the myocardium, and may lead to fibrosis and constriction of the lumens. rheumatoid a. a. associated with rheumatoid arthritis; aortitis with aortic valve incompetence accompanying ankylosing spondylitis may be related. Takayasu a. a progressive obliterative a. of unknown origin involving chronic inflammation of the aortic arch with fibrosis and marked luminal narrowing that affects the aorta and its branches, often with complete or near complete occlusion of segments of the aorta; more common in females. SEE ALSO: aortic arch syndrome. SYN: pulseless disease, Takayasu disease, Takayasu syndrome. temporal a. a subacute, granulomatous a. involving the external carotid arteries, especially the temporal artery; occurs in elderly persons and may be manifested by constitutional symptoms, particularly severe headache, and sometimes sudden unilateral blindness. Shares many of the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. SYN: cranial a., extracranial a., giant cell a., granulomatous a., Horton a..


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