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embryocardia (em′bre-o-kar′de-a)
A condition in which the cadence of the heart sounds resembles that of the fetus, the first and second sounds becoming alike and evenly spaced; a sign of serious myocardial disease. SYN: pendulum rhythm, tic-tac rhythm, tic-tac sounds. [embryo- + G. kardia, heart]

embryogenesis (em′bre-o-jen′e-sis)
That phase of prenatal development involved in establishment of the characteristic configuration of the embryonic body; in humans, e. is usually regarded as extending from the end of the second week, when the embryonic disk is formed, to the end of the eighth week, after which the conceptus is usually spoken of as a fetus. [embryo- + G. genesis, origin]

embryogenic, embryogenetic (em-bre-o-jen′ik, -je-net′ik)
Producing an embryo; relating to the formation of an embryo.

embryogeny (em-bre-oj′e-ne)
The origin and growth of the embryo.

embryoid (em′bre-oyd)
SYN: embryonoid.

embryologist (em-bre-ol′o-jist)
One who specializes in embryology.

embryology (em-bre-ol′oje)
Science of the origin and development of the organism from fertilization of the ovum to the end of the eighth week. Sometimes used to include all stages of prenatal life. [embryo- + G. logos, study]

embryoma (em-bre-o′ma)
SYN: embryonal tumor.

embryomorphous (em′bre-o-mor′fus)
1. Relating to the formation and structure of the embryo. 2. Applied to structures or tissues in the body similar to those in the embryo, or embryonal rests. [embryo- + G. morphe, shape]

embryonal (em′bre-o′nal)
Relating to an embryo. SYN: embryonate (1) .

embryonate (em′bre-o-nat)
1. SYN: embryonal. 2. Containing an embryo. 3. Impregnated.

embryonic (em-bre-on′ik)
Of, pertaining to, or in the condition of an embryo.

embryoniform (em-bre-on′i-form)
SYN: embryonoid.

embryonization (em′bre-on-i-za′shun)
Reversion of a cell or tissue to an embryonic form.

embryonoid (em′bre-o-noyd)
Resembling an embryo or a fetus. SYN: embryoid, embryoniform. [embryo- + G. eidos, appearance]

embryony (em′bre-o-ne)
The forming of an embryo.

embryopathy (em-bre-op′a-the)
A morbid condition in the embryo or fetus. SYN: fetopathy. [embryo- + G. pathos, disease]

embryophore (em′bre-o-for)
A membrane or wall around the hexacanth embryo of tapeworms, forming the inner portion of the eggshell. In the genus Taenia, the e. is exceptionally thick, with radial striations that form a highly protective structure; in the genus Diphyllobothrium, the e. is ciliated and enhances the aquatic life cycle of this and other pseudophyllid cestodes. SEE ALSO: coracidium. [embryo- + G. phoros, bearing]

embryoplastic (em-bre-o-plas′tik)
1. Producing an embryo. 2. Relating to the formation of an embryo. [embryo- + G. plasso, to form]

embryotomy (em-bre-ot′o-me)
Any mutilating operation on the fetus to make possible its removal when delivery is impossible by natural means. [embryo- + G. tome, cutting]

embryotoxicity (em′bre-o-tok-sis′i-te)
Injury to the embryo, which may result in death, growth retardation, or abnormal development of a part that may affect either its structure or function.

embryotoxon (em′bre-o-tok′son)
Congenital opacity of the periphery of the cornea, a feature of osteogenesis imperfecta. [embryo- + G. toxon, bow] anterior e. SYN: arcus senilis. posterior e. a common developmental abnormality marked by a prominent white ring of Schwalbe.

embryotroph (em′bre-o-trof)
1. Nutritive material supplied to the embryo during development. Cf.:hemotroph, histotroph. 2. In the implantation stages of deciduate placental mammals, fluid adjacent to the blastodermic vesicle; a mixture of the secretion of the uterine glands, cellular debris resulting from the trophoblastic invasion of the endometrium, and exudated plasma. [embryo- + G. trophe, nourishment]

embryotrophic (em′bre-o-trof′ik)
Relating to any process or agency involved in the nourishment of the embryo.

embryotrophy (em′bre-ot′ro-fe)
The nutrition of the embryo. [embryo- + G. trophe, nourishment]

emedullate (e-med′u-lat)
To extract any marrow. [L. e-, from, + medulla, marrow]

emeiocytosis (e′me-o-si-to′sis)
SYN: exocytosis (2) . [L. emitto, to send forth, + G. kytos, cell, + -osis, condition]

emergence (e-mer′jens)
1. Recovery of normal function following a period of unconsciousness, especially that associated with a general anesthetic. 2. See property e.. property e. properties in a complex system that are not present in the component parts, e.g., symmetry; i.e., in an ecologic hierarchy, populations have properties not expressed by an individual or a community.

emergency (e-mer′jen-se)
A patient's condition requiring immediate treatment. [L. e-mergo, pp. -mersus, to rise up, emerge, fr. mergo, to plunge into, dip]

emergent (e-mer′jent)
1. Arising suddenly and unexpectedly, calling for quick judgment and prompt action. 2. Coming out; leaving a cavity or other part.

Alan E. H., Contemporary British physician. See E.-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy.

emery (em′er-e)
An abrasive containing aluminum oxide and iron. [O.Fr. emeri, fr. L.L. smericulum, fr. G. smiris]

emesis (em′e-sis)
1. SYN: vomiting. 2. Combining form, used in the suffix position, for vomiting. [G. fr. emeo, to vomit]

emetic (e-met′ik)
1. Relating to or causing vomiting. 2. An agent that causes vomiting, e.g., ipecac syrup. [G. emetikos, producing vomiting, fr. emeo, to vomit]

emetine (em′e-ten)
The principal alkaloid of ipecac, used as an emetic; its salts are used in amebiasis; available as the hydrochloride.

emetocathartic (em′e-to-ka-thar′tik)
1. Both emetic and cathartic. 2. An agent that causes vomiting and purging of the lower intestines.

Having the capacity to induce emesis (vomiting), a common property of anticancer agents, narcotics, and amorphine.

The property of being emetogenic.

Abbreviation for electromotive force.

Abbreviation for electromyogram.

Blood. [G. haima]

emiction (e-mik′shun)
Rarely used term for urination.

emigration (em-i-gra′shun)
The passage of white blood cells through the endothelium and wall of small blood vessels. [L. e-migro, pp. -atus, to emigrate]

eminence (em′i-nens) [TA]
A circumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface, particularly on a bone surface. SYN: eminentia [TA] . [L. eminentia] abducens e. SYN: facial colliculus. arcuate e. [TA] a prominence on the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone indicating the position of the superior semicircular canal. SYN: eminentia arcuata [TA] . articular e. of temporal bone SYN: articular tubercle of temporal bone. canine e. an elevation on the maxilla corresponding to the socket of the canine tooth. SYN: canine prominence. collateral e. [TA] a longitudinal elevation of the floor of the collateral trigone of the lateral ventricle of the brain, between the hippocampus and the calcar avis, caused by the proximity of the floor of the collateral fissure. SYN: eminentia collateralis [TA] . e. of concha [TA] the prominence on the cranial surface of the auricle corresponding to the concha. SYN: eminentia conchae [TA] , apophysis conchae. cruciate e. SYN: cruciform e.. cruciform e. [TA] bony cross-like elevation on the internal aspect of the squamous portion of the occipital bone formed by the intersection of the groove for the transverse sinuses and the internal occipital crest, with the internal occipital protuberance at the center of the “cross.” SYN: eminentia cruciformis [TA] , cruciate e.. deltoid e. SYN: deltoid tuberosity (of humerus). Doyère e. the slightly elevated area of the striated muscle fiber's surface that corresponds to the site of the motor endplate. facial e. SYN: facial colliculus. forebrain e. SYN: frontonasal prominence. frontal e. frontal tuber. genital e. in very young embryos, the vaguely outlined median elevation immediately cephalic to the proctodeum; its central part develops into the genital tubercle. hypobranchial e. a median elevation in the floor of the embryonic pharynx caudal to the tuberculum impar; it merges laterally with the ventral part of the second and third branchial arches, and in later development is incorporated in the root of the tongue. SYN: copula linguae, His copula. hypoglossal e. SYN: hypoglossal trigone. hypothenar e. [TA] the fleshy mass at the medial side of the palm. SYN: hypothenar (1) [TA] , eminentia hypothena′ris&star, antithenar, hypothenar prominence. ileocecal e. SYN: ileal papilla. iliopectineal e. SYN: iliopubic e.. iliopubic e. [TA] a rounded elevation on the superior surface of the hip bone at the junction of the ilium and the superior ramus of the pubis. SYN: eminentia iliopubica [TA] , iliopectineal e.. intercondylar e. [TA] an elevation on the proximal extremity of the tibia between the two articular surfaces. SYN: eminentia intercondylaris [TA] , eminentia intercondyloidea, intercondyloid e., spinous process of tibia. intercondyloid e. SYN: intercondylar e.. maxillary e. SYN: maxillary tuberosity. medial e. term originally used to describe a longitudinal elevation of the rhomboid fossa extending throughout the length of the rhombencephalon and made up of named elevations such as the facial colliculus and the hypoglossal and vagal trigones; now used to describe only the medial elevation in the floor of fourth ventricle immediately rostral to the facial colliculus, the other elevations being separately named. SYN: eminentia medialis, eminentia teres, funiculus teres, round e.. median e. [TA] the slightly prominent lower segment of the infundibulum of the hypothalamus, immediately proximal to the hypophysial stalk; the region is characterized by the capillary tufts of the infundibular arteries, from which the hypothalamohypophysial portal system of veins arises. SYN: eminentia mediana. olivary e. SYN: oliva. omental e. of pancreas [TA] a bulge on the anterior surface of the body of the pancreas to the left of the superior mesenteric vessels. SYN: tuber omentale pancreatis [TA] , omental tuber. orbital e. of zygomatic bone SYN: orbital tubercle (of zygomatic bone). parietal e. parietal tuber. pyramidal e. SYN: eminentia pyramidalis. radial e. of wrist a rather large flat e. on the radial side of the palmar aspect of the wrist, due to the tuberosity of scaphoid and the ridge on the trapezium. SYN: eminentia carpi radialis. restiform e. SYN: restiform body. round e. SYN: medial e.. e. of scapha [TA] the prominence on the cranial surface of the auricle corresponding to the scapha. SYN: eminentia scaphae [TA] . thenar e. [TA] the fleshy mass on the lateral side of the palm; the radial palm; the ball of the thumb. SYN: eminentia thena′ris&star, thenar prominence. thyroid e. SYN: laryngeal prominence. e. of triangular fossa of auricle [TA] the prominence on the cranial surface of the auricle corresponding to the triangular fossa. SYN: eminentia fossae triangularis auricularis [TA] , agger perpendicularis, eminentia triangularis. ulnar e. of wrist an e. smaller than the radial, on the ulnar side of the palmar aspect of the wrist, due to presence of the pisiform bone. SYN: eminentia carpi ulnaris.

eminentia, pl .eminentiae (em-i-nen′she-a, -she-e) [TA]
SYN: eminence. [L. prominence, fr. e-mineo, to stand out, project] e. abducentis SYN: facial colliculus. e. arcuata [TA] SYN: arcuate eminence. e. articularis ossis temporalis SYN: articular tubercle of temporal bone. e. carpi radialis SYN: radial eminence of wrist. e. carpi ulnaris SYN: ulnar eminence of wrist. e. collateralis [TA] SYN: collateral eminence. e. conchae [TA] SYN: eminence of concha. e. cruciformis [TA] SYN: cruciform eminence. e. facialis SYN: facial colliculus. e. fossae triangularis auricularis [TA] SYN: eminence of triangular fossa of auricle. e. frontalis frontal tuber, frontal tuber. e. hypoglossi SYN: hypoglossal trigone. e. hypothena′ris hypothenar eminence. e. iliopubica [TA] SYN: iliopubic eminence. e. intercondylaris [TA] SYN: intercondylar eminence. e. intercondyloidea SYN: intercondylar eminence. e. maxillae SYN: maxillary tuberosity, maxillary tuberosity. e. medialis SYN: medial eminence. e. mediana SYN: median eminence. e. orbitalis (ossis zygomatici) SYN: orbital tubercle (of zygomatic bone). e. parietalis parietal tuber. e. pyramidalis [TA] a conical projection posterior to the vestibular window in the middle ear; it is hollow and contains the stapedius muscle. SYN: pyramid of tympanum, pyramidal eminence, pyramis tympani. e. restiformis SYN: restiform body. e. scaphae [TA] SYN: eminence of scapha. e. symphysis SYN: mental tubercle (of mandible). e. teres SYN: medial eminence. e. thena′ris thenar eminence. e. triangularis SYN: eminence of triangular fossa of auricle. vagi e. SYN: vagal (nerve) trigone.

emiocytosis (e′me-o-si-to′sis)
SYN: exocytosis (2) . [L. emitto, to send forth, + G. kytos, cell, + -osis, condition]

emissarium (em-i-sa′re-um)
SYN: emissary vein. [L. an outlet, fr. e-mitto, pp. -missus, to send out] e. condyloideum SYN: condylar emissary vein. e. mastoideum SYN: mastoid emissary vein. e. occipitale SYN: occipital emissary vein. e. parietale SYN: parietal emissary vein.

emissary (em′i-sar-e)
1. Relating to, or providing, an outlet or drain. 2. SYN: e. vein. [see emissarium]

emission (e-mish′un)
A discharge; referring usually to a discharge of the male internal genital organs into the internal urethra; the contents of the organs, including sperm cells, prostatic fluid, and seminal vesicle fluid, mix in the internal urethra with mucus from the bulbourethral glands to form semen. [L. emissio, fr. e- mitto, to send out] characteristic e. SYN: characteristic radiation. continuous otoacoustic e. a form of evoked otoacoustic e. in which the e. is of the same frequency as the stimulus and persists as long as the stimulus. distortion-product otoacoustic e. a form of evoked otoacoustic e. in which a third frequency is produced when two pure tones are used as the stimulus. evoked otoacoustic e. a form resulting from acoustic stimulation, as opposed to spontaneous otoacoustic e.. otoacoustic e. sound emanating from the ear that can be recorded from minute microphones placed in the external auditory canal and is thought to be produced by the outer hair cells in the cochlea. Otoacoustic emissions occur spontaneously and can be evoked by acoustic stimuli; they are more prominent in women than in men and are particularly robust in infants. Indicative of the integrity of the auditory hair cells, they are measured to screen newborns for hearing impairment. transient evoked otoacoustic e. a form in which the response is limited in time.

emissivity (e-mi-siv′i-te)
The giving off of heat rays; a perfect “black body” has an e. of 1, a highly polished metallic surface may have an e. as low as 0.02.

Abbreviation for enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique.

Thomas A., U.S. gynecologist, 1828–1919. See E. needle, E. operation.

emmetropia (em-e-tro′pe-a)
The state of refraction of the eye in which parallel rays, when the eye is at rest, are focused exactly on the retina. [G. emmetros, according to measure, + ops, eye]

emmetropic (em-e-trop′ik)
Pertaining to or characterized by emmetropia.

emmetropization (em′e-trop-i-za′shun)
The process by which the refraction of the anterior ocular segment and the axial length of the eye tend to balance each other to produce emmetropia.

E. parva var. parva a fungal species causing adiaspiromycosis in animals.

Emmonsiella capsulata (e-mon-si-el′a kap-soo-la′ta)
SYN: Ajellomyces capsulatum.

emodin (em′o-din)
A crystalline substance (cathartic) found in rhubarb, senna, cascara sagrada, and other purgative drugs. SYN: archin, frangulic acid.

emollient (e-mol′e-ent)
1. Soothing to the skin or mucous membrane. 2. An agent that softens the skin or soothes irritation in the skin or mucous membrane. SYN: malactic. [L. emolliens, pres. p. of e- mollio, emollire, to soften]

emotion (e-mo′shun)
A strong feeling, aroused mental state, or intense state of drive or unrest, which may be directed toward a definite object and is evidenced in both behavior and in psychologic changes, with accompanying autonomic nervous system manifestations. [L. e-moveo, pp. -motus, to move out, agitate]

emotional (e-mo′shun-al)
Relating to or marked by an emotion.


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