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endemia (en-de′me-a)
Obsolete term for an endemic disease.

endemic (en-dem′ik)
Denoting a temporal pattern of disease occurrence in a population in which the disease occurs with predictable regularity with only relatively minor fluctations in its frequency over time. Cf.:epidemic, sporadic. SYN: enzootic. [G. endemos, native, fr. en, in, + demos, the people]

endemoepidemic (en-dem′o-ep-i-dem′ik)
Denoting a temporary large increase in the number of cases of an endemic disease.

endergonic (en-der-gon′ik)
Referring to a chemical reaction that takes place with absorption of energy from its surroundings ( i.e., a positive change in Gibbs free energy). Cf.:exergonic. [endo- + G. ergon, work]

endermic, endermatic (en-der′mik, en-der-mat′ik)
In or through the skin; denoting a method of treatment, as by inunction; the remedy produces its constitutional effect when absorbed through the skin surface to which it is applied. [G. en, in, + derma (dermat-), skin]

endermosis (en-der-mo′sis)
Any eruptive disease of the mucous membrane.

SYN: axon terminals, under terminal.

SYN: hindgut.

1. A termination or conclusion. 2. A nerve e.. annulospiral e. one of two types of sensory nerve e. associated with a neuromuscular spindle (the other being the flower-spray e.); after entering the muscle spindle, the fiber divides into two flat, ribbonlike branches that wind themselves in rings or spirals about the intrafusal muscle fibers. SYN: annulospiral organ. calyciform e., caliciform e. a synaptic e. in relation to certain neuroepithelial hair cells of the inner ear. epilemmal e. a nerve e. in close relation to the outer surface of the sarcolemma. flower-spray e. one of the two types of sensory nerve e. associated with the neuromuscular spindle (the other being the annulospiral e.); in this type, the fiber branches spread out upon the surface of the intrafusal fibers like a spray of flowers. SYN: flower-spray organ of Ruffini. free nerve endings a form of peripheral e. of sensory nerve fibers in which the terminal filaments end freely in the tissue. SYN: terminationes nervorum liberae. grape endings an autodescriptive term applied to synaptic terminals at the ends of short, stalklike axon branches. hederiform e. a type of free sensory e. in the skin. nerve e. any one of the specialized terminations of peripheral sensory or motor nerve fibers. See motor endplate, corpuscle, bulb. sole-plate e. SYN: motor endplate. synaptic endings SYN: axon terminals, under terminal.

Shigeru, Japanese bacteriologist, 1869–1937. See E. agar, E. medium.

endo-, end-
Prefixes indicating within, inner, absorbing, or containing. SEE ALSO: ento-. [G. endon, within]

endoabdominal (en′do-ab-dom′i-nal)
Within the abdomen.

endoamylase (en′do-am′il-as)
A glucanohydrolase acting on internal glycosidic bonds ( E.G., α-amylase).

endoaneurysmoplasty (en′do-an-u-riz′mo-plas-te)
SYN: aneurysmoplasty.

endoaneurysmorrhaphy (en′do-an-u-riz-mor′a-fe)
SYN: aneurysmoplasty. [endo- + G. aneurysma, aneurysm, + rhaphe, suture]

endoangiitis (en′do-an-je-i′tis)
SYN: endangiitis.

endo-aortitis (en′do-a-or-ti′tis)
SYN: endaortitis.

endoappendicitis (en′do-a-pen-di-si′tis)
Simple catarrhal inflammation, limited more or less strictly to the mucosal surface of the vermiform appendix.

endoarteritis (en′do-ar-ter-i′tis)
SYN: endarteritis.

endoauscultation (en′do-aws-kul-ta′shun)
Auscultation of the thoracic organs, especially the heart, by means of a stethoscopic tube passed into the esophagus or into the heart.

SYN: endosac.

endobasion (en′do-ba′se-on)
A cephalometric and craniometric point located in the midline at the most posterior point of the anterior border of the foramen magnum on the contour of the foramen; it is slightly posterior and internal to basion.

endobiotic (en-do-bi-ot′ik)
Living as a parasite within the host.

endobronchial (en-do-brong′ke-al)
SYN: intrabronchial.

endocardiac, endocardial (en-do-kar′de-ak, -de-al)
1. SYN: intracardiac. 2. Relating to the endocardium.

endocardiography (en′do-kar-de-og′ra-fe)
Electrocardiography with the exploring electrode within the chambers of the heart. SEE ALSO: intracardiac catheter.

endocarditic (en′do-kar-dit′ik)
Relating to endocarditis.

endocarditis (en′do-kar-di′tis)
Inflammation of the endocardium. SYN: encarditis. abacterial thrombotic e. SYN: nonbacterial thrombotic e.. acute bacterial e. a type of severe bacterial e. caused by pyogenic organisms such as hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci. atypical verrucous e. SYN: Libman-Sacks e.. bacterial e. e. caused by the direct invasion of bacteria and leading to deformity and destruction of the valve leaflets. Two types are acute bacterial e. and subacute bacterial e.. cachectic e. SYN: nonbacterial thrombotic e.. e. chordalis e. affecting particularly the chordae tendineae. constrictive e. thickening of the endocardium due to inflammation of any origin that restricts the diastolic relaxation of one or both ventricles producing diastolic ventricular failure, e.g., Löffler fibroplastic e.. infectious e., infective e. e. due to infection by microorganisms. isolated parietal e. fibrous thickening of the endocardium of the left ventricle without valvular involvement. Libman-Sacks e. verrucous e. sometimes associated with disseminated lupus erythematosus. SYN: atypical verrucous e., Libman-Sacks syndrome, nonbacterial verrucous e.. Löffler e. fibroplastic constrictive parietal e. with eosinophilia, an e. of obscure cause characterized by progressive congestive heart failure, multiple systemic emboli, and eosinophilia. SYN: Löffler disease, Löffler syndrome (2) . Löffler parietal fibroplastic e. sclerosis of the endocardium in the presence of a high eosinophile count. malignant e. acute bacterial e., usually secondary to suppuration elsewhere and running a fulminating course. SYN: septic e.. marantic e. nonbacterial thrombotic e. associated with cancer and other debilitating diseases. Cf.:terminal e.. mural e. inflammation of the endocardium involving the walls of the chambers of the heart. mycotic e. e. due to infection by fungi. nonbacterial thrombotic e. verrucous endocardial lesions occurring in the terminal stages of many chronic infectious and wasting diseases. SYN: abacterial thrombotic e., cachectic e., terminal e., thromboendocarditis. nonbacterial verrucous e. SYN: Libman-Sacks e.. polypous e. bacterial e. with the formation of pedunculated masses of fibrin, or thrombi, attached to the ulcerated valves. rheumatic e. endocardial involvement as part of rheumatic heart disease, recognized clinically by valvular involvement; in the acute stage, there may be tiny fibrin vegetations along the lines of closure of the valve leaflets, with subsequent fibrous thickening and shortening of the leaflets. septic e. SYN: malignant e.. subacute bacterial e. (SBE) e. of less acuity than acute bacterial e.. terminal e. SYN: nonbacterial thrombotic e.. valvular e. inflammation confined to the endocardium of the valves. vegetative e., verrucous e. e. associated with the presence of fibrinous clots (vegetations) forming on the ulcerated surfaces of the valves.

endocardium, pl .endocardia (en-do-kar′de-um, -e-a) [TA]
The innermost tunic of the heart, which includes endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue; in the atrial wall, smooth muscle and numerous elastic fibers also occur. [endo- + G. kardia, heart]

endoceliac (en-do-se′le-ak)
Within one of the body cavities. [endo- + G. koilia, cavity, ventricle]

endocervical (en′do-ser′vi-kal)
1. Within any cervix, specifically within the cervix of the uterus. SYN: intracervical. 2. Relating to the endocervix.

endocervicitis (en′do-ser-vi-si′tis)
Inflammation of the columnar epithelium cervix uteri.

endocervix (en-do-ser′viks)
The mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

endochondral (en-do-kon′dral)
SYN: intracartilaginous. [endo- + G. chondros, cartilage]

endocoagulation (en-do-ko-ag-oo-la′shun)
SYN: thermocoagulation.

endocolitis (en′do-ko-li′tis)
Simple catarrhal inflammation of the colon.

endocranial (en-do-kra′ne-al)
1. Within the cranium. 2. Relating to the endocranium. SYN: encranial, entocranial.

endocranium (en′do-kra′ne-um)
The lining membrane of the cranium, or dura mater of the brain. SYN: entocranium.

endocrine (en′do-krin)
1. Secreting internally, most commonly into the systemic circulation; of or pertaining to such secretion. Cf.:paracrine. 2. The internal or hormonal secretion of a ductless gland. 3. Denoting a gland that furnishes an internal secretion. [endo- + G. krino, to separate]

endocrinologist (en′do-kri-nol′o-jist)
One who specializes in endocrinology.

endocrinology (en′do-kri-nol′o-je)
The science and medical specialty concerned with the internal or hormonal secretions and their physiologic and pathologic relations. [endocrine + G. logos, study]

endocrinoma (en′do-kri-no′ma)
Obsolete term for a tumor with endocrine tissue that retains the function of the parent organ, usually to an excessive degree.

endocrinopathic (en′do-kri-no-path′ik)
Relating to or suffering from an endocrinopathy.

endocrinopathy (en′do-kri-nop′a-the)
A disorder in the function of an endocrine gland and the consequences thereof. [endocrine + G. pathos, disease]

endocrinotherapy (en′do-kri-no-thar′a-pe)
Treatment of disease by the administration of extracts of endocrine glands. [endocrine + G. therapeia, medical treatment]

endocyclic (en-do-si′klik, -sik′lik)
Within a cycle or ring; e.g., the six carbon atoms of the benzene ring in toluene. Cf.:exocyclic.

endocyst (en′do-sist)
The inner layer of a hydatid cyst.

endocystitis (en′do-sis-ti′tis)
Obsolete term for inflammation of the epithelial lining of the bladder. [endo- + G. kystis, bladder, + -itis, inflammation]

endocytosis (en′do-si-to′sis)
Internalization of substances from the extracellular environment through the formation of vesicles formed from the plasma membrane. There are two forms: (a) fluid phase (pinocytosis), and (b) receptor mediated. SEE ALSO: phagocytosis. Cf.:exocytosis (2) . [endo- + G. kytos, cell, + -osis, condition]

endoderm (en′do-derm)
The innermost of the three primary germ layers of the embryo (ectoderm, mesoderm, e.); from it is derived the epithelial lining of the primitive gut tract and the epithelial component of the glands and other structures ( e.g., lower respiratory system) that develop as outgrowths from the gut tube. SYN: entoderm. [endo- + G. derma, skin]

endodiascope (en′do-di′a-skop)
An x-ray tube that may be placed within a cavity of the body; an archaic device.

endodiascopy (en′do-di-as′ko-pe)
X-ray visualization by means of an endodiascope; an archaic procedure. [endo- + G. dia, through, + skopeo, to view]

endodontia (en-do-don′she-a)
SYN: endodontics.

endodontics (en-do-don′tiks)
A field of dentistry concerned with the biology and pathology of the dental pulp and periapical tissues, and with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries in these tissues. SYN: endodontia, endodontology. [endo- + G. odous, tooth]

endodontist (en-do-don′tist)
One who specializes in the practice of endodontics. SYN: endodontologist.

endodontologist (en′do-don-tol′o-jist)
SYN: endodontist.

endodontology (en′do-don-tol′o-je)
SYN: endodontics.

endodyocyte (en′do-di′o-sit)
1. A trophozoite formed by endodyogeny. 2. SYN: merozoite. [endo- + G. dys, two, + kytos, cell]

endodyogeny (en′do-di-oj′e-ne)
A process of asexual development seen among certain coccidia, such as Toxoplasma and Frenkelia, in which no separate nuclear division occurs, as in schizogony; the two daughters develop internally within the parent, without nuclear conjugation. [endo- + G. dys, two, + genesis, creation]

endoenteritis (en′do-en-ter-i′tis)
Obsolete term for inflammation of the intestinal mucous membrane. [endo- + G. enteron, intestine, -itis, inflammation]

endoenzyme (en-do-en′zim)
1. SYN: intracellular enzyme. 2. An enzyme that catalyzes an endohydrolysis.

endoesophagitis (en′do-e-sof-a-ji′tis)
Obsolete term for inflammation of the internal lining of the esophagus.

endofaradism (en-do-far′a-dizm)
Application of an alternating electric current to the interior of any cavity of the body. See fulguration.

endogalvanism (en-do-gal′van-izm)
Application of a direct electric current to the interior of any cavity of the body. See fulguration.

endogamy (en-dog′a-me)
Reproduction by conjugation between sister cells, the descendants of one original cell. [endo- + G. gamos, marriage]

endogastric (en-do-gas′trik)
Within the stomach.

endogastritis (en′do-gas-tri′tis)
Obsolete term for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. [endo- + G. gaster, stomach, + -itis, inflammation]

endogenic (en-do-jen′ik)
SYN: endogenous.


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