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endogenote (en-do-je′not)
In microbial genetics, the recipient cell's genome. [endo- + genote]

endogenous (en-doj′e-nus)
Originating or produced within the organism or one of its parts. SYN: endogenic. [endo- + G. -gen, production]

endoglin (en′do-glin)
A protein on the surface of endothelial cells that binds to transforming growth factor-β.

endognathion (en-dog-nath′e-on, en-do-na′the-on)
The medial of the two segments constituting the incisive bone. See mesognathion. [endo- + G. gnathos, jaw]

endoherniotomy (en′do-her-ne-ot′o-me)
An obsolete procedure for closure, by sutures, of the interior lining of a hernial sac.

endointoxication (en′do-in-tok-si-ka′shun)
Poisoning by an endogenous toxin.

endolaryngeal (en′do-la-rin′je-al)
Within the larynx.

Endolimax (en-do-li′maks)
A genus of small nonpathogenic amebae parasitic in the large intestine of humans and other animals. [endo- + G. leimax, a meadow or garden]

endolith (en′do-lith)
A calcified body found in the pulp chamber of a tooth; may be composed of irregular dentin (true denticle) or due to ectopic calcification of pulp tissue (false denticle). SYN: denticle (1) , pulp calcification, pulp calculus, pulp nodule, pulp stone. [endo- + G. lithos, stone]

endolymph (en′do-limf) [TA]
The fluid contained within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear; e. resembles intracellular fluid in composition (potassium is the main positively-charged ion). SYN: endolympha [TA] , Scarpa fluid, Scarpa liquor.

endolympha (en′do-lim′fa) [TA]
SYN: endolymph. [endo- + L. lympha, a clear fluid]

endolymphic (en-do-lim′fik)
Relating to the endolymph.

endomerogony (en′do-me-rog′o-ne)
Production of merozoites in the asexual reproduction of sporozoan protozoa by a process originating in the interior of the schizont (as contrasted with ectomerogony); observed in species of Eimeria. [endo- + G. meros, part, + gone, generation]

endometria (en-do-me′tre-a)
Plural of endometrium.

endometrial (en-do-me′tre-al)
Relating to or composed of endometrium.

endometrioid (en-do-me′tre-oyd)
Microscopically resembling endometrial tissue.

endometrioma (en′do-me-tre-o′ma)
Circumscribed mass of ectopic endometrial tissue in endometriosis. [endometrium + -oma, tumor]

endometriosis (en′do-me-tre-o′sis)
Ectopic occurrence of endometrial tissue, frequently forming cysts containing altered blood. SYN: endometrial implants. [endometrium + -osis, condition]

endometritis (en′do-me-tri′tis)
Inflammation of the endometrium. [endometrium + -itis, inflammation] decidual e. inflammation of the decidual mucous membrane of the gravid uterus. e. dissecans e. with ulceration and exfoliation of the mucous membrane.

endometrium, pl .endometria (en′do-me′tre-um, -tre-a) [TA]
The mucous membrane comprising the inner layer of the uterine wall; it consists of a simple columnar epithelium and a lamina propria that contains simple tubular uterine glands. The structure, thickness, and state of the e. undergo marked change with the menstrual cycle. SYN: tunica mucosa uteri [TA] . [endo- + G. metra, uterus] Swiss cheese e. SYN: simple endometrial hyperplasia.

endometropic (en′do-me-trop′ik)
Denoting an external stimulus capable of producing a response of the uterus, specifically the endometrium. [endo- + G. metra, uterus, + trope, a turning]

endomitosis (en′do-mi-to′sis)
SYN: endopolyploidy.

endomorph (en′do-morf)
A constitutional body type or build (biotype or somatotype) in which tissues that originated in the endoderm prevail; from a morphological standpoint, the trunk predominates over the limbs. SYN: brachytype. [endo- + G. morphe, form]

endomorphic (en′do-mor′fik)
Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an endomorph.

endomotorsonde (en′do-mo′tor-sond′)
Radiotelemetering capsule for studying the interior of the gastrointestinal tract. [endo- + L. motor, mover, + Fr. sonde, sounding line]

Endomycetales (en′do-mi-se-ta′lez)
An order of Ascomycota that includes the yeasts. SYN: Saccharomycetales.

endomyocardial (en′do-mi-o-kar′de-al)
Relating to the endocardium and the myocardium.

endomyocarditis (en-do-mi′o-kar-di′tis)
Inflammation of both endocardium and myocardium; endemic in East Africa.

endomyometritis (en′do-mi-o-me-tri′tis)
Sepsis involving the tissues of the uterus. [endo- + G. mys, muscle, + metra, uterus, + -itis, inflammation]

endomysium (en′do-miz′e-um, -mis′e-um) [TA]
The fine connective tissue sheath surrounding a muscle fiber. [endo- + G. mys, muscle]

endoneurium (en-do-noo′re-um) [TA]
The innermost connective tissue supportive structure of nerve trunks, that surrounds both myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers; consists principally of ground substance, collagen, and fibroblasts; with the perineurium and epineurium, comprises the peripheral nerve stroma. SYN: Henle sheath, sheath of Key and Retzius. [endo- + G. neuron, nerve]

endonuclease (en-do-noo′kle-as)
An enzyme (phosphodiesterase) that cleaves the internal phosphodiester bonds in a DNA molecule, thus producing DNA fragments of varying size. Cf.:exonuclease. micrococcal e. an enzyme, produced by a member of the genus Micrococcus, that cleaves nucleic acids to oligonucleotides terminating in 3′-phosphates. SYN: micrococcal nuclease, spleen e., spleen phosphodiesterases. nucleate e. SYN: e. Serratia marcescens. restriction e. one of many endonucleases isolated from bacteria that cleave or hydrolyze (cut) foreign double-stranded DNA chains at specific recognition sites defined by DNA sequences; these endonucleases have become standard laboratory devices for making specific cuts in DNA as a first step in deducing sequences and are sometimes referred to as a “chemical knife”; usually named by a three- or four-letter abbreviation of the name of the organism from which isolated ( e.g., EcoB from Escherichia coli, strain B). SYN: restriction enzyme. single-stranded nucleate e. e. S1 Aspergillus. spleen e. SYN: micrococcal e..

endonuclease S1 Aspergillus
An enzyme cleaving RNA or DNA to 5′-ended mono- or oligonucleotides; prefers single-stranded polynucleic acids. SYN: deoxyribonuclease S1.

endonuclease Serratia marcescens
A nuclease (a nucleate oligonucleotidohydrolase) that forms oligonucleotides ending in 5′-phosphates from RNA and DNA; hydrolyzes both double-stranded and single-stranded polynucleic acids. SYN: nucleate endonuclease.

endonucleolus (en′do-noo-kle′o-lus)
A minute unstainable spot near the center of a nucleolus.

endoparasite (en-do-par′a-sit)
A parasite living within the body of its host.

endopeptidase (en-do-pep′ti-das)
An enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of a peptide chain at points well within the chain, not near termini; e.g., pepsin, trypsin. Cf.:exopeptidase. SYN: proteinase.

endoperiarteritis (en′do-par′i-ar-ter-i′tis)
SYN: panarteritis. [endo- + G. peri, around, + arteritis]

endopericardiac (en′do-par-e-kar′de-ak)
SYN: intrapericardiac.

endoperimyocarditis (en′do-par′i-mi′o-kar-di′tis)
Simultaneous inflammation of the heart muscle and of the endocardium and pericardium. SYN: pancarditis. [endo- + G. peri, around, + mys, muscle, + kardia, heart, + -itis, inflammation]

endoperitonitis (en′do-par′i-to-ni′tis)
Superficial inflammation of the peritoneum.

endoperoxide (en′do-per-ok′sid)
A peroxide (–O–O–) group that bridges two atoms that are both parts of a larger molecule.

endophlebitis (en′do-fle-bi′tis)
Inflammation of the intima of a vein. [endo- + G. phleps (phleb-), vein, + -itis, inflammation]

endophthalmitis (en-dof-thal-mi′tis)
Inflammation of the tissues within the eyeball. [endo- + G. ophthalmos, eye, + -itis, inflammation] granulomatous e. a diffuse, chronic inflammation of intraocular tissues. e. ophthalmia nodosa e. due to intraocular caterpillar hairs. See ophthalmia nodosa. e. phacoanaphylactica inflammation of the uveal tract as a result of sensitization by the lens cortex; simulates sympathetic ophthalmia.

endophthalmodonesis (en′dof-thal-mo-do-ne′sis)
Tremulousness of any intraocular structure, especially of an implanted lens (pseudophakodonesis). [endo- + ophthalmo- + G. doneo, to shake]

endophyte (en′do-fit)
A plant parasite living within another organism. [endo- + G. phyton, plant]

endophytic (en-do-fit′ik)
1. Pertaining to an endophyte. 2. Referring to an infiltrative, invasive tumor.

endoplasm (en′do-plazm)
The inner or medullary part of the cytoplasm, as opposed to the ectoplasm, containing the cell organelles. SYN: entoplasm.

endoplasmic (en′do-plas′mik)
Referring to the endoplasm.

endoplast (en′do-plast)
Former name for endosome. [endo- + G. plastos, formed]

endoplastic (en-do-plas′tik)
Relating to the endoplasm.

endopolygeny (en′do-po-lij′e-ne)
Asexual reproduction in which more than two offspring are formed within the parent organism and in which two or possibly more nuclear divisions occur before merozoite formation begins; a form of internal budding observed in Toxoplasma gondii. Cf.:endodyogeny. [endo- + G. polys, many, + genesis, creation]

endopolyploid (en-do-pol′e-ployd)
Relating to endopolyploidy.

endopolyploidy (en-do-pol′e-ploy-de)
The process or state of duplication of the DNA content of the nuclei without accompanying spindle formation or cytokinesis, resulting in a polyploid nucleus. SYN: endomitosis. [endo- + polyploidy]

endoreduplication (en′do-re-doo′pli-ka′shun)
A form of polyploidy or polysomy by redoubling of chromosomes, giving rise to four-stranded chromosomes at prophase and metaphase.

endorphinergic (en′dor-fin-er′jik)
Relating to nerve cells or fibers that employ an endorphin as their neurotransmitter. [endorphin + G. ergon, work]

endorphins (en′dor-finz)
Opioid peptides originally isolated from the brain but now found in many parts of the body; in the nervous system, e. bind to the same receptors that bind exogenous opiates. A variety of e. ( e.g., α, β, and γ) that vary not only in their physical and chemical properties but also in physiologic action have been isolated. SEE ALSO: enkephalins. [fr. endogenous morphine]

endorrhachis (en-do-ra′kis)
SYN: spinal dura mater. [endo- + G. rhachis, the spine]

endosac (en′do-sak)
A sac or bag used in laparoscopic surgery in which tissue is placed to facilitate removal or morcellation. SYN: endobag.

endosalpingiosis (en′do-sal-pin-je-o′sis)
Aberrant mucous membrane in the ovary or elsewhere consisting of ciliated tubal mucosa without stroma of endometrial type.

endosalpingitis (en′do-sal-pin-ji′tis)
Inflammation of the lining membrane of the eustachian or the fallopian tube. [endo- + G. salpinx (salping-), tube, + -itis, inflammation]

endosalpinx (en′do-sal′pinks)
The mucosa of the fallopian tube. [endo + G. salpinx, tube]

endosarc (en′do-sark)
The endoplasm of a protozoan. SYN: entosarc. [endo- + G. sarx (sark-), flesh]

endoscope (en′do-skop)
An instrument for the examination of the interior of a canal or hollow viscus. [endo- + G. skopeo, to examine] flexible e. an optical instrument that transmits light and carries images back to the observer through a flexible bundle of small (about 10 μm) transparent fibers. It is used to inspect interior portions of the body. These instruments are generally equipped with mechanisms for steering and may have additional ports for allowing sampling and/or operative instruments along their axis to the internal site. SEE ALSO: fiberoptics. SYN: fiberscope.

endoscopist (en-dos′ko-pist)
A specialist trained in the use of an endoscope.

endoscopy (en-dos′ko-pe)
Examination of the interior of a canal or hollow viscus by means of a special instrument, such as an endoscope. [see endoscope] peroral e. visual examination of interior sections of the body by introduction of an instrument (an endoscope) through the mouth; examples include esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, bronchoscopy. virtual e. computed tomographic data reconstructed in 3 dimensions to give information similar to that obtained with e..

endoskeleton (en-do-skel′e-ton)
The internal bony framework of the body; the skeleton in its usual context as distinguished from exoskeleton.

endosome (en′do-som)
A more or less central body in the vesicular nucleus of certain Feulgen-negative (DNA-) protozoa ( e.g., trypanosomes, parasitic amebae, and phytoflagellates), with the chromatin (DNA+) lying between the nuclear membrane and the e.. Cf.:nucleolus. [endo- + G. soma, body]

endosonography (en′do-so-nog′ra-fe)
Ultrasonography performed using an ultrasound transducer mounted on or passed through a fiberoptic endoscope.

endosonoscopy (en-do-son′o-sko-pe)
A sonographic study carried out by transducers inserted into the body as miniature probes in the esophagus, urethra, bladder, vagina, or rectum.


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