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Medical Dictionaryenterokinetic (en′ter-o-ki-net′ik) Relating to, or producing, enterokinesis. enterolith (en′ter-o-lith) An intestinal calculus formed of layers of soaps and earthy phosphates surrounding a nucleus of some hard body such as a swallowed fruit stone or other indigestible substance. [entero- + G. lithos, stone] enterolithiasis (en′ter-o-li-thi′a-sis) Presence of calculi in the intestine. enterology (en-ter-ol′o-je) The branch of medical science concerned especially with the intestinal tract. [entero- + G. logos, study] enterolysis (en-ter-ol′i-sis) Division of intestinal adhesions. [entero- + G. lysis, dissolution] enteromegaly, enteromegalia (en′ter-o-meg′a-le,; -o-me-ga′le-a) SYN: megaloenteron. [entero- + G. megas, great] enteromenia (en-ter-o-me′ne-a) Vicarious menstruation due to presence of tissue sensitive to effects of estrogen/progesterone in the intestine. [entero- + G. emmenos, monthly] enteromerocele (en′ter-o-mer′o-sel) Rarely used term for femoral hernia. [entero- + G. meros, thigh, + kele, hernia] enterometer (en-ter-om′e-ter) An instrument used in measuring the diameter of the intestine. [entero- + G. metron, measure] Enteromonas (en′ter-o-mo′nas, en-ter-om′o-nas) A genus of flagellate protozoa, one species of which, E. hominis, is found as a rare nonpathogenic resident in the human large intestine. [entero- + G. monas, monad] enteromycosis (en′ter-o-mi-ko′sis) An intestinal disease of fungal origin. [entero- + G. mykes, fungus, + -osis, condition] enteroparesis (en′ter-o-pa-re′sis, -par′i-sis) Rarely used term for a state of diminished or absent peristalsis with flaccidity of the muscles of the intestinal walls. [entero- + G. paresis, slackening, relaxation] enteropathogen (en′ter-o-path′o-jen) An organism capable of producing disease in the intestinal tract. enteropathogenic (en′ter-o-path-o-jen′ik) Capable of producing disease in the intestinal tract. enteropathy (en-ter-op′a-the) An intestinal disease. [entero- + G. pathos, suffering] gluten e. SYN: celiac disease. protein-losing e. increased fecal loss of serum protein, especially albumin, causing hypoproteinemia. enteropeptidase (en′ter-o-pep′ti-das) An intestinal proteolytic glycoenzyme from the duodenal mucosa that converts trypsinogen into trypsin (removes a hexapeptide from trypsinogen). SYN: enterokinase. enteropexy (en′ter-o-pek-se) Fixation of a segment of the intestine to the abdominal wall. [entero- + G. pexis, fixation] enteroplegia (en′ter-o-ple′je-a) Rarely used term for adynamic ileus. [entero- + G. plege, stroke] enteroproctia (en′ter-o-prok′she-a) Rarely used term for the presence of an artifical anus, as by a colostomy. [entero- + G. proktos, anus] enteroptosis, enteroptosia (en′ter-o-to′sis, -to′se-a) Abnormal descent of the intestines in the abdominal cavity, usually associated with falling of the other viscera. [entero- + G. ptosis, a falling] enteroptotic (en′ter-o-tot′ik) Relating to or suffering from enteroptosis. enterorenal (en′ter-o-re′nal) Relating to both the intestines and the kidneys. enterorrhagia (en-ter-o-ra′je-a) Bleeding within the intestinal tract. [entero- + G. rhegnymi, to burst forth] enterorrhaphy (en-ter-or′a-fe) Suture of the intestine. [entero- + G. rhaphe, suture] enterorrhexis (en′ter-o-rek′sis) Rarely used term for rupture of the gut or bowel. [entero- + G. rhexis, rupture] enteroscope (en′ter-o-skop) A speculum for inspecting the inside of the intestine in operative cases. [entero- + G. skopeo, to view] enterosepsis (en′ter-o-sep′sis) Sepsis occurring in or derived from the alimentary canal. [entero- + G. sepsis, putrefaction] enterospasm (en′ter-o-spazm) Increased, irregular, and painful peristalsis. [entero- + G. spasmos, spasm] enterostasis (en-ter-os′ta-sis) Intestinal stasis; a retardation or arrest of the passage of the intestinal contents. SYN: intestinal stasis. [entero- + G. stasis, a standing] enterostenosis (en′ter-o-sten-o′sis) Narrowing of the lumen of the intestine. [entero- + G. stenosis, narrowing] enterostomy (en-ter-os′to-me) A connection between segments of the intestine or a fistula into the intestine through the abdominal wall. [entero- + G. stoma, mouth] double e. e. in which both proximal and distal openings of divided intestine are sutured to the abdomen wall. enterotome (en′ter-o-tom) An instrument for incising the intestine, especially in the creation of an artificial anus. [entero- + G. tome, a cutting] enterotomy (en-ter-ot′o-me) Incision into the intestine. enterotoxication (en′ter-o-tok-si-ka′shun) SYN: autointoxication. enterotoxigenic (en′ter-o-tok-si-jen′ik) Denoting an organism containing or producing a toxin specific for cells of the intestinal mucosa. enterotoxin (en′ter-o-tok′sin) A cytotoxin specific for the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Clostridium perfringens e. a toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens that alters membrane permeability. cytotonic e. an e. which morphologically changes, but does not kill, the target cell. Escherichia coli e. e. produced by certain strains (serotypes) of Escherichia coli, seemingly associated with a transferable plasmid. staphylococcal e. a soluble exotoxin produced by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus, and a cause of food poisoning. enterotoxism (en′ter-o-tok′sizm) SYN: autointoxication. enterotropic (en′ter-o-trop′ik) Attracted by or affecting the intestine. [entero- + G. tropikos, turning] Enterovirus (en′ter-o-vi′rus) A large and diverse group of viruses (family Picornaviridae) that includes poliovirus types 1 to 3, Coxsackievirus A and B, echoviruses, and the enteroviruses identified since 1969 and assigned type numbers. They are transient inhabitants of the alimentary canal and are stable at low pH. enterozoic (en′ter-o-zo′ik) Relating to an enterozoon. enterozoon (en′ter-o-zo′on) An animal parasite in the intestine. [entero- + G. zoon, animal] entgegen (E) (ent′ge-gen) Term used when the two higher ranking groups, attached to the different atoms in a double bond, usually a carbon-carbon double bond; are on opposite sides of the double bond (hence, analogous to trans-). Also used when those groups are on opposite sides of a ring structure. [Ger. opposite] enthalpy (H) (en′thal-pe) Heat content, symbolized as H; a thermodynamic function, defined as E + PV, where E is the internal energy of a system, P the pressure, and V the volume; the heat of a reaction, measured at constant pressure, is ΔH. SYN: heat (4) . [G. enthalpo, to warm in] enthesitis (en-the-si′tis) Condition occurring at the insertion of muscles where recurring concentration of muscle stress provokes inflammation with a strong tendency toward fibrosis and calcification. [G. enthetos, implanted, + -itis, inflammation] enthesopathic (en-the-so-path′ik) Denoting or characteristic of enthesopathy. enthesopathy (en-the-sop′a-the) A disease process occurring at the site of insertion of muscle tendons and ligaments into bones or joint capsules. [G. en, in, + thesis, a placing, + pathos, suffering] enthlasis (en′thla-sis) Depressed fracture of the skull. [G. a dent, fr. en, in, + thlao, to crush] en thyrse (ahn tirs′) Microconidia of certain dermatophytes arranged singly along both sides of a hypha. [Fr., fr. G. en-, in, + thyrsos, a stalk, wand] entire (en-tir′) Having a smoothly continuous edge or border without indentations or projections; denoting a margin, as of a bacterial colony. entity (en′ti-te) An independent thing; that which contains in itself all the conditions essential to individuality; that which forms of itself a complete whole; medically, denoting a separate and distinct disease or condition. [L. ens (ent-), being, pres. p. of esse, to be] ento-, ent- Inner, or within. SEE ALSO: endo-. [G. entos, within] entoblast (en′to-blast) Cell nucleolus. [ento- + G. blastos, germ] entocele (en′to-sel) An internal hernia. [ento- + G. kele, hernia] entochoroidea (en′to-ko-roy′de-a) SYN: capillary lamina of choroid. [ento- + G. chorioeides, choroid] entocone (en-to-kon) The mesiolingual cusp of a maxillary molar tooth. [ento- + G. konos, cone] entoconid (en-to-ko′nid) The inner posterior cusp of a mandibular molar tooth. [ento- + G. konos, cone] entocornea (en-to-kor′ne-a) SYN: posterior limiting lamina of cornea. entocranial (en′to-kra′ne-al) SYN: endocranial. entocranium (en′to-kra′ne-um) SYN: endocranium. entoderm (en′to-derm) SYN: endoderm. [ento- + G. derma, skin] entoectad (en-to-ek′tad) From within outward. [G. entos, within, + ektos, without, + L. ad, to] Entoloma sinuatum (en-to-lo′ma si-nu-a′tum) A species of mushroom capable of producing mycetismus gastrointestinalis. entomion (en-to′me-on) The tip of the mastoid angle of the parietal bone. [G. entome, notch] entomology (en-to-mol′o-je) The science concerned with the study of insects. [G. entomon, insect, + logos, study] entomophobia (en′to-mo-fo′be-a) Morbid fear of insects. [G. entomon, insect, + phobos, fear] Entomophthora (en-to-mof′thor-a) ?AU: please provide def. for this genus E. coronata a fungal genus reclassified as Conidiobolus, the cause of conidiobolomycosis. Entomophthorales (en-to-mof′thor-al′ez) An order of the fungal class Zygomycetes. The genera include Conidiobolus, which causes a chronic granulomatous inflammation of a nasal and paranasal sinus mucosa (conidiobolomycosis) and Basidiobolus, which causes a chronic subcutaneous granuloma (basidiobolomycosis). When conidiobolomycosis and basidiobolomycosis are considered together, they are called entomophthoramycosis. entomophthoramycosis (en-to-mof′tho-ra-mi-ko′sis) A disease caused by fungi of the genera Basidiobolus or Conididiobolus; subcutaneous or paranasal tissues are invaded by broad nonseptate hyphae that become surrounded by eosinophilic material. A form of zygomycosis. See zygomycosis. [Entomophthorales (order name) + G. mykes, fungus + -osis, condition] e. basidiobolae a subcutaneous phycomycosis due to the fungus Basidiobolus ranarum, characterized by the development of flat, firm subcutaneous fibrotic granulomas which do not ulcerate; occasionally, lesions may extend to muscles and lymph nodes and other deep tissues; the disease is found in Indonesia and in Uganda and other tropical African countries, but has not been seen in tropical America; a form of zygomycosis. SYN: subcutaneous phycomycosis. e. conidiobolae a zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus coronatus, characterized by large nasal polyps and granulomas of the nasal cavity; it has been reported from Texas, the West Indies, Africa, and South America; a form of zygomycosis. Entomopoxvirus (en′te-mo-poks-vi′rus) The genus of viruses (family Poxviridae) that comprises the poxviruses of insects; they seem not to multiply in vertebrates. [G. entomon, insect] entopic (en-top′ik) Placed within; occurring or situated in the normal place; opposed to ectopic. [G. en, within, + topos, place] entoplasm (en′to-plasm) SYN: endoplasm.
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