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fango (fang′go)
Mud from the Battaglio thermal springs in Italy, applied externally in the treatment of rheumatism and other diseases of the joints and muscles. [It. mud]

Fannia (fan′e-a)
A genus of flies of the family Muscidae. Species include F. canicularis (the lesser housefly), commonly observed in kitchens or near food, which resembles Musca domestica (the common housefly) but is somewhat smaller and has three brown stripes on the thorax, and F. scalaris (the latrine fly), which commonly lays eggs in liquid feces of humans and animals and is distinguished from F. canicularis by two brown stripes on its thorax.

fantasy (fan′ta-se)
Imagery that is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet unrestricted by reality. SYN: phantasia. [G. phantasia, idea, image]

Abbreviation for familial adenomatous polyposis.

Louis H., French surgeon, 1841–1910. See F. amputation, F. triangle.

farad (F) (fa′rad)
A practical unit of electrical capacity; the capacity of a condenser having a charge of 1 coulomb under an electromotive force of 1 V. [M. Faraday]

Michael, English physicist and chemist, 1791–1867. See farad, f., F. constant, F. laws, under law.

faraday (F) , Faraday (fa′ra-da)
96,485.309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of a monovalent ion. [M. F.]

faradism (fa′ra-dizm)
Faradic (induction) electricity. surging f. a current of gradually increasing and decreasing amplitude obtained by interposing a rhythmic resistance to the alternating current produced by the induction coil.

faradization (fa′rad-i-za′shun)
Therapeutic application of the faradic (induced) electrical current.

faradocontractility (fa′ra-do-kon′trak-til′i-te)
Contractility of muscles under the stimulus of a faradic (induced) electric current.

faradomuscular (fa′ra-do-mus′ku-lar)
Denoting the effect of applying a faradic (induced) electric current directly to a muscle.

faradopalpation (fa′ra-do-pal-pa′shun)
Esthesiometry by means of a sharp-pointed electrode through which a feeble alternating current passes to an indifferent electrode.

faradotherapy (fa′ra-do-thar′a-pe)
Treatment of disease or paralysis by means of faradic (induced) electric current.

Sidney, U.S. pediatric pathologist, 1903–1973. See F. disease, F. syndrome.

farcy (far′se)
1. A lymphatic disease of cattle caused by Nocardia farcinica. 2. The skin form of glanders. [L. farcio, to stuff]

fardel (far′del)
The total measurable penalty that is incurred as a result of the occurrence of a genetic disease in one individual; one of two major quantitative considerations in the prognostic aspects of genetic counseling, the other being risk of occurrence. The f. roughly measures the duration and the severity of the penalty, i.e., the integral of the total time-intensity function; e.g., color blindness has a low intensity of penalty throughout life, anencephaly causes intense distress for a brief time, Alzheimer disease is intermediate in both respects but the f. is greater. [M.E., fr. O. Fr., fr. Ar. fardah, bundle]

farfara (far′far-a)
The dried leaves of Tussilago f. (family Compositae); a demulcent. [L. farfarus, coltsfoot]

farina (fa-re′na)
Flour or meal, as prepared from cereal grains such as Avena sativa (oats) or Triticum sativum (wheat); used as a starchy food. [L.] f. avenae (fa-re′na a-ve-na) oatmeal flour. f. tritici (fa-re′na trit′i-se) wheat flour.

farinaceous (far-i-na′shus)
1. Relating to farina or flour. 2. Starchy.

farnesene alcohol
SYN: farnesol.

farnesol (far′ne-sol)
A difarnesyl group that occurs in the side chain of vitamin K2 and constitutes squalene; found in oil of citronella; a sesquiterpene alcohol. SYN: farnesene alcohol.

farnesyl pyrophosphate (far′ne-sil pi′ro-fos′fat)
The pyrophosphoryl derivative of farnesol; a key intermediate in the synthesis of steroids, dolichol, ubiquinone, prenylated proteins, and heme a.

farnoquinone (far′no-kwin′on)
SYN: menaquinone-6.

Dean, U.S. naval officer, 1902–1959. See F.-Munsell color test.

William, English medical statistician, 1807–1883. See F. laws, under law.

Farrant mounting fluid
See under fluid.

Arthur, English obstetrician and gynecologist, 1811–1887. See F. line.

farsightedness (far′sit′ed-nes)
SYN: hyperopia.

A receptor present in cells that binds with F. ligand to induce apoptosis. SEE ALSO: F. ligand.

fascia, pl .fasciaefascias (fash′e-a, -e-e) [TA]
A sheet of fibrous tissue that envelops the body beneath the skin; it also encloses muscles and groups of muscles, and separates their several layers or groups. [L. a band or fillet] f. abdominalis parietalis extraperitoneal f.. Abernethy f. a layer of subperitoneal areolar tissue in front of the external iliac artery. See iliac f.. f. adherens a broad intercellular junction in the intercalated disk of cardiac muscle that anchors actin filaments. anal f. SYN: inferior f. of pelvic diaphragm. antebrachial f. [TA] it is continuous with the brachial f.; in the region of the wrist it forms two thickened bands, the extensor and flexor retinacula. SYN: f. antebrachii [TA] , deep f. of forearm, f. of forearm. f. antebrachii [TA] SYN: antebrachial f.. f. axillaris [TA] SYN: axillary f.. axillary f. [TA] the perforated f. that forms the floor of the axilla. It is continuous with the pectoral and clavipectoral f. anteriorly, with the brachial f. laterally, and with the f. of the latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior muscles posteriorly and medially. SYN: f. axillaris [TA] . bicipital f. SYN: bicipital aponeurosis. brachial f. [TA] the deep f. of the arm; it is continuous proximally with the pectoral f. and the f. covering the deltoid; distally it is continuous with the antebrachial f.. SYN: f. brachii [TA] , deep f. of arm. f. brachii [TA] SYN: brachial f.. broad f. SYN: deep f. of thigh. f. buccopharyngea [TA] SYN: buccopharyngeal f.. buccopharyngeal f. [TA] the f. that covers the muscular layer of the pharynx and is continued forward onto the buccinator muscle. SYN: f. buccopharyngea [TA] . Buck f. SYN: f. of penis. f. bulbi SYN: fascial sheath of eyeball. Camper f. SYN: fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue of abdomen. f. cervicalis [TA] SYN: (deep) cervical f.. f. cervicalis profunda SYN: (deep) cervical f.. f. cinerea SYN: fasciolar gyrus. clavipectoral f. [TA] a f. that extends between the coracoid process, the clavicle, and the thoracic wall. It includes the muscular f. which envelops the subclavius and pectoralis minor muscles and the strong membrane (costocoracoid membrane) formed in the interval between them, and the suspensory ligament of the axilla. The clavipectoral f. (and the muscles it envelopes) constitute the deep anterior wall of the axilla. SYN: f. clavipectoralis [TA] . f. clavipectoralis [TA] SYN: clavipectoral f.. f. clitoridis [TA] SYN: f. of clitoris. f. of clitoris [TA] fibrous tissue comparable to the f. of the penis. SYN: f. clitoridis [TA] . Colles f. SYN: subcutaneous tissue of perineum. Cooper f. SYN: cremasteric f.. cremasteric f. [TA] intermediate coverings of the spermatic cord, formed of delicate connective tissue and of muscular fibers derived from the internal oblique muscle (cremaster muscle). SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle. SYN: f. cremasterica [TA] , Cooper f., Scarpa sheath. f. cremasterica [TA] SYN: cremasteric f.. cribriform f. [TA] the part of the superficial f. of the thigh that covers the saphenous opening. SYN: f. cribrosa [TA] , Hesselbach f.. f. cribrosa [TA] SYN: cribriform f.. crural f. SYN: deep f. of leg. f. cruris [TA] SYN: deep f. of leg. Cruveilhier f. SYN: subcutaneous tissue of perineum. dartos f. [TA] a layer of smooth muscular tissue in the integument of the scrotum. SEE ALSO: dartos muliebris, dartos muscle. SYN: tunica dartos [TA] , superficial f. of scrotum&star, membrana carnosa, tunica carnea. deep f. a thin fibrous membrane, devoid of fat, that invests the muscles, separating the several groups and the individual muscles, forms sheaths for the nerves and vessels, becomes specialized around the joints to form or strengthen ligaments, envelops various organs and glands, and binds all the structures together into a firm compact mass. Terminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms “superficial f.” and “deep f.” not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are “subcutaneous tissue [TA] (tela subcutanea)” for the former superficial f., and “muscular f.” or “visceral f.” (f. musculorum or f. viscera[is]) in place of deep f.. SYN: f. profunda. deep f. of arm SYN: brachial f.. (deep) cervical f. [TA] f. of the neck; it is divided into an external or investing layer (superficial lamina) that surrounds the neck and encloses the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, a middle or pretracheal layer in relation to the infrahyoid muscles, and a deep or prevertebral layer applied to the vertebrae and axial muscles. SYN: f. cervicalis [TA] , deep f. of neck, f. cervicalis profunda. deep f. of forearm SYN: antebrachial f.. deep f. of leg [TA] f. of the leg; it is continuous with the f. lata and is attached proximally to the patella, ligamentum patellae, the tubercle and condyles of the tibia, and the head of the fibula; distally it is thickened to form the flexor and extensor retinacula. SYN: f. cruris [TA] , crural f., f. of leg. deep f. of neck SYN: (deep) cervical f.. deep f. of penis SYN: f. of penis. deep perineal f. perineal f.. deep f. of thigh the strong deep f. of the thigh, enveloping the muscles of the thigh and thickened laterally as the iliotibial track. SYN: f. lata [TA] , broad f.. f. dentata hippocampi SYN: dentate gyrus. dentate f. SYN: dentate gyrus. f. diaphragmatis pelvis inferior [TA] SYN: inferior f. of pelvic diaphragm. f. diaphragmatis urogenitalis inferior obsolete term for perineal membrane. dorsal f. of foot [TA] the f. that encloses the extensor tendons of the toes and blends with the inferior extensor retinaculum. SYN: f. dorsalis pedis [TA] . dorsal f. of hand [TA] the deep f. of the back of the hand continuous proximally with the extensor retinaculum. SYN: f. dorsalis manus [TA] . f. dorsalis manus [TA] SYN: dorsal f. of hand. f. dorsalis pedis [TA] SYN: dorsal f. of foot. Dupuytren f. SYN: palmar aponeurosis. endoabdominal f. [TA] 1. SYN: extraperitoneal f.. 2. term used generically to include not only the parietal extraperitoneal f. hut also the visceral f. in the abdominopelvic cavity. SYN: f. endoabdominalis [TA] . f. endoabdominalis [TA] SYN: endoabdominal f.. endopelvic f. parietal pelvic f.. f. endopelvina parietal pelvic f.. endothoracic f. [TA] the extrapleural f. that lines the wall of the thorax; it extends over the cupula of the pleura as the suprapleural membrane and also forms a thin layer between the diaphragm and pleura (phrenicopleura f.) This loose areolar layer provides an extrapleural surgical plane. SYN: f. endothoracica [TA] . f. endothoracica [TA] SYN: endothoracic f.. external spermatic f. [TA] the outer fascial covering of the spermatic cord; it is continuous at the superficial inguinal ring with the f. covering the external oblique muscle. SEE ALSO: aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. SYN: f. spermatica externa [TA] . f. of extraocular muscles SYN: muscular f. of extraocular muscle. extraperitoneal f. [TA] fascial plane of mainly loose areolar tissue between the parietal peritoneum and the internal muscular (iliopsoas and inner lamina of thoracolumbar f.) and transversalis f. of the body wall; its quality and quantity vary considerably, being very thick and fatty posteriorly, as pararenal f. around the kidneys, but thin and fibrous anteriorly, deep to the linea alba of the anterior abdominal wall. SYN: endoabdominal f. (1) [TA] , parietal abdominal f. [TA] , f. abdominalis parietalis&star, f. subperitonealis, subperitoneal f.. f. extraperitonealis [TA] f. of forearm SYN: antebrachial f.. Gallaudet f. SYN: perineal f.. Gerota f. SYN: renal f.. Godman f. an extension of the pretracheal f. into the thorax and on to the pericardium. Hesselbach f. SYN: cribriform f.. hypothenar f. thinner, ulnar portion of the palmar f. overlying the hypothenar muscles, forming a roof for the hypothenar compartment of the palm. SEE ALSO: palmar f.. iliac f. [TA] the f. covering the iliacus and psoas muscles, continuous with transversalis f. anterolaterally and with femoral sheath inferiorly. SYN: pars iliaca fasciae iliopsoaticae [TA] , f. iliaca. f. iliaca SYN: iliac f.. iliopectineal f. a f. formed by the union of the fasciae covering the iliacus and pectinus muscles which cover the floor of the iliopectineal fossa. See iliopectineal arch. inferior f. of pelvic diaphragm [TA] the f. that covers the inferior aspect of the levator ani and coccygeus muscles. SYN: f. diaphragmatis pelvis inferior [TA] , anal f.. inferior f. of urogenital diaphragm obsolete term for perineal membrane. f. infraspinata SYN: infraspinous f.. infraspinatus f. SYN: infraspinous f.. infraspinous f. [TA] the f. attached to the borders of the infraspinous fossa and covering the infraspinatus muscle; it is continuous with the f. covering the deltoid. SYN: f. infraspinata, infraspinatus f.. infundibuliform f. SYN: internal spermatic f.. intercolumnar fasciae SYN: intercrural fibers of superficial ring, under fiber. internal spermatic f. [TA] the inner covering of the spermatic cord, continuous above the deep inguinal ring with f. transversalis. SYN: f. spermatica interna [TA] , infundibuliform f., tunica vaginalis communis. interosseous f. the f. covering the interosseous muscles of the hand or foot; it consists of a dorsal layer and a palmar or plantar layer. f. investiens [TA] SYN: investing layer. f. investiens perinei superficialis perineal f.. investing f. SYN: investing layer of cervical f.. lacrimal f. that part of the periorbita that bridges across the fossa or lacrimal sac. f. lata [TA] SYN: deep f. of thigh. f. of leg SYN: deep f. of leg. lumbodorsal f. SYN: thoracolumbar f.. masseteric f. [TA] the f. that covers the lateral surface of the masseter muscle. SYN: f. masseterica [TA] . f. masseterica [TA] SYN: masseteric f.. middle cervical f. SYN: pretracheal layer of cervical f.. muscular f. [TA] a relatively thin fibrous membrane, devoid of fat, that invests the muscles, directly on their surfaces, separating the several groups and the individual muscles. Terminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms “superficial f.” and “deep f.” not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are “subcutaneous tissue [TA] (tela subcutanea)” for the former superficial f., and “muscular f.” or “visceral f.” (f. musculorum or f. viscera[is]) in place of deep f.. muscular f. of extraocular muscle [TA] muscular f.; the part of the orbital f. that envelops the extraocular muscles; it is thin posteriorly but becomes thicker where it is continuous with the bulbar sheath; the fascial sheaths of the four rectus muscles are connected by an intermuscular membrane. SYN: f. muscularis musculorum bulbi [TA] , f. of extraocular muscles, fascial sheaths of extraocular muscles. f. muscularis musculorum bulbi [TA] SYN: muscular f. of extraocular muscle. f. musculi quadrati lumborum anterior layer of thoracolumbar f.. f. nuchae [TA] SYN: nuchal f.. nuchal f. [TA] the f. that encloses the posterior muscles of the neck. SYN: f. nuchae [TA] . obturator f. [TA] the portion of the pelvic f. that covers the obturator internus muscle. SYN: f. obturatoria [TA] , f. of obturator internus. f. obturatoria [TA] SYN: obturator f.. f. of obturator internus SYN: obturator f.. orbital fasciae the fascial structures of the orbit consisting of periorbita, orbital septum, muscular f., and fascial sheath of eyeball. SYN: fasciae orbitales. fasciae orbitales SYN: orbital fasciae. palmar f. the deep f. of the palm of the hand, the thinner lateral and medial portions of which are the thenar and hypothenar f., and the thick central portion, which roofs the central compartment of the palm, is the palmar aponeurosis. SEE ALSO: palmar aponeurosis. parietal abdominal f. [TA] SYN: extraperitoneal f.. parietal pelvic f. [TA] including the obturator f., covers the muscles that pass from the interior of the pelvis to the thigh. SYN: f. pelvis parietalis [TA] , endopelvic f.&star, f. endopelvina&star. parotid f. [TA] the part of the investing cervical f. that ensheaths the parotid gland and is fixed above to the zygomatic arch. SYN: f. parotidea [TA] , fibrous capsule of parotid gland, parotid sheath. f. parotidea [TA] SYN: parotid f.. parotideomasseteric f. a dense membrane covering both the lateral and medial surfaces of the parotid gland, continuous anteriorly with the f. covering the masseter muscle. See parotid f., masseteric f.. SYN: f. parotideomasseterica. f. parotideomasseterica SYN: parotideomasseteric f.. pectoral f. [TA] the f. that covers the pectoralis major muscle; it is attached to the sternum and to the clavicle; laterally and below it is continuous with the f. of the shoulder, axilla, and thorax. SYN: f. pectoralis [TA] . f. pectoralis [TA] SYN: pectoral f.. pelvic f. [TA] it includes parietal and visceral components: f. pelvis parietalis and f. pelvis visceralis. SYN: f. pelvis [TA] , f. pelvica&star. f. pelvica pelvic f.. f. pelvis [TA] SYN: pelvic f.. f. pelvis parietalis [TA] SYN: parietal pelvic f.. f. pelvis visceralis [TA] SYN: visceral pelvic f.. f. penis [TA] SYN: f. of penis. f. of penis [TA] a deep layer which surrounds the three erectile bodies of the penis. SYN: f. penis [TA] , Buck f., deep f. of penis, f. penis profunda. f. penis profunda SYN: f. of penis. f. penis superficialis SYN: subcutaneous tissue of penis. perineal f. [TA] f. that intimately invests the superficial perineal muscles (ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles); anteriorly it is fused to the suspensory ligament of the penis/clitoris, and is continuous with the deep f. covering the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the rectus sheath. SYN: f. perinei [TA] , deep perineal f.&star, f. investiens perinei superficialis&star, superficial investing f. of perineum&star, Gallaudet f.. f. perinei [TA] SYN: perineal f.. f. perinei superficialis SYN: subcutaneous tissue of perineum. perirenal f. SYN: renal f.. pharyngobasilar f. [TA] the fibrous coat of the pharyngeal wall situated between the mucous and muscular coats; it is attached above to the basilar part of the occipital bone, and the petrous part of the temporal bone. This layer and the mucosa which lines it forms the wall of the non-muscular pharynx (pharyngeal vault) above the superior pharyngesl constrictor muscle. SYN: f. pharyngobasilaris [TA] , aponeurosis pharyngea, tela submucosa pharyngis. f. pharyngobasilaris [TA] SYN: pharyngobasilar f.. phrenicopleural f. [TA] the thin layer of endothoracic f. intervening between the diaphragmatic pleura and the diaphragm. SYN: f. phrenicopleuralis [TA] . f. phrenicopleuralis [TA] SYN: phrenicopleural f.. plantar f. deep f. of the sole of the foot; includes thick central part, the plantar aponeurosis, covering the central compartment of the sole of the foot, and thinner medial and lateral parts covering the hallucis and digit minimi muscles (compartments), respectively. popliteal f. the f. that covers the popliteal fossa, continuous with f. lata superiorly and crural f. inferiorly. Porter f. SYN: pretracheal layer of cervical f.. prececocolic f. [TA] inconstant portion of endoabdominal f. crossing anterior to the cecum, sometimes extending superiorly onto a portion of the ascending colon. SYN: f. prececocolica [TA] . f. prececocolica [TA] SYN: prececocolic f.. presacral f. [TA] layer of endopelvic f. passing between sacrum and rectum, forming the anterior boundary of the presacral (retrorectal) fascial space, in which the hypogastric nervous plexus is embedded. SYN: f. presacralis [TA] , lamina retrorectalis fasciae endopelvicae, retrorectal lamina of endopelvic f., retrorectal lamina of hypogastric sheath. f. presacralis [TA] SYN: presacral f.. pretracheal f. SYN: pretracheal layer of cervical f.. prevertebral f. SYN: prevertebral layer of cervical f.. f. profunda SYN: deep f.. f. prostatae [TA] SYN: f. of prostate. f. of prostate the condensation of pelvic visceral f. that encloses the prostate gland. SYN: f. prostatae [TA] . rectosacral f. [TA] fusion of the visceral f. of the rectum and the presacral endopelvic f. on the posterior aspect of the rectum. SYN: f. rectosacralis [TA] , mesoprocton. f. rectosacralis [TA] SYN: rectosacral f.. rectovesical f. SYN: rectovesical septum. renal f. [TA] the condensation of the fibroareolar tissue and fat surrounding the kidney to form a sheath for the organ. SYN: f. renalis [TA] , Gerota capsule, Gerota f., perirenal f.. f. renalis [TA] SYN: renal f.. Scarpa f. SYN: membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue of abdomen. semilunar f. SYN: bicipital aponeurosis. Sibson f. SYN: suprapleural membrane. f. spermatica externa [TA] SYN: external spermatic f.. f. spermatica interna [TA] SYN: internal spermatic f.. subperitoneal f. SYN: extraperitoneal f.. f. subperitonealis SYN: extraperitoneal f.. subsartorial f. SYN: anteromedial intermuscular septum. superficial f. SYN: subcutaneous tissue. superficial investing f. of perineum perineal f.. f. superficialis SYN: subcutaneous tissue. superficial f. of penis SYN: subcutaneous tissue of penis. superficial f. of perineum SYN: subcutaneous tissue of perineum. superficial f. of scrotum dartos f.. f. superior diaphragmatis pelvis [TA] SYN: superior f. of pelvic diaphragm. superior f. of pelvic diaphragm [TA] the f. on the superior aspect of the levator ani and coccygeus muscles. SYN: f. superior diaphragmatis pelvis [TA] . temporal f. [TA] the f. covering the temporal muscle; it is composed of two layers, lamina superficialis and lamina profunda; both attach above to the superior temporal line but diverge inferiorly to attach to the lateral and medial surfaces of the zygomatic arch. SYN: f. temporalis [TA] , temporal aponeurosis. f. temporalis [TA] SYN: temporal f.. f. thoracolumbalis [TA] SYN: thoracolumbar f.. thoracolumbar f. [TA] gives origin to internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles; exhibits three layers: posterior, middle, and anterior—the posterior and middle layers surround erector spinae muscles and the middle and anterior layers surround quadratus lumborum muscle. SYN: f. thoracolumbalis [TA] , lumbodorsal f., thoracolumbar aponeurosis. Toldt f. continuation of Treitz f. behind the body of the pancreas. f. transversalis [TA] SYN: transversalis f.. transversalis f. [TA] the lining f. of the anterolateral abdominal wall, between the inner surface of the abdominal musculature and the peritoneum. SYN: f. transversalis [TA] . Treitz f. f. behind the head of the pancreas. triangular f. SYN: reflected inguinal ligament. f. triangularis abdominis SYN: reflected inguinal ligament. Tyrrell f. SYN: rectovesical septum. umbilical f. [TA] the thin fascial layer interposed between the transversalis f. and the umbilicovesical f. It extends between the medial umbilical ligaments from the umbilicus downward in front of the bladder, forming the posterior boundary of the retropubic space. SYN: umbilical prevesical f.. f. umbilicalis [TA] umbilical prevesical f. SYN: umbilical f.. umbilicovesical f. a thin fascial layer that extends between the medial umbilical ligaments and is continuous with f. enclosing the bladder. vastoadductor f. SYN: anteromedial intermuscular septum. visceral f. [TA] a thin, fibrous membrane that envelops various organs and glands, binding structures together in some cases and forming partitions between them in other cases. Terminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms “superficial f.” and “deep f.” not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are “subcutaneous tissue [TA] (tela subcutanea)” for the former superficial f., and “muscular f.” or “visceral f.” (f. musculorum or f. viscera[is]) in place of deep f.. visceral pelvic f. [TA] covers the pelvic organs and surrounds vessels and nerves in the subperitoneal space. SYN: f. pelvis visceralis [TA] . Zuckerkandl f. the posterior layer of the renal f..

fascial (fash′e-al)
Relating to any fascia.

fascicle (fas′i-kl)
A band or bundle of fibers, usually of muscle or nerve fibers; a nerve fiber tract. SYN: fasciculus (1) [TA] . anterior f. of palatopharyngeus (muscle) [TA] thicker portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch that passes forward between the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles to attach to the posterior border of the hard palate and the palatine aponeurosis; in so doing, some fibers cross the midline and interdigitate with fibers of the contralateral muscle. SYN: fasciculus anterior musculi palatopharyngei [TA] . muscle f. a bundle of muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium. nerve f. a bundle of nerve fibers surrounded by perineurium. posterior f. of palatopharyngeus muscle [TA] thinner portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch, originating in the region of the midline where its fibers interdigitate with the contralateral partner, then passing posterior to the levator veli palatini muscle to join the longitudinal layer of pharyngeal musculature; acts as a sort of sphincter, reducing the caliber of the isthmus of fauces at the palatopharyngeal arch. SYN: fasciculus posterior musculi palatopharyngei [TA] , musculus sphincter palatopharyngeus&star, palatopharyngeal sphincter&star, pharyngeal ridge, sphincter of the pharyngeal isthmus, velopharyngeal sphincter.

fascicular (fa-sik′u-lar)
Relating to a fasciculus; arranged in the form of a bundle or collection of rods. SYN: fasciculate, fasciculated.

fasciculate, fasciculated (fa-sik′u-lat, -la-ted)
SYN: fascicular.

fasciculation (fa-sik-u-la′shun)
1. An arrangement in the form of fasciculi. 2. Involuntary contractions, or twitchings, of groups (fasciculi) of muscle fibers, a coarser form of muscular contraction than fibrillation.

fasciculi (fa-sik′u-li)
Plural of fasciculus.

fasciculus, gen. and pl. fasciculi (fa-sik′u-lus, fa-sik′u-li) [TA]
1. SYN: fascicle. 2. SYN: cord. 3. SYN: bundle. [L. dim. of fascis, bundle] f. anterior musculi palatopharyngei [TA] SYN: anterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (muscle). anterior f. proprius [TA] SYN: fasciculi proprii. anterior pyramidal f. SYN: anterior corticospinal tract. arcuate f. 1. SYN: superior longitudinal f.. 2. SYN: unciform f.. f. atrioventricularis [TA] SYN: atrioventricular bundle. Burdach f. SYN: cuneate f.. calcarine f. a group of short association fibers beneath the calcarine fissure of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum. central tegmental f. SYN: central tegmental tract. f. circumolivaris pyramidis an anomalous bundle of nerve fibers on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata that emerges from the pyramid and curves forward and dorsally over the lower pole of the olive; it is variously interpreted as an aberrant bundle of pontocerebellar fibers or corticopontine fibers. f. corticospinalis anterior SYN: anterior corticospinal tract. f. corticospinalis lateralis SYN: lateral corticospinal tract. cuneate f. [TA] the larger lateral subdivision of the posterior funiculus. SYN: f. cuneatus [TA] , Burdach column, Burdach f., Burdach tract, cuneate funiculus, wedge-shaped f.. f. cuneatus [TA] SYN: cuneate f.. dorsal longitudinal f. [TA] a bundle of thin, poorly myelinated nerve fibers reciprocally connecting the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus with ventral parts of the central gray substance of the midbrain. SYN: f. longitudinalis posterior [TA] , Schütz bundle, tract of Schütz. dorsolateral f. [TA] a longitudinal bundle of thin, unmyelinated, and poorly myelinated fibers capping the apex of the posterior horn of the spinal gray matter, composed of posterior root fibers and short association fibers that interconnect neighboring segments of the posterior horn. SYN: posterolateral tract [TA] , tractus dorsolateralis [TA] , tractus posterolateralis [TA] , dorsolateral tract&star, f. dorsolateralis, f. marginalis, Lissauer bundle, Lissauer column, Lissauer f., Lissauer marginal zone, Lissauer tract, marginal f., Spitzka marginal tract, Spitzka marginal zone, Waldeyer tract, Waldeyer zonal layer. f. dorsolateralis SYN: dorsolateral f.. Flechsig fasciculi f. proprius anterior [TA] and f. proprius lateralis [TA]. See fasciculi proprii. Foville f. SYN: terminal stria. fronto-occipital f. SYN: occipitofrontal f.. gracile f. [TA] the smaller medial subdivision of the posterior funiculus. SYN: f. gracilis [TA] , funiculus gracilis, Goll column, posterior pyramid of the medulla, slender f., tract of Goll. f. gracilis [TA] SYN: gracile f.. hooked f. SYN: unciform f.. inferior longitudinal f. [TA] a well-marked bundle of long association fibers running the whole length of the occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebrum, in part parallel with the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. SYN: f. longitudinalis inferior [TA] . inferior occipitofrontal f. [TA] See occipitofrontal f.. interfascicular f. [TA] SYN: semilunar f.. f. interfascicularis [TA] SYN: semilunar f.. intersegmental fasciculi SYN: fasciculi proprii. f. lateralis plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: lateral cord of brachial plexus. lateral f. proprius [TA] SYN: fasciculi proprii. lateral pyramidal f. SYN: lateral corticospinal tract. lenticular f. [TA] the pallidal efferent fibers that cross the internal capsule and are insinuated between the subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta; they join in the formation of the thalamic f.. SEE ALSO: lenticular loop. SYN: f. lenticularis [TA] . f. lenticularis [TA] SYN: lenticular f.. Lissauer f. SYN: dorsolateral f.. fasciculi longitudinales ligamenti cruciformis atlantis [TA] SYN: longitudinal bands of cruciform ligament of atlas, under band. fasciculi longitudinales pontis SYN: longitudinal pontine fasciculi. f. longitudinalis inferior [TA] SYN: inferior longitudinal f.. f. longitudinalis medialis [TA] SYN: medial longitudinal f.. f. longitudinalis posterior [TA] SYN: dorsal longitudinal f.. f. longitudinalis superior [TA] SYN: superior longitudinal f.. longitudinal pontine fasciculi the massive bundles of corticofugal fibers passing longitudinally through the ventral part of pons; they are composed of corticoreticular, tectopontine, corticopontine, corticonuclear (corticobulbar), and corticospinal fibers. SYN: fasciculi longitudinales pontis, longitudinal pontine bundles. macular f. the collection of fibers in the optic nerve directly connected with the macula lutea. SYN: f. macularis. f. macularis SYN: macular f.. mammillotegmental f. [TA] a small bundle of fibers that passes dorsalward from the mamillary body for a short distance with the mamillothalamic tract, then turns down the brainstem to reach the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei of the mesencephalon. SYN: f. mammillotegmentalis [TA] . f. mammillotegmentalis [TA] SYN: mammillotegmental f.. mammillothalamic f. [TA] a compact, thick bundle of nerve fibers that passes dorsalward from the mamillary body on either side to terminate in the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. SYN: f. mammillothalamicus, f. thalamomammillaris, mamillothalamic tract, Vicq d'Azyr bundle. f. mammillothalamicus SYN: mammillothalamic f.. marginal f. SYN: dorsolateral f.. f. marginalis SYN: dorsolateral f.. f. medialis plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: medial cord of brachial plexus. f. medialis telencephali [TA] SYN: medial forebrain bundle. medial longitudinal f. [TA] a longitudinal bundle of fibers extending from the upper border of the mesencephalon into the cervical segments of the spinal cord, located close to the midline and ventral to the central gray matter; it is composed largely of fibers from the vestibular nuclei ascending to the motor neurons innervating the external eye muscles (abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nuclei), and descending to spinal cord segments innervating the musculature of the neck. SYN: f. longitudinalis medialis [TA] , Collier tract, medial longitudinal bundle, posterior longitudinal bundle. f. of Meynert SYN: retroflex f.. oblique pontine f. a bundle of fibers in the ventral surface of the pons running from the anterior mesial portion outward and backward. SYN: f. obliquus pontis, oblique bundle of pons. f. obliquus pontis SYN: oblique pontine f.. occipitofrontal f. association fibers consisting of upper (superior occipitofrontal f. [TA]) and lower (inferior occipitofrontal f. [TA]) bundles that extend from occipital to frontal lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. SYN: fronto-occipital f.. f. occipitofrontalis See occipitofrontal f.. f. occipitofrontalis inferior [TA] See occipitofrontal f.. f. occipitofrontalis superior [TA] See occipitofrontal f.. oval f. semilunar f.. f. pedunculomammillaris SYN: peduncle of mammillary body. pedunculomammillary f. SYN: peduncle of mammillary body. perpendicular f. a bundle of association fibers running vertically and interconnecting regions of the temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes. f. posterior musculi palatopharyngei [TA] SYN: posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus muscle. f. posterior plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: posterior cord of brachial plexus. posterior f. proprius [TA] SYN: fasciculi proprii. proper fasciculi SYN: fasciculi proprii. fasciculi proprii (f. proprius anterior [TA], f. proprius lateralis [TA], f. proprius posterior [TA]); ascending and descending spinospinal association fiber systems of the spinal cord that lie in the anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculi at the gray matter-white matter interface. SYN: anterior f. proprius [TA] , lateral f. proprius [TA] , posterior f. proprius [TA] , ground bundles, intersegmental fasciculi, lateral proprius bundle, proper fasciculi. f. proprius anterior [TA] the ground bundle of the anterior column of the spinal cord. See fasciculi proprii. SYN: anterior ground bundle. f. proprius lateralis [TA] See fasciculi proprii. f. pyramidalis anterior SYN: anterior corticospinal tract. f. pyramidalis lateralis SYN: lateral corticospinal tract. retroflex f. [TA] a compact bundle of fibers arising in the habenula and passing ventralward to the interpeduncular nucleus at the base of the midbrain; part of its fibers bypass this nucleus and terminate in the raphe nuclei of the caudal mesencephalic tegmentum. SYN: f. retroflexus [TA] , habenulointerpeduncular tract, habenulopeduncular tract [TA] , tractus habenulointerpeduncularis [TA] , f. of Meynert, habenulopeduncular tract, retroflex bundle of Meynert. f. retroflexus [TA] SYN: retroflex f.. f. rotundus SYN: solitary tract. round f. SYN: solitary tract. rubroreticular fasciculi bundles of fibers that connect the red nucleus to the pontine and midbrain reticular nuclei. SYN: fasciculi rubroreticulares. fasciculi rubroreticulares SYN: rubroreticular fasciculi. semilunar f. [TA] a compact bundle composed of descending branches of posterior root fibers located near the border between the fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord; it corresponds to the septomarginal f., Hoche tract, or oval area of Flechsig in the lumbar, and to the triangle of Philippe-Gombault in the sacral spinal segments; like these, it can be demonstrated only in cases of demyelination resulting from dorsal root lesions. SYN: f. interfascicularis [TA] , interfascicular f. [TA] , f. semilunaris&star, comma bundle of Schultze, comma tract of Schultze. f. semilunaris semilunar f.. See semilunar f.. septomarginal f. [TA] septomarginal f. or tract. See semilunar f.. SYN: f. septomarginalis [TA] . f. septomarginalis [TA] SYN: septomarginal f.. slender f. SYN: gracile f.. f. solitarius SYN: solitary tract. solitary f. SYN: solitary tract. subcallosal f. a bundle of thin nerve fibers running longitudinally beneath the corpus callosum in the angle between the latter and the caudate nucleus; it forms an anterior continuation of the tapetum of the temporal lobe and appears to consist largely of fibers projecting from the cerebral cortex to the caudate nucleus. SYN: f. subcallosus for superior occipitofrontal f.&star. f. subcallosus for superior occipitofrontal f. subcallosal f.. subthalamic f. [TA] nerve fibers crossing the internal capsule between the subthalamic nucleus and the globus pallidus; this f. contains pallidosubthalamic and subthalamopallidal fibers. SYN: f. subthalamicus [TA] . f. subthalamicus [TA] SYN: subthalamic f.. superior longitudinal f. [TA] long association fiber bundle lateral to the centrum ovale of the cerebral hemisphere, connecting the frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes; the fibers pass from the frontal lobe through the operculum to the posterior end of the lateral sulcus where many fibers radiate into the occipital lobe and others turn downward and forward around the putamen and pass to anterior portions of the temporal lobe. SYN: f. longitudinalis superior [TA] , arcuate f. (1) . superior occipitofrontal f. [TA] See occipitofrontal f.. thalamic f. [TA] nerve fibers forming a composite bundle containing cerebellothalamic (crossed) and pallidothalamic (uncrossed) fibers that is insinuated between the thalamus and zona incerta. SEE ALSO: fields of Forel, under field. SYN: f. thalamicus [TA] . f. thalamicus [TA] SYN: thalamic f.. f. thalamomammillaris SYN: mammillothalamic f.. transverse fasciculi [TA] SYN: fasciculi transversi. fasciculi transversi [TA] the transversely directed fibers in the distal portions of the palmar and plantar aponeuroses. SYN: transverse fasciculi [TA] . unciform f., uncinate f. [TA] a band of long association fibers reciprocally connecting the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebrum, running caudally through the white matter of the frontal lobe, sharply curving ventrally under the stem of the sylvian fissure, and then fanning out to the cortex of the anterior half of the superior and middle temporal gyri. SYN: f. uncinatus [TA] , arcuate f. (2) , frontotemporal tract, hooked f., temporofrontal tract. uncinate f. of cerebellum [TA] fastigial efferent fibers that cross within the cerebellum and descend over the lateral surface of the superior cerebellar peduncle; these fibers largely terminate in the vestibular nuclei and the reticular formation of the pons and medulla. SYN: f. uncinatus cerebelli [TA] , hooked bundle of Russell, uncinate bundle of Russell, uncinate f. of Russell. uncinate f. of Russell SYN: uncinate f. of cerebellum. f. uncinatus [TA] SYN: unciform f.. f. uncinatus cerebelli [TA] SYN: uncinate f. of cerebellum. wedge-shaped f. SYN: cuneate f..

fasciectomy (fash-e-ek′to-me)
Excision of strips of fascia. [fascia + G. ektome, excision]


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