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Medical Dictionaryfiberoptics (fi-ber-op′tiks) optical system in which the image is conveyed by a compact bundle of small-diameter, flexible, transparent fibers. fiberscope (fi′ber-skop) SYN: flexible endoscope. fibr- See fibro-. fibra, pl .fibrae (fi′bra, fi′bre) [TA] SYN: fiber, fiber. [L.] fibrae arcuatae cerebri [TA] SYN: arcuate fibers of cerebrum, under fiber. fibrae arcuatae externae SYN: external arcuate fibers, under fiber. fibrae arcuatae externae anteriores [TA] See external arcuate fibers, under fiber. fibrae arcuatae externae posteriores [TA] See external arcuate fibers, under fiber. fibrae arcuatae internae [TA] SYN: internal arcuate fibers, under fiber. fibrae associationes breves [TA] SYN: short association fibers, under fiber. fibrae associationes longae [TA] SYN: long association fibers, under fiber. fibrae cerebelloolivares [TA] SYN: cerebelloolivary fibers, under fiber. fibrae circulares [TA] SYN: circular fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticomesencephalicae [TA] SYN: corticomesencephalic fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticonucleares [TA] SYN: corticonuclear fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticonucleares bulbi [TA] SYN: bulbar corticonuclear fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticonucleares mesencephali [TA] SYN: mesencephalic corticonuclear fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticonucleares pontis [TA] SYN: pontine corticonuclear fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticopontinae [TA] SYN: corticopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticoreticulares [TA] SYN: corticoreticular fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticorubrales [TA] SYN: corticorubral fibers, under fiber. fibrae corticospinales [TA] SYN: pyramidal fibers, under fiber. fibrae cuneocerebellares [TA] SYN: cuneocerebellar tract. fibrae cuneospinales [TA] SYN: cuneospinal fibers, under fiber. fibrae dentatorubrales SYN: dentatorubral fibers, under fiber. See dentatorubral fibers, under fiber. fibrae frontopontinae [TA] SYN: frontopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae gracilispinales [TA] SYN: gracilespinal fibers, under fiber. fibrae hypothalamospinales [TA] SYN: hypothalamospinal fibers, under fiber. fibrae intercrurales anuli inguinalis superficialis [TA] SYN: intercrural fibers of superficial ring, under fiber. fibrae intrathalamicae [TA] SYN: intrathalamic fibers, under fiber. fibrae lentis SYN: fibers of lens, under fiber. fibrae meridionales muscularis ciliaris [TA] SYN: meridional fibers of ciliary muscle, under fiber. fibrae obliquae tunicae muscularis [TA] SYN: oblique fibers of muscular layer of stomach, under fiber. fibrae occipitopontinae [TA] SYN: occipitopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae occipitotectales [TA] SYN: occipitotectal fibers, under fiber. fibrae olivospinales [TA] SYN: olivospinal fibers, under fiber. fibrae parietopontinae [TA] SYN: parietopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae periventriculares [TA] SYN: periventricular fibers, under fiber. fibrae pontis longitudinales [TA] SYN: longitudinal pontine fibers, under fiber. See longitudinal pontine fasciculi, under fasciculus. fibrae pontis transversae [TA] SYN: transverse pontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae pontocerebellares [TA] SYN: pontocerebellar fibers, under fiber. fibrae postcommissurales [TA] SYN: postcommissural fibers, under fiber. fibrae precommissurales [TA] SYN: precommissural fibers, under fiber. fibrae pretectoolivares [TA] SYN: pretectoolivary fibers, under fiber. fibrae pyramidales SYN: pyramidal fibers, under fiber. fibrae rubroolivares [TA] SYN: rubroolivary fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinocuneatae [TA] SYN: spinocuneate fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinograciles [TA] SYN: spinogracile fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinohypothalamicae [TA] SYN: spinohypothalamic fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinomesencephalicae [TA] SYN: spinomesencephalic fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinoolivares [TA] SYN: spinoolivary fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinoperiaqueductales [TA] SYN: spinoperiaqueductal fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinoreticulares [TA] SYN: spinoreticular fibers, under fiber. fibrae spinotectales [TA] SYN: spinotectal fibers, under fiber. fibrae tectoolivares [TA] SYN: tectoolivary fibers, under fiber. fibrae tectopontinae [TA] SYN: tectopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae tectoreticulares [TA] SYN: tectoreticular fibers, under fiber. fibrae temporopontinae [TA] SYN: temporopontine fibers, under fiber. fibrae zonulares [TA] SYN: zonular fibers, under fiber. fibrates (fi′brats) SYN: fibric acids. fibre (fi′ber) SYN: fiber. fibremia (fi-bre′me-a) An obsolete term for the presence of formed fibrin in the blood, causing thrombosis or embolism. SYN: inosemia (2) . [fibrin + G. haima, blood] fibric acids Drugs structurally related to clofibrate, used to treat hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. SYN: fibrates. fibril (fi′bril) A minute fiber or component of a fiber. SYN: fibrilla. [Mod. L. fibrilla] anchoring fibrils collagen fibrils that insert in to the basal lamina of the epidermis and bind it down to the underlying dermis. collagen fibrils SYN: unit fibrils. muscular f. SYN: myofibril. subpellicular f. SYN: subpellicular microtubule. unit fibrils the fibrils that comprise a collagen fiber, ranging from 20–200 nm and averaging about 100 nm in diameter (substantially larger in tendons), with cross-striations averaging 64 nm. SYN: collagen fibrils. fibrilla, pl .fibrillae (fi-bril′a, -e) SYN: fibril. [Mod. L. dim. of L. fibra, a fiber] fibrillar, fibrillary (fi′bri-lar, -lar-e) 1. Relating to a fibril. 2. Denoting the fine rapid contractions or twitchings of fibers or of small groups of fibers in skeletal or cardiac muscle. SYN: filar (1) . fibrillate (fi′bri-lat) 1. To make or to become fibrillar. 2. SYN: fibrillated. 3. To be in a state of fibrillation (3). fibrillated (fi′bri-la-ted) Composed of fibrils. SYN: fibrillate (2) . fibrillation (fi-bri-la′shun, fib-ri-) 1. The condition of being fibrillated. 2. The formation of fibrils. 3. Exceedingly rapid contractions or twitching of muscular fibrils, but not of the muscle as a whole. 4. Vermicular twitching, usually slow, of individual muscular fibers; commonly occurs in atria or ventricles of the heart as well as in recently denervated skeletal muscle fibers. atrial f., auricular f. f. in which the normal rhythmical contractions of the cardiac atria are replaced by rapid irregular twitchings of the muscular wall; the ventricles respond irregularly to the dysrhythmic bombardment from the atria. SYN: ataxia cordis. ventricular f. coarse or fine, rapid, fibrillary movements of the ventricular muscle that replace the normal contraction. fibrillin (fi′bril-in) A microfibrillar protein in connective tissue with a wide distribution in the body; molecular weight about 350,000. There is good evidence that Marfan syndrome is due to mutations of f. [MIM*134797]. [Mod. L. fibrilla, fibril, + -in] fibrilloflutter (fib′ril-o-flut′er) SYN: impure flutter. fibrillogenesis (fi′bril-o-jen′e-sis) The development of fine fibrils (as seen with the electron microscope) normally present in collagenous fibers of connective tissue. fibrin (fi′brin) An elastic filamentous protein derived from fibrinogen by the action of thrombin, which releases fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen in the coagulation of blood; a component of thrombi, vegetations, and acute inflammatory exudates such as in diphtheria and lobar pneumonia. [L. fibra, fiber] fibrinase (fi′brin-as) 1. Former term for factor XIII. 2. SYN: plasmin. fibrino- Fibrin. [L. fibra, fiber] fibrinocellular (fi′bri-no-sel′u-lar) Composed of fibrin and cells, as in certain types of exudates resulting from acute inflammation. fibrinogen (fi-brin′o-jen) A globulin of the blood plasma that is converted into fibrin by the action of thrombin in the presence of ionized calcium to produce coagulation of the blood; the only coagulable protein in the blood plasma of vertebrates; it is absent in afibrinogenemia and is defective in dysfibrinogenemia. human f. f. prepared from normal human plasma; a coagulant (clotting factor), used as an adjunct in the management of acute, congenital, or acquired chronic hypofibrinogenemia. fibrinogenase (fi-brin′o-je-nas) SYN: thrombin. fibrinogenemia (fi-brin′o-je-ne′me-a) SYN: hyperfibrinogenemia. fibrinogenesis (fi′bri-no-jen′e-sis) Formation or production of fibrin. fibrinogenic, fibrinogenous (fi′brin-o-jen′ik, fi′bri-noj′e-nus) 1. Pertaining to fibrinogen. 2. Producing fibrin. fibrinogenolysis (fi-brin′o-jen-ol′i-sis) The inactivation or dissolution of fibrinogen in the blood. [fibrinogen + G. lysis, dissolution] fibrinogenopenia (fi-brin′o-jen-o-pe′ne-a) A concentration of fibrinogen in the blood that is less than the normal. [fibrinogen + G. penia, poverty] fibrinoid (fi′bri-noyd) 1. Resembling fibrin. 2. A deeply or brilliantly acidophilic, homogeneous, proteinaceous material that: 1) is frequently formed in the walls of blood vessels and in connective tissue of patients with such diseases as disseminated lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and rheumatic fever; 2) is sometimes observed in healing wounds, chronic peptic ulcers, the placenta, necrotic arterioles of malignant hypertension, and other unrelated conditions. [fibrin + G. eidos, resemblance] fibrinokinase (fi′brin-o-ki′nas) Name proposed for the enzyme that converts plasminogen to plasmin; subsequently called urokinase, but now called plasminogen activator. SYN: fibrinolysokinase. fibrinolysin (fi-brin-o-li′sin) SYN: plasmin. streptococcal f. SYN: streptokinase. fibrinolysis (fi-bri-nol′i-sis) 1. Hydrolysis of fibrin. 2. The process of dissolution of fibrin in blood clots. [fibrino- + G. lysis, dissolution] fibrinolysokinase (fi′brin-o-li-so-ki′nas) SYN: fibrinokinase. fibrinolytic (fi-brin-o-lit′ik) Denoting, characterized by, or causing fibrinolysis. fibrinopeptide (fi′brin-o-pep′tid) One of two pairs of peptides (A and B) released from the amino-terminal ends of 2α- (or Aα-) and 2β- (or Bβ-)chains of fibrinogen by the action of thrombin to form fibrin; they have a vasoconstrictive effect. fibrinopurulent (fi′bri-no-pu′roo-lent) Pertaining to pus or suppurative exudate that contains a relatively large amount of fibrin. fibrinoscopy (fi-bri-nos′ko-pe) The chemical and physical examination of the fibrin of exudates, blood clots, etc. [fibrino- + G. skopeo, to view] fibrinous (fi′brin-us) Pertaining to or composed of fibrin. fibrinuria (fi-bri-noo′re-a) The passage of urine that contains fibrin. [fibrin + G. ouron, urine] fibro-, fibr- Fiber. [L. fibra] fibroadenoma (fi′bro-ad-e-no′ma) A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which there is a conspicuous stroma of proliferating fibroblasts and connective tissue elements; commonly occurs in breast tissue. giant f. a massive benign f. seen mostly in adolescent girls. intracanalicular f. a f. of the breast consisting of nodules of fibrous tissue which invaginate and compress the ducts. pericanalicular f. a f. of the breast consisting of an increased number of small ducts surrounded by concentric bands of fibrous tissue. fibroadipose (fi-bro-ad′i-poz) Relating to or containing both fibrous and fatty structures. SYN: fibrofatty. fibroareolar (fi′bro-a-re′o-lar) Denoting connective tissue that is both fibrous and areolar in character. fibroblast (fi′bro-blast) A stellate or spindle-shaped cell with cytoplasmic processes present in connective tissue, capable of forming collagen fibers; an inactive f. is sometimes called a fibrocyte. fibroblastic (fi-bro-blas′tik) Relating to fibroblasts. fibrocartilage (fi-bro-kar′ti-lij) A variety of cartilage that contains visible type I collagen fibers; appears as a transition between tendons or ligaments or bones. SYN: fibrocartilago. basilar f. SYN: basilar cartilage. circumferential f. a ring of f. around the articular end of a bone, serving to deepen the joint cavity. SEE ALSO: acetabular labrum, glenoid labrum of scapula. external semilunar f. SYN: lateral meniscus. interarticular f. SYN: articular disk. internal semilunar f. of knee joint SYN: medial meniscus. interpubic f. interpubic disk. semilunar f. See lateral meniscus, medial meniscus. stratiform f. a layer of f. in the bottom of a groove in a bone through which a tendon runs. fibrocartilaginous (fi′bro-kar-ti-laj′i-nus) Relating to or composed of fibrocartilage. fibrocartilago (fi′bro-kar-ti-la′go) SYN: fibrocartilage. f. basalis SYN: basilar cartilage. f. interarticularis SYN: articular disk. f. interpubica interpubic disk. f. intervertebralis SYN: intervertebral disk. fibrocellular (fi-bro-sel′u-lar) Both fibrous and cellular. fibrochondritis (fi′bro-kon-dri′tis) Inflammation of a fibrocartilage. fibrochondroma (fi′bro-kon-dro′ma) A benign neoplasm of cartilaginous tissue, in which there is a relatively unusual amount of fibrous stroma. fibrocongestive (fi′bro-kon-jes′tiv) Term sometimes used to indicate the general condition of an organ or tissue in which acute or chronic, persistent congestion has resulted in degeneration and necrosis of cells and replacement with connective tissue elements, as in chronic congestive splenomegaly. fibrocystic (fi-bro-sis′tik) Pertaining to or characterized by the presence of fibrocysts. fibrocyte (fi′bro-sit) Designation sometimes applied to an inactive fibroblast. [fibro- + G. kytos, cell] fibrodysplasia (fi′bro-dis-pla′ze-a) Abnormal development of fibrous connective tissue. f. ossificans progressiva [MIM*135100] a generalized disorder of connective tissue in which there is ectopic ossification with bone replacing tendons, fasciae, and ligaments; a lethal genetic disorder of autosomal dominant inheritance. SEE ALSO: fibrous dysplasia of bone. fibroelastic (fi′bro-e-las′tik) Composed of collagen and elastic fibers. fibroelastosis (fi′bro-e-las-to′sis) Excessive proliferation of collagenous and elastic fibrous tissue. endocardial f., endomyocardial f. 1. a congenital condition characterized by thickening of the left ventricular wall endocardium (chiefly due to fibrous and elastic tissue), thickening and malformation of the cardiac valves, subendocardial changes in the myocardium, and hypertrophy of the heart; chief symptoms are cyanosis, dyspnea, anorexia, and irritability; 2. SYN: endomyocardial fibrosis. fibroepithelioma (fi′bro-ep-i-the-le-o′ma) A skin tumor composed of fibrous tissue intersected by thin anastomosing bands of basal cells of the epidermis, enclosing keratin cysts; may give rise to basal cell carcinoma of the nodular type. SYN: Pinkus tumor. fibrofatty (fi-bro-fat′e) SYN: fibroadipose. fibrofolliculoma (fi′bro-fo-lik-u-lo′ma) Small papular hamartomas of the fibrous sheath of the hair follicle, with solid extensions of the epithelium of the follicular infundibulum; multiple fibrofolliculomas may be familial. fibrogenesis (fi-bro-jen′e-sis) The production or development of fibers.
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