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foremilk (for′milk)
SYN: colostrum.

forensic (fo-ren′sik)
Pertaining or applicable to personal injury, murder, and other legal proceedings. [L. forensis, of a forum]

foreplay (for′pla)
Stimulative sexual activity preceding sexual intercourse.

forepleasure (for′plezh′er, pla′zher)
Sexual pleasure resulting from the foreplay that precedes the genital-orgastic pleasure in sexual intercourse.

foreskin (for′skin)
prepuce. f. of penis [TA] SYN: prepuce of penis.

Jacques, French rheumatologist, 1890–1978. See F. disease.

forestomach (for′stum′uk)
SYN: cardiac antrum.

forewaters (for′wah-terz)
Colloquialism for the bulging fluid-filled amniotic membrane presenting in front of the fetal head.

Being unable to retrieve or recall information that was once registered, learned, and stored in short- or long-term memory.

fork (fork)
1. A pronged instrument used for holding or lifting. 2. An instrument resembling a f. in that it has tines or prongs. bite f. SYN: face-bow f.. face-bow f. that part of the face-bow assemblage used to attach the maxillary trial base to the face-bow proper. SYN: bite f.. tuning f. a steel or magnesium-alloy instrument roughly resembling a two-pronged f., the vibrations of the prongs of which, when struck, produce a pure tone and overtones; used to test the hearing and vibratory sensation.

form (form)
Shape; mold. [L. forma] accolé forms (ak-ola′) SYN: appliqué forms. appliqué forms (ap-li-ka′) a term applied to the manner in which the ring stage of Plasmodium falciparum parasitizes the marginal portion of erythrocytes. SYN: accolé forms. arch f. the shape and contour of the dental arch, or of an orthodontic wire formed to the shape of that arch. boat f. the less stable of two conformations assumed by 6-membered cyclic sugars (pyranoses) or cyclohexane derivatives, as opposed to chair f.. SEE ALSO: Haworth conformational formulas of cyclic sugars. cavity preparation f. the configuration or shape of a cavity preparation. chair f. the more stable of two conformations assumed by 6-membered cyclic sugars ( e.g., the pyranoses) or cyclohexane derivatives, as opposed to boat f.. SEE ALSO: Haworth conformational formulas of cyclic sugars. convenience f. the changes needed outside the basic outline f. to enable proper instrumentation for the cavity preparation and insertion of a dental restoration. extension f. the extension of the cavity preparation outline f. to include areas of incipient carious lesions; this extension provides a dental restoration with margins that are self-cleansing or easily cleaned. face f. 1. the outline f. of the face; 2. the outline f. of the face from an anterior view. half-chair f. Haworth conformational formulas of cyclic sugars. involution f. an irregular or atypical bacterial cell produced as a result of exposure to unfavorable conditions. L f. L-phase variants, under variant. occlusal f. the f. of the occlusal surface of a tooth or a row of teeth. SYN: occlusal pattern. outline f. the shape of the area of the tooth surface included within the cavosurface margins of the cavity preparation of a dental restoration. posterior tooth f. the distinguishing contours of the occlusal surface of the various posterior teeth. replicative f. (RF) 1. an intermediate stage in the replication of either DNA or RNA viral genomes that is usually double-stranded; 2. the altered, double-stranded f. to which single-stranded coliphage DNA is converted after infection of a susceptible bacterium, formation of the complementary (“minus”) strand being mediated by enzymes that were present in the bacterium before entrance of the viral (“plus”) strand. resistance f. the shape given to a cavity preparation that enables the dental restoration to withstand masticatory forces. retention f. the shape of a cavity preparation that prevents displacement of the dental restoration by lateral or tipping forces as well as masticatory forces. sickle f. SYN: malarial crescent. skew f. Haworth conformational formulas of cyclic sugars. tooth f. the characteristics of the curves, lines, angles, and contours of various teeth which permit their identification and differentiation. twist f. Haworth conformational formulas of cyclic sugars. wave f. See waveform. SYN: waveshape. wax f. SYN: wax pattern.

In the form, shape of; equivalent to -oid. See morpho-. [L. -formis]

Henry, U.S. physician, 1847–1892. See F. kidney.

formaldehyde (for-mal′de-hid)
A pungent gas, HCHO; used as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and histologic fixative. SYN: formic aldehyde, methyl aldehyde. [form(ic) + aldehyde] active f. 1. a hydroxymethyl derivative of tetrahydrofolate or thiamin pyrophosphate; 2. N5,N10-methylenetetrahydrofolate.

formalin (for′ma-lin)
A 37% aqueous solution of formaldehyde. SYN: formol.

formalinize (for-ma-li-niz)
To add formalin solution to inactivate vaccines without destroying their immunizing power.

formamidase (for-mam′i-das)
An enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of n-formyl-l-kynurenine to l-kynurenine and formate, a reaction of significance in l-tryptophan catabolism. SYN: formylase, kynurenine f..

5-formamidoimidazole-4-carboximide ribotide
An intermediate in purine biosynthesis.

formant (for′mant)
Tones and their overtones resulting from the production of vowel phonemes.

formate (for′mat)
A salt or ester of formic acid; i.e., the monovalent radical HCOO– or the anion HCOO−. active f. N10-formyltetrahydrofolate or an equivalent oxidation product of tetrahydrofolate.

formatio, pl .formationes (for-ma′she-o, -o′nez) [TA]
1. SYN: formation. 2. A structure of definite shape or cellular arrangement. [L. fr. formo, pp. -atus, to form] f. hippocampalis hippocampal formation. See hippocampus. f. reticularis [TA] SYN: reticular formation.

formation (for-ma′shun) [TA]
1. A f.; a structure of definite shape or cellular arrangement. 2. That which is formed. 3. The act of giving form and shape. SYN: formatio (1) [TA] . concept f. in psychology, the learning to conceive and respond in terms of abstract ideas based upon an action or object. personality f. the life history associated with the development of individual patterns and of one's individuality. reaction f. in psychoanalysis, a postulated defense mechanism in which attitudes and behaviors that are adopted are the opposites of that which the individual would ordinarily be expected to express and actually feel at an unconscious level. reticular f. (RF) a massive but vaguely delimited neural apparatus composed of closely intermingled gray and white matter and extending throughout the central core of the brainstem and into the diencephalon; the term refers to the large neuronal population of the brainstem that does not compose motoneuronal cell groups or cell groups forming part of specific sensory conduction systems; its neurons generally have long dendrites and heterogeneous afferent connections, the reason why the f. is often called “nonspecific”; the reticular f. has complex, largely polysynaptic ascending and descending connections that play a role in the central control of autonomic (respiration, blood pressure, thermoregulation, etc.) and endocrine functions, as well as in bodily posture, skeletomuscular reflex activity, and general behavioral states such as alertness and sleep. SYN: formatio reticularis [TA] , reticular substance (2) , substantia reticularis (2) . rouleaux f. the arrangement of red blood cells in fluid blood (or in diluted suspensions) with their biconcave surfaces in apposition, thereby forming groups that resemble stacks of coins. SYN: pseudoagglutination (2) . [Fr. pl. of rouleau, a roll] symptom f. SYN: symptom substitution.

formationes (for-ma′she-o′nez)
Plural of formatio.

formazan (for′ma-zan)
A water-insoluble colored compound of the general structure, RNH—N&dbond;CR′—N&dbond;NR&dprime;, formed by reduction of a tetrazolium salt in the histochemical demonstration of oxidative enzymes; the R's are usually phenyl groups; examples include neotetrazolium, blue tetrazolium, and nitro blue tetrazolium.

formboard (form′bord)
A board containing cut-outs in various shapes, into which blocks of corresponding shape are to be fitted; a neuropsychological test of which the Tactual Performance Test of the Halstead-Reitan Battery is an example. See Halstead-Reitan battery.

forme fruste, pl .formes frustes (form′ froost′)
A partial, arrested, or inapparent form of disease. [Fr. unfinished form]

formic (for′mik)
1. Pertaining to f. acid. 2. Relating to ants. [L. formica, ant]

formic acid
HCOOH;the smallest carboxylic acid; a strong caustic, used as an astringent and counterirritant.

formic aldehyde
SYN: formaldehyde.

formication (for-mi-ka′shun)
A form of paresthesia or tactile hallucination; a sensation as if small insects are creeping under the skin. [L. formica, ant]

formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU) (for-mim′i-no-gloo-tam′ik)
An intermediate metabolite in l-histidine catabolism in the conversion of l-histidine to l-glutamic acid, with the formimino group being transferred to tetrahydrofolate; it may appear in the urine of patients with folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, or liver disease.

formin (for′min)
A family of proteins that participates in cell polarization, cytokinesis, and vertebrate limb formation. [L. forma, form, + -in]

formocresol (for-mo-kre′sol)
An aqueous solution containing cresol, formaldehyde, and glycerine, used in vital primary teeth needing coronal pulpotomy.

formol (for′mol)
SYN: formalin.

formosulfathiazole (for′mo-sul-fa-thi′a-zol)
An antimicrobial agent for treatment of intestinal infections.

formula, pl .formulasformulae (for′mu-la, -laz, -le)
1. A recipe or prescription containing directions for the compounding of a medicinal preparation. 2. In chemistry, a symbol or collection of symbols expressing the number of atoms of the element or elements forming one molecule of a substance, together with, on occasion, information concerning the arrangement of the atoms within the molecule, their electronic structure, their charge, the nature of the bonds within the molecule, etc. 3. An expression by symbols and numbers of the normal order or arrangement of parts or structures. 4. A mathematic relationship or principle, typically provided via an equation. [L. dim. of forma, form] Arneth f. the normal, approximate ratio of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, based on the number of lobes in the nuclei, as follows: 1 lobe, 5%; 2 lobes, 35%; 3 lobes, 41%; 4 lobes, 17%; 5 lobes, 2%. Bazett f. a f. for correcting the observed QT interval in the electrocardiogram for cardiac rate (R-R interval): corrected QT = Q-T sec/√RR sec. Bernhardt f. a f. used to calculate the ideal weight, in kilograms, for an adult; it is the height in centimeters times the chest circumference in centimeters divided by 240. Black f. a translation of Pignet f. into British measurements: F = (W + C) − H; F is the empirical factor, W is the weight in pounds, C the chest girth in inches at full inspiration, and H the height in inches; a man is classed as very strong when F is over 120, strong between 110 and 120, good 100 to 110, fair 90 to 100, weak 80 to 90, very weak under 80. Broca f. a fully developed man (30 years old) should weigh as many kilograms as he is centimeters in height over and above 1 meter. chemical f. a statement of the structure of a molecule expressed in chemical symbols. Christison f. SYN: Häser f.. constitutional f. SYN: structural f.. Demoivre f. an obsolete f. for calculating life expectancy. dental f. a statement in tabular form of the number of each kind of teeth in the jaw; the dental f. for man is, for the deciduous teeth: for the permanent teeth: Dreyer f. an obsolete f. indicating relationship between vital capacity and body surface area. DuBois f. a f. for predicting a man's surface area from weight and height: A = 71.84W0.425 H0.725, where A = surface area in cm2, W = weight in kg, and H = height in cm. electrical f. a graphic representation by means of symbols of the reaction of a muscle to an electrical stimulus. empirical f. in chemistry, a f. indicating the kind and number of atoms in the molecules of a substance, or its composition, but not the relation of the atoms to each other or the intimate structure of the molecule. SYN: molecular f.. Fischer projection formulas See Fischer projection formulas of sugars. Flesch f. a method of determining the difficulty of a written passage by a formulation that provides an estimate of how many people in the U.S. would be able to read and understand the passage; used in determining patient comprehension of hospital consent forms. Florschütz f. the correct relation of height to the abdominal circumference: L : (2B − L), L representing the individual's height, and B the circumference of the abdomen; the normal value so determined would be 5, and any below that would indicate obesity. Gorlin f. a f. for calculating the area of the orifice of a cardiac valve, based on flow across the valve and the mean pressures in the chambers on either side of the valve. graphic f. SYN: structural f.. Hamilton-Stewart f. SYN: Hamilton-Stewart method. Häser f. a f. to determine the number of grams of urinary solids per liter, obtained by multiplying 2.33 by the last two figures of the specific gravity of the urine. SYN: Christison f., Trapp f., Trapp-Häser f.. Haworth perspective and conformational formulas See Haworth perspective formulas of cyclic sugars. Jellinek f. a method of estimating the prevalence of alcoholism in a nation's population, based on the assumption that a predictable proportion of persons addicted to alcohol die of cirrhosis of the liver. Ledermann f. a f. to calculate alcohol dependancy levels. Ledermann showed empirically that the distribution of alcohol consumption in a population is log normal; the f. used this observation to estimate the prevalence of various degrees of alcohol dependency. Some questions have been raised about the validity of Ledermann observations. Long f. a f. for estimating from the specific gravity of a specimen of urine the approximate amount of solids in grams per liter; the last two figures of the value for specific gravity are multiplied by 2.6. SYN: Long coefficient. Mall f. a f. for determining the age (in days) of a human embryo; calculated as the square root of its length (measured from vertex to breech) in millimeters multiplied by 100. Meeh f. SYN: Meeh-Dubois f.. Meeh-Dubois f. a f. for predicting surface area, assuming that it is proportional to the 23 power of the body weight. SYN: Meeh f.. molecular f. SYN: empirical f.. official f. a f. contained in the Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary. Pignet f. Black f.. Poisson-Pearson f. a f. to determine the statistical error in calculating the endemic index of malaria: let N = total number of children under 15 years in a locality; n = total number examined for the spleen-rate; x = number found with enlarged spleen; (x/n)100 = spleen-rate; e% = percentage of error; the percentage error will be, by this f.: Ranke f. A = grams of albumin per liter of a serous fluid: then, A = (sp. gr. − 1000) × 0.52 − 5.406. rational f. in chemistry, a f. that indicates the constitution as well as the composition of a substance. Reuss f. a means of estimating the approximate amount of albumin in a transudate or exudate; 38 (sp. gr. - 1.000) − 2.8 results in a value that is a practicable indication of the percentage of albumin in the fluid. Runeberg f. a f. for estimating the percentage of albumin in a serous fluid, similar to Reuss f. except that, instead of 2.8, 2.73 is subtracted in the instance of a transudate, and 2.88 in that of an inflammatory exudate. spatial f. SYN: stereochemical f.. stereochemical f. a chemical f. in which the arrangement of the atoms or atomic groupings in space are indicated. SYN: spatial f.. structural f. a f. in which the connections of the atoms and groups of atoms, as well as their kind and number, are indicated. SYN: constitutional f., graphic f.. Toronto f. for pulmonary artery banding a technique that provides a general guide for the size of the band relative to the patient's weight. Trapp f. SYN: Häser f.. Trapp-Häser f. SYN: Häser f.. Van Slyke f. SYN: standard urea clearance. vertebral f. a f. indicating the number of vertebrae in each segment of the spinal column; for humans it is C. 7, T. 12, L. 5, S. 5, Co. 4 = 33, the letters standing for cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

formulary (for′mu-la-re)
A collection of formulas for the compounding of medicinal preparations. See National F., Pharmacopeia. hospital f. a continually revised compilation of approved pharmaceuticals, plus important ancillary information, that reflects the current clinical judgment of the institution's medical staff.

formyl (f) (for′mil)
The radical, HCO–. active f. the f. group taking part in transformylation reactions with a folic acid derivative in the role of carrier. f.-methionyl-tRNA SYN: initiation tRNA.

formylase (for′mi-las)
SYN: formamidase.

Initiation tRNA in certain organisms.

William R., U.S. pediatrician, *1931.

fornicate (for′ni-kat)
1. Vaulted or arched; resembling a fornix. [L. fornicatus, arched, fr. fornix, vault, arch] 2. To have sexual intercourse. [see fornication]

fornication (for-ni-ka′shun)
Sexual intercourse, especially between unmarried partners. [L. fornicatio, an arched or vaulted basement (brothel)]

fornices (for′ni-sez)
Plural of fornix.

fornix, gen. fornicis, pl .fornices (for′niks, -ni-sis, -ni-sez) [TA]
1. [TA] In general, an arch-shaped structure; often the arch-shaped roof (or roof portion) of an anatomic space. 2. [TA] The compact, white fiber bundle by which the hippocampus of each cerebral hemisphere projects to the contralateral hippocampus and to the septum, anterior nucleus of the thalamus, and mamillary body. Arising from pyramidal cells of Ammon horn, the fibers of the f. form the alveus hippocampi and the fimbria hippocampi, and in their further course compose, sequentially, the commissure of the f. [TA], also called the hippocampal commissure [TA] (commissura hippocampi [TA]), the crus of f. [TA] (crus fornicis [TA]), the body of f. [TA] (corpus fornicis [TA]), and the column of f. [TA] (columna fornicis [TA]), which divides into a smaller portion of precommissural fibers [TA] that pass anterior to the anterior commissure to the septal area and a larger portion of postcommissural fibers [TA] that pass posterior to the anterior commissure to end mainly in the mammillary nuclei and to a lesser extent in the anterior thalamic nucleus. SYN: trigonum cerebrale. SYN: cerebral trigone. [L. arch, vault] f. conjunctivae SYN: conjunctival f.. conjunctival f. [TA] the space formed by the junction of the bulbar and palpebral portions of the conjunctiva, that of the upper lid being the superior conjunctival f. and that of the lower lid, the inferior conjunctival f.. SYN: conjunctival cul-de-sac, f. conjunctivae, retrotarsal fold. f. gastricus [TA] SYN: f. of stomach. f. of lacrimal sac [TA] f. of the lacrimal sac; the upper, blind end of the lacrimal sac that extends above the openings of the lacrimal canaliculi. SYN: f. sacci lacrimalis [TA] . pharyngeal f. SYN: vault of pharynx. f. pharyngis [TA] SYN: vault of pharynx. f. sacci lacrimalis [TA] SYN: f. of lacrimal sac. f. of stomach [TA] formerly considered to be a synonym of the official Nomina Anatomica term “fundus of stomach” (used more commonly than fundus in radiology), Terminologia Anatomica lists f. and fundus of stomach separately, considering that all stomachs have a fundus, being the uppermost portion of the body of the stomach, the mucosa of which includes the greatest density of fundic cells; f. is now reserved for the domed or pocket-like portion of the stomach that lies superior to and to the left of the cardial orifice, in which, in the upright position, gas is often contained. SYN: f. gastricus [TA] . transverse f. SYN: commissura fornicis. f. uteri SYN: vaginal f.. f. vaginae [TA] SYN: vaginal f.. vaginal f. [TA] the recess at the vault of the vagina; it is divided into an anterior part, posterior part, and lateral part with respect to its relation to the cervix of the uterus. The posterior part is clinically significant as the site for culdocentesis and culdoscopy. The proximity of the ureter (below) and the uterine artery (above) adjacent to the lateral f. is important clinically. SYN: f. vaginae [TA] , f. uteri.

forskolin (for′sko-lin)
A phorbol ester that binds to and activates protein kinase C, thus mimicking the actions of diacylglycerol. [fr. Coleus forskohlii, taxonomic name of botanical source]

John, Swedish bacteriologist and pathologist, 1868–1947. See F. antibody, F. antigen, F. reaction, F. antigen-antibody reaction.

Hans, Swedish physician, *1912. See Börjeson-F.-Lehmann syndrome.

Richard, German ophthalmologist, 1825–1902. See F. uveitis.

foscarnet (fos-kar′net)
A pyrophosphate analog antiviral drug.

Leonard S., U.S. chemist, 1903–1969. See F.-Hansen-Epple test.

Lee, U.S. bacteriologist, 1896–1961. See F. test.

fossa, gen. and pl. fossae (fos′a, fos′e) [TA]
A depression usually more or less longitudinal in shape below the level of the surface of a part. [L. a trench or ditch] acetabular f. [TA] a depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum superior to the acetabular notch. SYN: f. acetabuli [TA] . f. acetabuli [TA] SYN: acetabular f.. adipose fossae subcutaneous spaces containing accumulations of fat in the breast. amygdaloid f. SYN: tonsillar f.. anconal f. SYN: olecranon f.. anterior cranial f. [TA] the portion of the internal base of the skull, anterior to the sphenoidal ridges and limbus, in which the frontal lobes of the brain rest. SYN: f. cranii anterior [TA] , anterior cranial base. f. anthelicis SYN: f. antihelica. f. of anthelix SYN: f. antihelica. f. antihelica [TA] the depression on the medial surface of the auricle that corresponds to the anthelix. SYN: f. anthelicis, f. of anthelix, periconchal sulcus. articular f. of temporal bone SYN: mandibular f.. f. axillaris SYN: axilla. axillary f. SYN: axilla. Bichat f. SYN: pterygopalatine f.. Biesiadecki f. SYN: iliacosubfascial f.. Broesike f. SYN: parajejunal f.. f. canina [TA] SYN: canine f.. canine f. [TA] a depression on the anterior surface of the maxilla below the infraorbital foramen and on the lateral side of the canine eminence. SYN: f. canina [TA] . f. carotica SYN: carotid triangle. cerebellar f. [TA] the large concave impressions on the inner surface of the occipital bone on either side of the foramen magnum and internal occipital crest, housing the cerebellar hemispheres; a part of the posterior cranial f.. SYN: f. cerebellaris [TA] . f. cerebellaris [TA] SYN: cerebellar f.. Claudius f. SYN: ovarian f.. condylar f. [TA] a depression behind the condyle of the occipital bone in which the posterior margin of the superior facet of the atlas lies in extension. SYN: f. condylaris [TA] . f. condylaris [TA] SYN: condylar f.. f. coronoidea humeri [TA] SYN: coronoid f. of humerus. coronoid f. of humerus [TA] a hollow on the anterior surface of the distal end of the humerus, just above the trochlea, in which the coronoid process of the ulna rests when the elbow is flexed. SYN: f. coronoidea humeri [TA] . f. cranii anterior [TA] SYN: anterior cranial f.. f. cranii media [TA] SYN: middle cranial f.. f. cranii posterior [TA] SYN: posterior cranial f.. crural f. SYN: femoral f.. Cruveilhier f. SYN: scaphoid f. of sphenoid bone. cubital f. [TA] the f. in front of the elbow, bounded laterally and medially by the humeral origins of the extensors and flexors of the forearm, respectively, and superiorly by an imaginary line connecting the humeral condyles. SYN: f. cubitalis [TA] , antecubital space, chelidon, triangle of elbow. f. cubitalis [TA] SYN: cubital f.. digastric f. [TA] a hollow on the posterior surface of the base of the mandible, on either side of the median plane, giving attachment to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. SYN: f. digastrica [TA] . f. digastrica [TA] SYN: digastric f.. digital f. 1. SYN: trochanteric f.. 2. SYN: f. of lateral malleolus. f. ductus venosi SYN: f. of ductus venosus. f. of ductus venosus a wide groove located posteriorly on the undersurface of the fetal liver between the caudate and left lobes; it lodges the ductus venosus and becomes the fissure of the ligamentum venosum in the adult. SYN: f. ductus venosi. duodenal fossae inferior duodenal f., superior duodenal f.. duodenojejunal f. SYN: superior duodenal f.. epigastric f. [TA] the slight depression in the midline just inferior to the xiphoid process of the sternum. (TA lists this term as synonymous with epigastric region). SYN: f. epigastrica [TA] , pit of stomach, scrobiculus cordis. f. epigastrica [TA] SYN: epigastric f.. femoral f. a depression on the peritoneal surface of the abdominal wall, inferior to the inguinal ligament, corresponding to the situation of the femoral ring. SYN: crural f., fovea femoralis. floccular f. SYN: subarcuate f.. gallbladder f. SYN: f. for gallbladder. f. for gallbladder [TA] a depression on the visceral surface of the liver anteriorly, between the quadrate and the right lobes, lodging the gallbladder. SYN: f. vesicae biliaris [TA] , f. vesicae felleae&star, gallbladder f.. Gerdy hyoid f. SYN: carotid triangle. f. glandulae lacrimalis [TA] SYN: f. for lacrimal gland. glenoid f. 1. SYN: glenoid cavity of scapula. 2. SYN: mandibular f.. greater supraclavicular f. [TA] formerly considered a synonym for omoclavicular triangle (a subdivision of the posterior triangle of the neck); Terminologica Anatomica reserves this term for the surface feature that overlies the omoclavicular triangle: a depressed area above the middle of the clavicle, lateral to the sternocleidomastoid. SYN: f. supraclavicularis major [TA] . Gruber-Landzert f. SYN: inferior duodenal f.. f. of helix SYN: scapha (1) . hyaloid f. [TA] a depression on the anterior surface of the vitreous body in which lies the lens. SYN: f. hyaloidea [TA] , lenticular f., patellar f. of vitreous. f. hyaloidea [TA] SYN: hyaloid f.. hypophysial f. [TA] f. of the sphenoid bone housing the pituitary gland. SEE ALSO: sella turcica. SYN: f. hypophysialis [TA] , pituitary f.. f. hypophysialis [TA] SYN: hypophysial f.. iliac f. [TA] the smooth inner surface of the ilium above the arcuate line, giving attachment to the iliacus muscle. SYN: f. iliaca [TA] . f. iliaca [TA] SYN: iliac f.. iliacosubfascial f. a peritoneal recess between the psoas muscle and the crest of the ilium. SYN: Biesiadecki f., f. iliacosubfascialis. f. iliacosubfascialis SYN: iliacosubfascial f.. iliopectineal f. a hollow between the iliopsoas and pectineus muscles in the center of the femoral triangle, lodging the femoral vessels and nerve. f. incisiva [TA] SYN: incisive f.. incisive f. [TA] the depression in the midline of the bony palate behind the central incisors into which the incisive canals open. SYN: f. incisiva [TA] . incudal f. SYN: f. of incus. f. incudis SYN: f. of incus. f. of incus [TA] a small depression in the lower and posterior part of the epitympanic recess that lodges the short limb of the incus. SYN: f. incudis, incudal f.. inferior duodenal f. [TA] the variable peritoneal recess which lies behind the inferior duodenal fold and along the ascending part of the duodenum. SYN: recessus duodenalis inferior [TA] , Gruber-Landzert f., inferior duodenal recess. infraclavicular f. [TA] a triangular depression bounded by the clavicle and the adjacent borders of the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. SYN: f. infraclavicularis [TA] , deltoideopectoral trigone, infraclavicular triangle, Mohrenheim f., Mohrenheim space, regio infraclavicularis. f. infraclavicularis [TA] SYN: infraclavicular f.. infraduodenal f. SYN: retroduodenal recess. f. infraspinata [TA] SYN: infraspinous f.. infraspinous f. [TA] the hollow on the dorsal aspect of the scapula inferior to the spine, giving attachment chiefly to the infraspinatus muscle. SYN: f. infraspinata [TA] . infratemporal f. [TA] the cavity on the side of the skull bounded laterally by the zygomatic arch and ramus of the mandible, medially by the lateral pterygoid plate, anteriorly by the zygomatic process of the maxilla and infratemporal surface of the maxilla, posteriorly by the tympanic plate and styloid and mastoid processes of the temporal bone, and superiorly by the infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. SYN: f. infratemporalis [TA] , zygomatic f.. f. infratemporalis [TA] SYN: infratemporal f.. inguinal f. lateral inguinal f., medial inguinal f.. f. inguinalis lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral inguinal f.. f. inguinalis medialis [TA] SYN: medial inguinal f.. f. innominata SYN: innominate f.. innominate f. a shallow depression between the false vocal cord and the aryepiglottic fold on either side. SYN: f. innominata. intercondylar f. [TA] the deep f. between the femoral condyles in which the cruciate ligaments are attached. SYN: f. intercondylaris [TA] , intercondyloid f. (2) , intercondylic f., intercondyloid notch, popliteal notch. f. intercondylaris [TA] SYN: intercondylar f.. intercondyloid f., intercondylic f. 1. See area intercondylaris anterior tibiae, area intercondylaris posterior tibiae. 2. SYN: intercondylar f.. f. intermesocolica transversa SYN: transverse intermesocolic f.. interpeduncular f. [TA] deep depression on the inferior surface of the mesencephalon, between the crura cerebri, the floor of which is formed by the posterior perforated substance. See interpeduncular cistern. SYN: f. interpeduncularis [TA] . f. interpeduncularis [TA] SYN: interpeduncular f.. intrabulbar f. the dilated commencement of the spongy part of the male urethra lying within the bulb of the penis. ischioanal f. [TA] a wedge-shaped space with its base toward the perineum and lying between the tuberosity of the ischium and the obturator internus muscle laterally and the external anal sphincter and the levator ani muscle medially. SYN: f. ischioanalis [TA] , f. ischiorectalis, ischiorectal f., Velpeau f.. f. ischioanalis [TA] SYN: ischioanal f.. ischiorectal f. SYN: ischioanal f.. f. ischiorectalis SYN: ischioanal f.. Jobert de Lamballe f. the hollow just above the knee formed by the adductor magnus and the sartorius and gracilis. Jonnesco f. SYN: superior duodenal f.. jugular f. [TA] an oval depression near the posterior border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, medial to the styloid process, in which lies the beginning of the internal jugular vein (jugular bulb); SYN: f. jugularis [TA] . f. jugularis [TA] SYN: jugular f.. lacrimal f. f. for lacrimal gland. f. for lacrimal gland [TA] a hollow in the orbital plate of the frontal bone, formed by the overhanging margin and zygomatic process, lodging the lacrimal gland. SYN: f. glandulae lacrimalis [TA] , lacrimal f.&star. f. for lacrimal sac [TA] a f. formed by the lacrimal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla, lodging the lacrimal sac. SYN: f. sacci lacrimalis [TA] . Landzert f. a f. formed by two peritoneal folds, enclosing the left colic artery and the inferior mesenteric vein, respectively, at the side of the duodenum; it is smaller than the paraduodenal recess which is sometimes found in the same region. lateral f. of brain SYN: lateral cerebral f.. lateral cerebral f. [TA] the deep depression of the basal surface of the forebrain that corresponds in position to the anterior perforated substance. Bounded medially by the optic tract and rostrally by the orbital surface of the frontal lobe, it extends laterally around the overhanging pole of the temporal lobe into the Sylvian fissure (sulcus lateralis). SYN: f. lateralis cerebri [TA] , f. of Sylvius, lateral f. of brain, vallecula sylvii. lateral inguinal f. [TA] a depression on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall lateral to the ridge formed by the inferior epigastric artery; it corresponds to the position of the deep inguinal ring, and is the site of an indirect inguinal hernia. SYN: f. inguinalis lateralis [TA] . f. lateralis cerebri [TA] SYN: lateral cerebral f.. f. of lateral malleolus [TA] a large rough depression on the medial aspect of the lower end of the fibula just behind the articular facet for the talus giving attachment to the posterior talofibular and the transverse tibiofibular ligaments. SYN: f. malleoli lateralis [TA] , digital f. (2) , f. malleoli fibulae. lenticular f. SYN: hyaloid f.. lesser supraclavicular f. [TA] a triangular space between the two heads of origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. SYN: f. supraclavicularis minor [TA] . little f. of the cochlear window SYN: f. of round window. little f. of the oval (vestibular) window SYN: f. of oval window. Malgaigne f. SYN: carotid triangle. f. malleoli fibulae SYN: f. of lateral malleolus. f. malleoli lateralis [TA] SYN: f. of lateral malleolus. mandibular f. [TA] a deep hollow in the squamous portion of the temporal bone at the root of the zygoma, in which rests the condyle of the mandible. SYN: f. mandibularis [TA] , articular f. of temporal bone, cavitas glenoidalis, glenoid cavity, glenoid f. (2) , glenoid surface. f. mandibularis [TA] SYN: mandibular f.. mastoid f., f. mastoidea SYN: suprameatal triangle. medial inguinal f. [TA] a depression on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall between the ridges formed by the inferior epigastric artery and the medial umbilical ligament; it corresponds to the position of the superficial inguinal ring and is the site of a direct inguinal hernia. SYN: f. inguinalis medialis [TA] , fovea inguinalis interna. Merkel f. a groove in the posterolateral wall of the vestibule of the larynx between the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages. mesentericoparietal f. SYN: parajejunal f.. middle cranial f. [TA] a butterfly-shaped portion of the internal base of the skull posterior to the sphenoidal ridges and limbus and anterior to the crests of the petrous part of the temporal bones and dorsum sellae; it lodges the temporal lobes of the brain in the lateral portions, and the hypophysis centrally. SYN: f. cranii media [TA] . Mohrenheim f. SYN: infraclavicular f.. Morgagni f. SYN: navicular f. of urethra. mylohyoid f. SYN: mylohyoid groove. f. navicularis auriculae SYN: triangular f. of auricle. f. navicularis auris outmoded term for scapha (1) . f. navicularis Cruveilhier SYN: scaphoid f. of sphenoid bone. f. navicularis urethrae [TA] SYN: navicular f. of urethra. f. navicularis vestibulae vaginae SYN: vestibular f.. navicular f. of urethra [TA] the terminal dilated portion of the urethra in the glans penis. SYN: f. navicularis urethrae [TA] , f. terminalis urethrae, Morgagni f., Morgagni fovea. f. olecrani [TA] SYN: olecranon f.. olecranon f. [TA] a hollow on the dorsum of the distal end of the humerus, just above the trochlea, in which the olecranon process of the ulna rests when the elbow is extended. SYN: f. olecrani [TA] , anconal f.. oval f. f. ovalis (1) . f. ovalis 1. [NA], an oval depression on the lower part of the septum of the right atrium; it is a vestige of the foramen ovale, and its floor corresponds to the septum primum of the fetal heart; SYN: oval f.&star. 2. SYN: saphenous opening. f. of oval window [TA] a depression on the medial wall of the middle ear that has the oval window (fenestra vestibulae) in its lower portion. SYN: fossula fenestrae vestibuli [TA] , Huguier sinus, little f. of the oval (vestibular) window. ovarian f. [TA] a depression in the parietal peritoneum of the pelvis; it is bounded in front by the occluded part of the umbilical artery, and behind by the ureter and the uterine vessels; it lodges the ovary. SYN: f. ovarica [TA] , Claudius f.. f. ovarica [TA] SYN: ovarian f.. paraduodenal f. SYN: paraduodenal recess. parajejunal f. a peritoneal f. that has been seen in a few cases in which the jejunum has no mesentery but is attached to the posterior parietal peritoneum; the f. begins at the point where the mesentery ends, and is seen on raising up the knuckle of free intestine. SYN: Broesike f., f. parajejunalis, mesentericoparietal f., mesentericoparietal recess. f. parajejunalis SYN: parajejunal f.. pararectal f. [TA] a peritoneal depression on either side of the rectum formed by peritoneal (sacrogenital) folds passing from the posterolateral pelvic wall to the central pelvic viscera. The f. is a lateral extension of the male rectovesical pouch or the female rectouterine pouch. SYN: f. pararectalis [TA] , pararectal pouch. f. pararectalis [TA] SYN: pararectal f.. paravesical f. [TA] a peritoneal depression formed by the reflection of the peritoneum from the lateral pelvic wall onto the roof of the bladder; in the female, it is the lateral portion of the uterovesical pouch, and is separated from the pararectal pouch, which lies posteriorly, by the broad ligament. SYN: f. paravesicalis [TA] , paracystic pouch, paravesical pouch. f. paravesicalis [TA] SYN: paravesical f.. patellar f. of vitreous SYN: hyaloid f.. peritoneal fossae depressions or pouches formed between various peritoneal folds; they may be the sites of internal hernias. petrosal f. SYN: petrosal fossula. piriform f. [TA] a recess in the anterolateral wall of the nasopharynx on each side of the vestible of the larynx separated from it by the aryepiglottic folds. SYN: recessus piriformis [TA] , piriform recess&star, piriform sinus. pituitary f. SYN: hypophysial f.. f. poplitea [TA] SYN: popliteal f.. popliteal f. [TA] the diamond-shaped space posterior to the knee joint bounded superficially by the diverging biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles above and inferiorly by the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle; deeply, the f. is bound superiorly by the diverging supracondylar lines of the femur and the soleal line of the tibia inferiorly. Contents: tibial nerve, popliteal artery, vein, fat. SYN: f. poplitea [TA] , ham (1) , poples, popliteal region, popliteal space, popliteus (2) . posterior cranial f. [TA] the internal base of the skull posterior to the crest of the petrous part of the temporal bones and the dorsum sellae and anterior to the grooves for the transverse sinuses, where the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata rest. SYN: f. cranii posterior [TA] . f. provesicalis SYN: Hartmann pouch. pterygoid f. [TA] the f. formed by the divergence posteriorly of the plates of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone; it lodges the origin of medial pterygoid and the tensor palati muscles. SYN: f. pterygoidea [TA] . f. pterygoidea [TA] SYN: pterygoid f.. pterygomaxillary f. SYN: pterygopalatine f.. f. pterygopalatina [TA] SYN: pterygopalatine f.. pterygopalatine f. [TA] sphenomaxillary f., a small pyramidal space, housing the pterygopalatine ganglion, between the pterygoid process, the maxilla, and the palatine bone. SYN: f. pterygopalatina [TA] , Bichat f., pterygomaxillary f., sphenomaxillary f.. radial f. of humerus [TA] a shallow depression on the anterior aspect of the distal humerus, superior to the capitulum of the humerus and lateral to the coronoid f., in which the margin of the head of the radius rests when the elbow is in extreme flexion. SYN: f. radialis humeri [TA] . f. radialis humeri [TA] SYN: radial f. of humerus. retroduodenal f. SYN: retroduodenal recess. retromandibular f. the depression inferior to the auricle and posterior to the ramus and angle of the mandible. SYN: f. retromandibularis. f. retromandibularis SYN: retromandibular f.. retromolar f. [TA] a triangular depression in the mandible posterior to the third molar tooth. SYN: f. retromolaris [TA] . f. retromolaris [TA] SYN: retromolar f.. rhomboid f. [TA] the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain, formed by the ventricular surface of the rhombencephalon. SYN: f. rhomboidea [TA] . f. rhomboidea [TA] SYN: rhomboid f.. Rosenmüller f. SYN: pharyngeal recess. f. of round window [TA] a depression on the medial wall of the middle ear which has the round window (fenestra cochleae) in its lower portion. SYN: fossula fenestrae cochleae [TA] , fossula rotunda, little f. of the cochlear window. f. sacci lacrimalis [TA] SYN: f. for lacrimal sac. scaphoid f. [TA] a boat-shaped hollow. SEE ALSO: scaphoid f. of sphenoid bone. SYN: f. scaphoidea [TA] . f. scaphoidea [TA] SYN: scaphoid f.. f. scaphoidea ossis sphenoidalis SYN: scaphoid f. of sphenoid bone. scaphoid f. of sphenoid bone a longitudinal hollow on the posterior surface of the superior portion (root) of the medial pterygoid plate; it gives origin to the tensor veli palati muscle. SYN: Cruveilhier f., f. navicularis Cruveilhier, f. scaphoidea ossis sphenoidalis. f. scarpae major SYN: femoral triangle. sigmoid f. SYN: groove for sigmoid sinus. sphenomaxillary f. SYN: pterygopalatine f.. f. subarcuata [TA] SYN: subarcuate f.. subarcuate f. [TA] an irregular depression on the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone just below its crest and above and lateral to the internal acoustic meatus. In the fetus, the flocculus of the cerebellum rests here; in the adult, a small vein enters the bone here. SYN: f. subarcuata [TA] , floccular f., hiatus subarcuatus. subcecal f. an inconstant depression in the peritoneum extending posterior to the cecum. SYN: Treitz f.. subinguinal f. the depression on the anterior surface of the thigh beneath the groin. sublingual f. [TA] a shallow depression on either side of the mental spine, on the inner surface of the body of the mandible, superior to the mylohyoid line, lodging the sublingual gland. SYN: fovea sublingualis [TA] , sublingual pit. submandibular f. [TA] the depression on the medial surface of the body of the mandible inferior to the mylohyoid line in which the submandibular gland is lodged. SYN: fovea submandibularis [TA] , f. submandibularis, fovea submaxillaris, submaxillary f.. f. submandibularis SYN: submandibular f.. submaxillary f. SYN: submandibular f.. subscapular f. [TA] the concave ventral aspect of the body of the scapula giving origin to the subscapularis muscle. SYN: f. subscapularis [TA] . f. subscapularis [TA] SYN: subscapular f.. superior duodenal f. [TA] a peritoneal recess extending upward behind the superior duodenal fold. SYN: recessus duodenalis superior [TA] , superior duodenal recess&star, duodenojejunal f., duodenojejunal recess, Jonnesco f.. f. supraclavicularis major [TA] SYN: greater supraclavicular f.. f. supraclavicularis minor [TA] SYN: lesser supraclavicular f.. supramastoid f. SYN: suprameatal triangle. f. supraspinata [TA] SYN: supraspinous f.. supraspinous f. [TA] the hollow on the dorsal aspect of the scapula above the spine, lodging the supraspinatus muscle. SYN: f. supraspinata [TA] . supratonsillar f. [TA] the interval between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches above the tonsil, most obvious after the tonsil has regressed in the adult. SYN: f. supratonsillaris [TA] , supratonsillar recess, Tourtual sinus. f. supratonsillaris [TA] SYN: supratonsillar f.. supravesical f. [TA] the depression on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall above the bladder and between the median and medial umbilical folds. Its level, relative to the pubis, changes with filling of the bladder. SYN: f. supravesicalis [TA] , fovea supravesicalis. f. supravesicalis [TA] SYN: supravesical f.. f. of Sylvius SYN: lateral cerebral f.. temporal f. [TA] the space on the side of the cranium bounded by the temporal lines and terminating below at the level of the zygomatic arch. SYN: f. temporalis [TA] . f. temporalis [TA] SYN: temporal f.. f. terminalis urethrae SYN: navicular f. of urethra. tonsillar f. [TA] the depression between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches occupied by the palatine tonsil. SYN: f. tonsillaris [TA] , amygdaloid f., sinus tonsillaris. f. tonsillaris [TA] SYN: tonsillar f.. transverse intermesocolic f. a f. occupying the position of the superior duodenal recess but extending transversely from right to left for a few cms. SYN: f. intermesocolica transversa. Treitz f. SYN: subcecal f.. triangular f. of auricle [TA] the depression at the upper part of the auricle between the two crura of the anthelix. SYN: f. triangularis auriculae [TA] , f. navicularis auriculae. f. triangularis auriculae [TA] SYN: triangular f. of auricle. trochanteric f. a depression at the root of the neck of the femur beneath the curved tip of the great trochanter; it gives attachment to the tendon of the obturator externus. SYN: digital f. (1) , f. trochanterica. f. trochanterica SYN: trochanteric f.. trochlear f. SYN: trochlear fovea. f. trochlearis SYN: trochlear fovea. umbilical f. SYN: fissure for ligamentum teres. Velpeau f. SYN: ischioanal f.. f. venae cavae SYN: sulcus for vena cava. f. venae umbilicalis SYN: fissure for ligamentum teres. f. venosa SYN: paraduodenal recess. vermian f. a small depression near the lower part of the internal occipital crest that lodges part of the inferior vermis of the cerebellum. f. vesicae biliaris [TA] SYN: f. for gallbladder. f. vesicae felleae f. for gallbladder. vestibular f. [TA] the portion of the vestibule of the vagina between the frenulum of the labia minora and the posterior labial commissure of the vulva. SYN: f. vestibuli vaginae [TA] , f. navicularis vestibulae vaginae, f. of vestibule of vagina. f. of vestibule of vagina SYN: vestibular f.. f. vestibuli vaginae [TA] SYN: vestibular f.. Waldeyer fossae inferior duodenal f., superior duodenal f.. zygomatic f. SYN: infratemporal f..

fossette (fo-set′)
1. SYN: fossula. 2. A seldom-used term for corneal ulcer of small diameter. [Fr. dim. of fosse, a ditch]


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