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Medical Dictionarymetapophysis (met′a-pof′i-sis) SYN: mammillary process of lumbar vertebra. [meta- + G. apophysis, a process] metapore (met′a-por) Rarely used term for apertura mediana ventriculi quarti. [meta- + G. poros, pore] metaprotein (met-a-pro′ten) Nondescript term for a derived protein obtained by the action of acids or alkalies, soluble in weak acids or alkalies but insoluble in neutral solutions; e.g., albuminate. metaproterenol sulfate (met′a-pro-ter′e-nol) A sympathomimetic bronchodilator used for the treatment of bronchospasm in asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease. It has relatively greater effect on β2-adrenergic receptors than β1, conferring some selectivity in relaxing bronchiolar smooth muscle as compared with cardiac stimulation. SYN: orciprenaline sulfate. metapsychology (met′a-si-kol′o-je) 1. A systematic attempt to discern and describe what lies beyond the empirical facts and laws of psychology, such as the relations between body and mind, or concerning the place of the mind in the universe. 2. In psychoanalysis, or psychoanalytic m., psychology concerning the fundamental assumptions of the freudian theory of the mind, which entail five points of view: 1) dynamic, concerning psychologic forces; 2) economic, concerning psychologic energy; 3) structural, concerning psychologic configurations; 4) genetic, concerning psychologic origins; 5) adaptive, concerning psychologic relations with the environment. [G. meta, beyond, transcending, + psychology] metapyretic (met′a-pi-ret′ik) SYN: postfebrile. [meta- + G. pyretos, fever] metapyrocatechase (met′a-pi-ro-kat′e-kas) SYN: catechol 2,3-dioxygenase. metaraminol bitartrate (met-a-ram′i-nol) A potent sympathomimetic amine used for the elevation and maintenance of blood pressure in acute hypotensive states and topically as a nasal decongestant. metarhodopsin (met-a-ro-dop′sin) A light-activated form of rhodopsin; m. I is formed from lumirhodopsin and is converted to m. II; m. II is the form of rhodopsin that releases all-trans-retinal. metarteriole (met′ar-ter′e-ol) One of the small peripheral blood vessels between the arterioles and the true capillaries that contain scattered groups of smooth muscle fibers in their walls. [meta- + arteriole] metarubricyte (met-a-roo′bri-sit) Orthochromatic normoblast. See normoblast. pernicious anemia type m. orthochromatic megaloblast. See megaloblast. metastable (met′a-sta-bl) 1. Of uncertain stability; in a condition to pass into another phase when slightly disturbed; e.g., water, when cooled below the freezing point may remain liquid but will at once congeal if a piece of ice is added. 2. Denoting the excited condition of the nucleus of a radionuclide isomer that reaches a lower energy state by the process of isomeric transition decay without changing its atomic number or weight; e.g., Tc → Tc + γ. [meta- + L. stabilis, stable] metastasis, pl .metastases (me-tas′ta-sis, -sez) 1. The shifting of a disease or its local manifestations, from one part of the body to another, as in mumps when the symptoms referable to the parotid gland subside and the testis becomes affected. 2. The spread of a disease process from one part of the body to another, as in the appearance of neoplasms in parts of the body remote from the site of the primary tumor; results from dissemination of tumor cells by the lymphatics or blood vessels or by direct extension through serous cavities or subarachnoid or other spaces. 3. Transportation of bacteria from one part of the body to another, through the bloodstream (hematogenous m.) or through lymph channels (lymphogenous m.). SYN: secondaries (1) . [G. a removing, fr. meta, in the midst of, + stasis, a placing] biochemical m. the transportation and induction of abnormal immunochemical specificities in apparently normal organs. calcareous m. the deposit of calcareous material in remote tissues in the event of extensive resorption of osseous tissue in caries, malignant neoplasms, and so on. hematogenous m. m.. in-transit m. in melanoma, a metastatic deposit occurring in the lymphatic pathway between the primary tumor and its draining lymph nodes. lymphogenous m. m.. pulsating metastases metastases to bone, usually from hypernephromas, but occasionally from thyroid tumors; considerablee vascularity may have expansile pulsation and a continuous bruit. satellite m. m. within the immediate vicinity of a primary malignant neoplasm; e.g., skin adjacent to a melanoma. metastasize (me-tas′ta-siz) To pass into or invade by metastasis. metastatic (met-a-stat′ik) Relating to metastasis. metasternum (met′a-ster′num) SYN: xiphoid process. metastrongyle (met-a-stron′jil) Common name for members of the genus Metastrongylus or of the family Metastrongylidae. Metastrongylus (met-a-stron′ji-lus) A genus of nematode lungworms (family Metastrongylidae), the only genus in its subfamily (Metastrongylinae). The four known species are found only in pigs; transmission is by earthworm intermediate hosts. [meta- + G. strongylos, round] metasyphilis (met-a-sif′i-lis) 1. The constitutional state due to congenital syphilis without local lesions. 2. SYN: parasyphilis. metasyphilitic (met′a-sif-i-lit′ik) 1. Relating to metasyphilis. SYN: metaluetic (1) . 2. Following or occurring as a sequel of syphilis. SYN: metaluetic (2) . 3. SYN: parasyphilitic. metatarsal (met′a-tar′sal) 1. Relating to the metatarsus or to one of the m. bones. See m. (bones) [I–V], under bone. 2. Any one of the m. bones. metatarsalgia (met′a-tar-sal′je-a) Pain in the forefoot in the region of the heads of the metatarsals. [meta- + G. algos, pain] Morton m. SYN: Morton neuralgia. metatarsectomy (met′a-tar-sek′to-me) Excision of the metatarsus. [metarsus + G. ektome, excision] metatarsophalangeal (met′a-tar′so-fa-lan′je-al) Relating to the metatarsal bones and the phalanges; denoting the articulations between them. metatarsus, pl .metatarsi (met′a-tar′sus, -si) The distal portion of the foot between the instep and the toes, having as its skeleton the five long bones (metatarsal bones) articulating proximally with the cuboid and cuneiform bones and distally with the phalanges. [meta- + G. tarsos, tarsus] m. adductovarus fixed deformity of the foot in which both adductus and varus vectors contribute to the resultant foot posture. m. adductus a fixed deformity of the foot in which the forepart of the foot is angled away from the main longitudinal axis of the foot toward the midline; usually congenital in origin. SYN: intoe. m. atavicus abnormal shortness of the first metatarsal bone as compared with the second. m. latus deformity caused by sinking down of the transverse arch of the foot. SYN: talipes transversoplanus. m. varus fixed deformity of the foot in which the forepart of the foot is rotated on the long axis of the foot, so that the plantar surface faces the midline of the body. metathalamus (met′a-thal′a-mus) [TA] The caudoventral part of the thalamus, consisting of the medial and lateral geniculate bodies. [meta- + G. thalamos, thalamus] metathesis (me-tath′e-sis) 1. Transfer of a pathologic product ( e.g., a calculus) from one place to another where it causes less inconvenience or injury, when it is not possible or expedient to remove it from the body. 2. In chemistry, a double decomposition, wherein a compound, A-B, reacts with another compound, C-D, to yield A-C + B-D, or A-D + B-C. [meta- + G. thesis, a placing] metatroph (met′a-trof) An organism that requires complex organic sources of carbon and nitrogen for growth. metatrophic (met-a-trof′ik) Denoting the ability to undertake anabolism or to obtain nourishment from varied sources, i.e., both nitrogenous and carbonaceous organic matter. [meta- + G. trophe, nourishment] metatropic (met-a-trop′ik) Denoting a reversion to a previous state. [meta- + G. trope, a turning] metatypical (met-a-tip′i-kal) Pertaining to tissue that is formed of elements identical to those occurring in that site under normal conditions, but the various elements are not arranged in the usual normal pattern. metaxalone (me-tak′sa-lon) A centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant. Metazoa (met-a-zo′a) A subkingdom of the kingdom Animalia, including all multicellular animal organisms in which the cells are differentiated and form tissues; distinguished from the subkingdom Protozoa, or unicellular animal organisms. [meta- + G. zoon, animal] metazoonosis (met′a-zo-o-no′sis) A zoonosis that requires both a vertebrate and an invertebrate host for completion of its life cycle; e.g., the arbovirus infections of humans and other vertebrates. [meta- + G. zoon, animal, + nosos, disease] Metchnikoff Elie, Russian biologist in Paris and Nobel laureate, 1845–1916. See M. theory. metencephalic (met′en-se-fal′ik) Relating to the metencephalon. metencephalon (met′en-sef′a-lon) [TA] The anterior of the two major subdivisions of the rhombencephalon (the posterior being the myelencephalon or medulla oblongata), composed of the pons and the cerebellum. [meta- + G. enkephalos, brain] Metenier sign See under sign. metenkephalin (met-en-kef′a-lin) See enkephalins. meteorism (me′te-o-rizm) SYN: tympanites. [G. meteorismos, a lifting up] meteoropathy (me′te-or-op′a-the) Rarely used term for ill health due to climatic conditions. [G. meteora, things high in the air, + pathos, suffering] meteorotropic (me′te-or-o-trop′ik) Denoting diseases affected in their incidence by the weather. [G. meteora, things high in the air, + G. tropos, a turning] meter (m) (me′ter) 1. The fundamental unit of length in the SI and metric systems, equivalent to 39.37007874 inches. Defined to be the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1299792458 sec. 2. A device for measuring the quantity of that which passes through it. [Fr. metre; G. metron, measure] potential acuity m. (PAM) instrument used to project an image such as Snellen test types through a cataractous lens onto the retina in order to predict likely visual function if the cataract were removed. rate m. a device that continuously displays the magnitude of events averaged over varying time intervals. ventilation m. a m. used to measure tidal and minute ventilatory volumes. Venturi m. a device for measuring flow of a fluid in terms of the drop in pressure when the fluid flows into the constriction of a Venturi tube. meter-candle (me′ter-kan′dl) SYN: lux. metergasia (met-er-ga′ze-a) Change of function. [G. meta, denoting change, + ergasia, work] metergoline (me′ter-go-lin) An ergot derivative with a pharmacological profile similar to methysergide; a nonselective blocker of serotonin receptors. Used as an analgesic in migraine headache. SYN: methergoline. metestrus, metestrum (met-es′trus, -trum) The period between estrus and diestrus in the estrous cycle. [meta- + estrus] metformin (met-for′min) An oral hypoglycemic agent. meth-, metho- Chemical prefixes usually denoting a methyl, methoxy group. methacholine chloride (meth′a-ko-len) A derivative of acetylcholine; a parasympatomimetic agent used as a bronchoconstrictor in testing for bronchial hyperreactivity. methacrylic acid (meth′a-kril′ik) Occurs in oil from Roman camomile; used in the manufacture of methacrylate resins and plastics. SYN: methylacrylic acid. methacycline hydrochloride (meth-a-si′klen) An antimicrobial agent. methadone hydrochloride (meth′a-don) A synthetic narcotic drug; an orally effective analgesic similar in action to morphine but with slightly greater potency and longer duration. It produces psychic and physical dependence as with morphine, but withdrawal symptoms are somewhat milder; used as a replacement (oral route) for morphine and heroin; also used during withdrawal treatment in morphine and heroin addiction. methallenestril (meth′a-len-es′tril) An orally effective, nonsteroid estrogenic compound. methamphetamine hydrochloride (meth-am-fet′a-men) A sympathomimetic agent that exerts greater stimulating effects upon the central nervous system than does amphetamine (hence street name, “speed”); widely used by drug abusers via the oral and intravenous (“mainlining”) routes; strong psychic dependence may develop. When converted to the freebase (methamphetamine) it can be smoked like crack cocaine and is referred to as “ICE”. SYN: methylamphetamine hydrochloride. methampyrone (meth-am-pi′ron) SYN: dipyrone. methandienone (meth-an-di′e-non) SYN: methandrostenolone. methandriol (meth-an′dre-ol) The methyl derivative of androstenediol, with similar actions and uses. SYN: mestenediol. methandrostenolone (meth-an-dro-sten′o-lon) An orally effective anabolic steroid that may promote nitrogen retention when combined with an adequate diet; in addition, it can exert typically androgenic effects. SYN: methandienone. methane (meth′an) CH4;an odorless gas produced by the decomposition of organic matter; explosive when mixed with 7 or 8 volumes of air, constituting then the firedamp in coal mines. SYN: marsh gas. Methanobacteriaceae (meth′a-no-bak-ter-e-a′se-e) Archaea bacteria containing Gram-negative and Gram-positive, motile or nonmotile, strictly anaerobic rods and cocci, which obtain energy either by the reduction of carbon dioxide to form methane or by the fermentation of compounds such as acetate and methanol with the production of methane and carbon dioxide; they are found in anaerobic habitats such as sediments of natural waters, soil, anaerobic sewage digestors, and the gastrointestinal tract of animals. methanogen (meth-an′o-jen) Any methane-producing bacterium of the family Methanobacteriaceae. methanol (meth′a-nol) SYN: methyl alcohol. methantheline bromide (meth-an′the-len) An anticholinergic drug. methapyrilene (meth-a-pir′i-len) An H1 tihistamine. M. fumarate is administered topically on the skin; m. hydrochloride is the preferred salt for oral or parenteral use. methaqualone (meth-a-kwa′lon) A sedative and hypnotic, also a drug of abuse; available as the hydrochloride. metharbital (meth-ar′bi-tahl) An N-methylated derivative of barbital with anticonvulsant properties similar to those of phenobarbital; converted to barbital in the body. methargen (meth′ar-jen) A topical antiseptic agent. methazolamide (meth-a-zol′a-mid) A carbonic anhydrase inhibitor with uses similar to those of acetazolamide. metHb Abbreviation for methemoglobin. methdilazine hydrochloride (meth-dil′a-zen) A phenothiazine compound with antihistaminic activity; used in the treatment of various dermatoses to relieve pruritus. methemalbumin (met′hem-al-boo′min, -hem-al′boo-min) An abnormal compound formed in the blood as a result of heme combining with plasma albumin.
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