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ova (o′va)
Plural of ovum. [L.]

oval (o′val)
1. Relating to an ovum. 2. Egg-shaped, resembling in outline the longitudinal section of an egg.

ovalbumin (o-val-bu′min)
The chief protein occurring in the white of egg and resembling serum albumin; also found in phosphorylated form. SYN: albumen, egg albumin.

ovalocytosis (o′va-lo-si-to′sis)
SYN: elliptocytosis.

ovarialgia (o-var-e-al′je-a)
Pain in an ovary. SYN: oophoralgia. [ovario- + G. algos, pain]

ovarian (o-var′e-an)
Relating to the ovary.

ovariectomy (o-var-e-ek′to-me)
Excision of one or both ovaries. SYN: oophorectomy. [ovario- + G. ektome, excision]

ovario-, ovari-
Ovary. SEE ALSO: oo-, oophor-. [L. ovarium]

ovariocele (o-var′e-o-sel)
Hernia of an ovary. [ovario- + G. kele, hernia]

ovariocentesis (o-var′e-o-sen-te′sis)
Puncture of an ovary or an ovarian cyst. [ovario- + G. kentesis, puncture]

ovariocyesis (o-var′e-o-si-e′sis)
SYN: ovarian pregnancy. [ovario- + G. kyesis, pregnancy]

ovariodysneuria (o-var′e-o-dis-noo′re-a)
Ovarian pain or neuralgia. [ovario- + G. dys-, bad, + neuron, nerve]

ovariogenic (o-var′e-o-jen′ik)
Originating in the ovary. [ovario- + G. -gen, producing]

ovariolytic (o-var′e-o-lit′ik)
Destructive to the ovary. [ovario- + G. lysis, dissolution]

ovariopathy (o-var-e-op′a-the)
Any disease of the ovary. SYN: oophoropathy. [ovario- + G. pathos, suffering]

ovariorrhexis (o-var′e-o-rek′sis)
Rupture of an ovary. [ovario- + G. rhexis, rupture]

ovariosalpingectomy (o-var′e-o-sal-pin-jek′to-me)
Operative removal of an ovary and the corresponding oviduct. SYN: oophorosalpingectomy. [ovario- + salpingectomy]

ovariosalpingitis (o-var′e-o-sal-pin-ji′tis)
Inflammation of ovary and oviduct. SYN: oophorosalpingitis. [ovario- + salpingitis]

ovariostomy (o-var-e-os′to-me)
Establishment of a temporary fistula for drainage of a cyst of the ovary. [ovario- + G. stoma, mouth]

ovariotomy (o-var-e-ot′o-me)
An incision into an ovary, e.g., a biopsy or a wedge excision. SYN: oophorotomy. [ovario- + G. tome, incision]

ovaritis (o-va-ri′tis)
SYN: oophoritis.

ovarium, pl .ovaria (o-var′e-um, -a) [TA]
SYN: ovary. [Mod. L. fr. ovum, egg] o. bipartitum an ovary separated into two distinct parts. o. disjunctum an ovary partially or completely divided into two sections. o. gyratum an ovary showing curved or irregular grooves or furrows. o. lobatum an ovary demarcated by deep furrows into two or more lobes. o. masculinum SYN: appendix of testis.

ovary (o′va-re) [TA]
One of the paired female reproductive glands containing the ova or germ cells; the ovaries stroma is a vascular connective tissue containing numbers of ovarian follicles enclosing the ova; surrounding this stroma is a more condensed layer of stroma called the tunica albuginea. SYN: ovarium [TA] , female gonad, genital gland (2) . [Mod. L. ovarium, fr. ovum, egg] mulberry o. the type of o. produced by the administration of anterior pituitary extracts to immature rats; such an o. contains many more follicles than normal, with the follicles in various stages of development and with prominent corpora lutea on their surfaces, thus the perceived resemblance to a mulberry. polycystic o. enlarged cystic ovaries, pearl white in color, with thickened tunica albuginea, characteristic of the Stein-Leventhal syndrome; clinical features are abnormal menses, obesity, and evidence of masculinization, such as hirsutism. third o. an accessory o..

overbite (o′ver-bit)
SYN: vertical overlap.

overclosure (o′ver-klo-zher)
A decrease in occlusal vertical dimension.

overcompensation (o′ver-kom-pen-sa′shun)
1. An exaggeration of personal capacity by which one overcomes a real or imagined inferiority. 2. The process in which a psychologic deficiency inspires exaggerated correction. See compensation.

overcorrection (o′ver-ko-rek′shun)
In behavior modification treatment programs, especially those involving mentally retarded individuals, overlearning the desired target behavior beyond the set criterion to assure that the behavior will continue to meet the established criterion when the post-learning decrements and forgetting occur.

overdenture (o-ver-den′choor)
SYN: overlay denture.

overdetermination (o′ver-de-ter′min-a′shun)
In psychoanalysis, ascribing the cause of a single behavioral or emotional reaction, mental symptom, or dream to the operation of two or more forces, that is, it is overdetermined ( e.g., ascribing the nature of an emotional outburst not only to the immediate precipitant but also to a lingering inferiority complex).

overdominance (o-ver-dom′i-nans)
That state in which the heterozygote has greater phenotype value and perhaps is more fit than the homozygous state for either of the alleles that it comprises. Cf.:balanced polymorphism.

overdominant (o-ver-dom′i-nant)
Denoting heterozygous states that exhibit overdominance.

overdrive (o-ver-driv)
1. An electrophysiologic pacing technique to exceed the rate of an abnormal pacemaker and so capture the territory controlled by that pacemaker (usually atrial). 2. A state of eukaryotic RNA polymerase wherein it is resistant to pause, arrest, or termination signals. SEE ALSO: hesitant, antitermination.

overeruption (o′ver-e-rup′shun)
Occlusal projection of a tooth beyond the line of occlusion.

overextension (o-ver-eks-ten′shun)
SYN: hyperextension.

overgrafting (o′ver-graft′ing)
Placing a second or additional grafts over a previously healed graft from which the epithelium has been removed, as with dermabrasion, to strengthen and thicken a split-thickness graft.

overhang (o′ver-hang)
An excess of dental filling material beyond the cavity margin or normal tooth contour.

overhead projector
SYN: epidiascope.

overhydration (o′ver-hi-dra′shun)
SYN: hyperhydration.

overjet, overjut (o′ver-jet, o′ver-jut)
SYN: horizontal overlap.

overlap (o′ver-lap)
1. Suturing of one layer of tissue above or under another to gain strength. 2. An extension or projection of one tissue over another. horizontal o. the projection of the upper anterior and/or posterior teeth beyond their antagonists in a horizontal direction. SYN: overjet, overjut. vertical o. 1. the extension of the upper teeth over the lower teeth in a vertical direction when the opposing posterior teeth are in contact in centric occlusion; 2. the distance that teeth lap over their antagonists vertically, especially for the distance that the upper incisal edges drop below the lower ones, but may also describe the vertical relations of opposing cusps; 3. the relationship of the maxillary incisors to the mandibular incisors when the incisal edges pass each other in centric occlusion. SYN: overbite.

overlay (o′ver-la)
An addition to an already existing condition. emotional o. the emotional or psychologic concomitant of an organic disability.

overlearning (o′ver-lern′ing)
In the psychology of memory, continuation of practice beyond the point at which one is able to perform according to the specified criterion; typically, retention is longer after o. as compared with retention after practice only to the point of performance meeting the specified criterion.

overresponse (o′ver-re-spons′)
An abnormally strong reaction to a stimulus.

overriding (o′ver-ri′ding)
1. Slippage of the lower fragment of a broken long bone upward and alongside the proximal portion. 2. Obsolete term denoting a fetal head that is palpable above the symphysis because of cephalopelvic disproportion. 3. The slippage of fetal bones of the skull that occurs after an interutero fetal death.

oversensing (o′ver-sen′sing)
Sensing of electrical or magnetic signals, which normally should not be sensed by a pacemaker, but result in inappropriate inhibition of the pacemaker's output.

overshoot (o′ver-shoot)
1. Generally, any initial change, in response to a sudden step change in some factor, that is greater than the steady-state response to the new level of that factor; common in systems in which inertia or a time lag in negative feedback outweighs any damping that may be present. Changes in a negative direction are sometimes distinguished by the term undershoot, and the two may alternate in an oscillatory fashion, as in the transient oscillations of a pendulum when released from an initial displacement. 2. Momentary reversal of the membrane potential of a cell (inside becoming positive rather than negative relative to the outside) during an action potential; considered a form of o. (1) because, before discovery of o. (2) , excitation was thought merely to depolarize the membrane to zero transmembrane potential.

Charles E., German biologist in Sweden, 1865–1933. See Meyer-O. rule, Meyer-O. theory of narcosis.

overtone (o′ver-ton)
Any of the tones, other than the lowest or fundamental tone, of which a complex sound is composed. psychic o. the mental associations related to any stimulus.

overventilation (o′ver-ven-ti-la′shun)
SYN: hyperventilation.

overwintering (o′ver-win′ter-ing)
Persistence of an infectious agent in its vector for extended periods, such as the cooler winter months, during which the vector has no opportunity to be reinfected or to infect another host.

Egg. SEE ALSO: oo-, ovo-. [L. ovum]

ovicidal (o-vi-si′dal)
Causing death of the ovum. [ovi- + L. caedo, to kill]

oviducal (o-vi-doo′kal)
SYN: oviductal.

oviduct (o′vi-dukt)
SYN: uterine tube. [ovi- + L. ductus, a leading, fr. duco, pp. ductus, to lead]

oviductal (o-vi-duk′tal)
Relating to a uterine tube. SYN: oviducal.

oviferous (o-vif′er-us)
Carrying, containing, or producing ova. SYN: ovigerous. [ovi- + L. fero, to carry]

oviform (o′vi-form)
SYN: ovoid (2) .

ovigenesis (o-vi-jen′e-sis)
SYN: oogenesis.

ovigenetic, ovigenic (o-vi-je-net′ik, -jen′ik)
SYN: oogenetic.

ovigenous (o-vij′e-nus)
SYN: oogenetic.

ovigerous (o-vij′er-us)
SYN: oviferous.

SYN: cumulus oöphorus.

ovine (o′vin)
Relating to sheep; sheeplike. [L. ovinus, relating to a sheep]

oviparity (o-vi-par′i-te)
The quality of being oviparous. [ovi- + L. pario, to bear]

oviparous (o-vip′a-rus)
Egg-laying; denoting those birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, monotreme mammals, and invertebrates whose young develop in eggs outside of the maternal body. [L. oviparus, fr. ovum, egg, + pario, to bear]

oviposit (o′vi-poz′it)
To lay eggs; applied especially to insects. [ovi- + L. pono, pp. positus, to place]

oviposition (o′vi-po-zish′un)
Act of laying or depositing eggs by insects.

ovipositor (o-vi-poz′i-tor, -tor)
A specialized female organ especially well developed in insects for laying or depositing eggs.

ovist (o′vist)
A preformationist who believed that the female sex cell contained a miniature body susceptible to growth when stimulated by semen. Cf.:spermist.

Egg. SEE ALSO: oo-, ovi-. [L. ovum]

ovocyte (o′vo-sit)
SYN: oocyte. [ovo- + G. kytos, a hollow (cell)]


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