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Medical Dictionarysubintrant (sub-in′trant) SYN: proleptic. [L. sub-intro, pres. p. -ans, to enter by stealth] subinvolution (sub-in-vo-loo′shun) Arrest of the normal involution of the uterus following childbirth with the organ remaining abnormally large. subiodide (sub-i′o-did) That one of a series of iodine compounds with a given cation containing the least iodine; analogous to subchloride. subjacent (sub-ja′sent) Below or beneath another part. [L. sub-jaceo, to lie under] subject (sub′jekt) A person or organism that is the object of research, treatment, experimentation, or dissection. [L. subjectus, lying beneath] subjective (sub-jek′tiv) 1. Perceived by the individual only and not evident to the examiner; said of certain symptoms, such as pain. 2. Colored by one's personal beliefs and attitudes. Cf.:objective (2) . [L. subjectivus, fr. subjicio, to throw under] subjective assessment data Those facts presented by the client that show his/her perception, understanding, and interpretation of what is happening. subjugal (sub-joo′gal) Below the zygomatic (jugal) bone. subkingdom (sub-king′dom) In biologic classification, a division between kingdom and phylum. sublation (sub-la′shun) Detachment, elevation, or removal of a part. [L. sublatio, a lifting up] sublethal (sub-le′thal) Not quite lethal. subleukemia (sub-loo-ke′me-a) SYN: subleukemic leukemia. sublimate (sub′lim-at) 1. To perform or accomplish sublimation. 2. Any substance that has been submitted to sublimation. [L. sublimo, pp. -atus, to raise on high, fr. sublimis, high] corrosive s. SYN: mercuric chloride. sublimation (sub-lim-a′shun) 1. The process of converting a solid into a gas without passing through a liquid state; analogous to distillation. 2. In psychoanalysis, an unconscious defense mechanism in which unacceptable instinctual drives and wishes are modified into more personally and socially acceptable channels. sublime (sub-lim′) 1. To sublimate. 2. To undergo a process of sublimation. subliminal (sub-lim′i-nal) Below the threshold of perception or excitation; below the limit or threshold of consciousness. [sub- + L. limen (limin-), threshold] sublimis (sub-li′mis) 1. At the top. 2. SYN: superficialis. [L.] sublingual (sub-ling′gwal) SYN: subglossal. sublobular (sub-lob′u-lar) Beneath a lobule, as of the liver. sublumbar (sub-lum′bar) Below the lumbar region. subluminal (sub-loo′mi-nal) Below or beneath the structure facing the lumen of an organ. subluxation (sub-luk-sa′shun) An incomplete luxation or dislocation; though a relationship is altered, contact between joint surfaces remains. SYN: semiluxation. [sub- + L. locatio, luxation (dislocation)] arytenoid s. SYN: arytenoid dislocation. sublymphemia (sub-lim-fe′me-a) An obsolete term for a blood state in which there is a great increase in the proportion of lymphocytes although the total number of white cells is normal. [sub- + L. lympha, lymph, + G. haima, blood] submammary (sub-mam′a-re) 1. Deep to the mammary gland. 2. SYN: inframammary. submandibular (sub-man-dib′u-lar) Beneath the mandible or lower jaw. SYN: inframandibular, submaxillary (2) . submarginal (sub-mar′ji-nal) Near the margin of any part. submaxilla (sub-mak-sil′a) SYN: mandible. submaxillary (sub-mak′si-lar-e) 1. SYN: mandibular. 2. SYN: submandibular.
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