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Medical Dictionary - Dictionary of Medicine and Human Biology |
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Medical Dictionaryurethrocele (u-re′thro-sel) Prolapse of the female urethra. [urethro- + G. kele, tumor, hernia] urethrocystometrography (u-re′thro-sis′to-me-trog′ra-fe) SYN: urethrocystometry. [urethro- + G. kystis, bladder, + metron, measure, + skopeo, to view] urethrocystometry (u-re′thro-sis-tom′e-tre) A procedure that simultaneously measures pressures in the urinary bladder and urethra. SYN: urethrocystometrography. [urethro- + G. kystis, bladder, + metron, measure] urethrocystopexy (u-re′thro-sis′to-pek-se) Fixation of urethra and bladder for stress incontinence. SYN: urethropexy. [urethro- + G. kystis, bladder, + pexis, fixation] urethrodynia (u-re-thro-din′e-a) SYN: urethralgia. [urethro- + G. odyne, pain] urethrography (u-re-throg′ra-fe) Contrast radiography of the male or female urethra, by retrograde injection or during voiding of contrast medium in the bladder (cystourethrogram). [urethra + G. grapho, to write] urethrometer (u-re-throm′e-ter) An instrument for measuring the caliber of the urethra. [urethro- + G. metron, measure] urethropenile (u-re′thro-pe′nil) Relating to the urethra and the penis. urethroperineal (u-re′thro-pe-ri-ne′al) Relating to the urethra and the perineum. urethroperineoscrotal (u-re′thro-pe-ri-ne-o-skro′tal) Relating to the urethra, perineum, and scrotum. urethropexy (u-re′thro-pek-se) SYN: urethrocystopexy. [urethro- + G. pexis, fixation] urethroplasty (u-re′thro-plas-te) Surgical reconstruction of the urethra. [urethro- + G. plastos, formed] Cecil u. a staged urethral reconstructive procedure wherein the urethral portion of the penis is left buried in the scrotum after u. at the first stage because of inadequate ventral skin cover. urethroprostatic (u-re′thro-pros-tat′ik) Relating to the urethra and the prostate. urethrorectal (u-re′thro-rek′tal) Relating to the urethra and the rectum. urethrorrhagia (u-re-thro-ra′je-a) Bleeding from the urethra. SYN: urethremorrhagia. urethrorrhaphy (u-re-thror′a-fe) Suture of the urethra. [urethro- + G. rhaphe, suture] urethrorrhea (u-re-thro-re′a) An abnormal discharge from the urethra. [urethro- + G. rhoia, a flow] urethroscope (u-re′thro-skop) An instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra. [urethro- + G. skopeo, to view] urethroscopic (u-re-thro-skop′ik) Relating to the urethroscope or to urethroscopy. urethroscopy (u-re-thros′ko-pe) Inspection of the urethra with a urethroscope. urethrospasm (u-re′thro-spazm) SYN: urethrism. urethrostaxis (u-re′thro-stak′sis) Oozing of blood from the urethra. [urethro- + G. staxis, trickling] urethrostenosis (u-re′thro-ste-no′sis) Stricture of the urethra. [urethro- + G. stenosis, a narrowing] urethrostomy (u-re-thros′to-me) Surgical formation of a permanent opening between the urethra and the skin. [urethro- + G. stoma, mouth] perineal u. formation of a permanent opening into the bulbous portion of the urethra through a perineal skin incision. urethrotome (u-re′thro-tom) An instrument for dividing a stricture of the urethra. [urethro- + G. tomos, cutting] urethrotomy (u-re-throt′o-me) Surgical incision of a stricture of the urethra. [urethro- + G. tome, incision] external u. u. via an external opening in the perineum or penile skin. SYN: perineal u.. internal u. u. by means of an instrument passed through the urethra. perineal u. SYN: external u.. urethrovaginal (u-re′thro-vaj′i-nal) Relating to the urethra and the vagina. urethrovesical (u-re′thro-ves′i-kal) Relating to the urethra and bladder. urethrovesicopexy (u-re′thro-ves′i-ko-pek-se) Surgical suspension of the urethra and the base of the bladder from the posterior surface of the pubic symphysis (or anterior abdominal wall or Cooper ligament) for correction of urinary stress incontinence. [urethro- + L. vesica, bladder, + G. pexis, fixation] -uretic Urine. [G. ouretikos, relating to the urine] URF Abbreviation for unidentified reading frame. urgency (er′jen-se) A strong desire to void. motor u. u. from overactive detrusor function. sensory u. u. due to vesicourethral hypersensitivity. urginea (er-jin′e-a) The bulbs of U. indica (Indian squill) and U. maritima (white or Mediterranean squill); the source of squill. [L. urgeo, to press, referring to the shape of the seeds] uri-, uric-, urico- Uric acid. [G. ouron, urine] urian (ur′e-an) SYN: urochrome. uric (ur′ik) Relating to urine. uric acid 2,6,8-Trioxypurine;white crystals, poorly soluble, contained in solution in the urine of mammals and in solid form in the urine of birds and reptiles; sometimes solidified in small masses as stones or crystals or in larger concretions as calculi; with sodium and other bases it forms urates; elevated levels associated with gout. SYN: lithic acid, triketopurine. u. oxidase urate oxidase. uricase (ur′i-kas) SYN: urate oxidase. urico- See uri-. uricolysis (ur-i-kol′i-sis) Decomposition of uric acid. [urico- + G. lysis, a loosening] uricolytic (ur′i-ko-lit′ik) Relating to or effecting the hydrolysis of uric acid. uricosome (ur-ik′o-som) A microbody rich in urate oxidase. uricosuria (u′ri-ko-soo′re-a) Excessive amounts of uric acid in the urine. [urico- + G. ouron, urine] uricosuric (u′ri-ko-soo′rik) Tending to increase the excretion of uric acid. uricotele (oor′ik-o-tel) An organism that is uricotelic; E.G., birds and land-dwelling reptiles. uricotelia (ur-ik′o-tel-e-a) The process or type of nitrogen excretion in which uric acid is the chief excretion product. [uric (acid) + G. telos, end, outcome, + -ia] uricotelic (ur′i-ko-tel′ik) Producing uric acid as the chief excretory product of nitrogen metabolism. [urico- + G. telos, end] uridine (Urd) (ur′i-den) Uracil ribonucleoside;one of the major nucleosides in RNAs; as the pyrophosphate (UDP, UDPG, etc.), u. is active in sugar metabolism. SYN: 1-β-d-ribofuranosyluracil. cyclic u. 3′,5′-monophosphate (cUMP) a cyclic nucleotide involved in metabolic regulation; inhibits the growth of some tumors. u. 5′-diphosphate (UDP) u. 5′-pyrophosphate; a condensation product of u. and pyrophosphoric acid. u. 5′-monophosphate (UMP) SYN: uridylic acid. u. phosphorylase a ribosyltransferase that catalyzes the reaction of u. with orthophosphate to produce uracil and α-d-ribose 1-phosphate. u. 5′-triphosphate (UTP) u. esterified with triphosphoric acid at its 5′ position; the immediate precursor of uridylic acid residues in RNA. uridine diphosphogalactose (UDPGal) (ur′i-den-di-fos′fo-ga-lak′tos) A pyrophosphate group links the 5′ position of uridine and the 1 position of d-galactose. u. 4-epimerase UDPglucose 4-epimerase. uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG, UDPGlc) (ur′i-den-di-fos′fo-gloo′kos) A pyrophosphate group links the 5′ position of uridine and the 1 position of d-glucose; an intermediate in glycogen biosynthesis. SYN: UDPglucose. u. 4-epimerase SYN: UDPglucose 4-epimerase. uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDP-GlcUA) (ur′i-den-di-fos′fo-gloo-koo-ron′ik) Uridine diphosphoglucose in which the 6-CH2OH of the glucose has been oxidized to COOH (thus, has become a glucuronyl residue); participates in the formation of conjugates of bilirubin or drugs such as aspirin. uridine diphosphoxylose SYN: xylose. uridrosis (u-ri-dro′sis) The excretion of urea or uric acid in the sweat. [uri- + G. hidros, sweat] u. crystallina SYN: urea frost. uridylic acid (ur-i-dil′ik) Uridine esterified by phosphoric acid on one or more sugar hydroxyl groups; UMP is typically uridine 5′-monophosphate; 2′ and 3′ derivatives also occur; precursor for the biosynthesis of other pyrimidine nucleotides. SYN: UMP synthase, uridine 5′-monophosphate. u. synthase a bifunctional enzyme that contains the activities of both orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase; catalyzes a key step in pyrimidine biosynthesis; a deficiency of this enzyme leads to orotic aciduria. uridyltransferase (ur′i-dil-trans′fer-as) UDPglucose-hexose 1-phosphate; uridylyltransferase. uriesthesia (uri-es-the′ze-a) SYN: uresiesthesia. urin-, urino- Urine. SEE ALSO: ure-, uro-. [G. ouron] urinal (u′rin-al) A vessel into which urine is passed. urinalysis (u-ri-nal′i-sis) Analysis of the urine. urinary (ur′i-nar-e) Relating to urine. urinate (ur′i-nat) To pass urine. SYN: micturate. urination (ur′i-na′shun) The passing of urine. SYN: miction, micturition (1) , uresis. stuttering u. the passage of urine in jets caused by intermittent spasmodic contraction of the bladder. urine (ur′in) The fluid and dissolved substances excreted by the kidney. [L. urina; G. ouron] ammoniacal u. SYN: ammoniuria. black u. the dark u. of melanuria or hemoglobinuria. chylous u. u. of a milky appearance, containing chyle. SYN: milky u.. cloudy u. u. with a cloudy appearance, usually due to pus, crystals, bacteria, blood, or free fat globules. SYN: nebulous u.. crude u. pale u. of low specific gravity, with very little sediment. febrile u. dark colored, concentrated u. of strong odor, passed by one suffering from fever. SYN: feverish u.. feverish u. SYN: febrile u.. gouty u. u. of a high color containing uric acid in excess. honey u. obsolete term for diabetes mellitus. maple syrup u. maple syrup u. disease. milky u. SYN: chylous u.. nebulous u. SYN: cloudy u.. residual u. u. remaining in the bladder at the end of micturition in cases of prostatic obstruction, bladder atony, etc. uriniferous (ur-i-nif′e-rus) Conveying urine; denoting the tubules of the kidney. [urine + L. fero, to carry] urinific (oor-i-nif′ik) SYN: uriniparous. [urine + L. facio, to make] uriniparous (oor-i-nip′a-rus) Producing or excreting urine; denoting the malpighian bodies and certain tubules in the renal cortex. SYN: urinific. [urine + L. pario, to produce] urino- See urin-. urinogenital (ur′i-no-jen′i-tal) SYN: genitourinary. urinogenous (ur-i-noj′e-nus) 1. Producing or excreting urine. 2. Of urinary origin. SYN: urogenous.
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