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Medical Dictionary - Dictionary of Medicine and Human Biology |
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Medical Dictionaryurinoma (ur′i-no′ma) A collection of extravasated urine. SYN: urinary cyst. urinometer (ur-i-nom′e-ter) A hydrometer for determining the specific gravity of the urine. SYN: urogravimeter, urometer. [urine + G. metron, measure] urinometry (ur-i-nom′e-tre) The determination of the specific gravity of the urine. urinoscopy (ur-i-nos′ko-pe) SYN: uroscopy. urinosexual (ur-i-no-sek′shoo-al) SYN: genitourinary. urinous (ur′i-nus) Relating to or of the nature of urine. uriposia (ur-i-po′se-a) Urine-drinking. [urine + G. posis, drinking] uro- Urine. SEE ALSO: ure-, urin-. [G. ouron] uroammoniac (u-ro-a-mo′ne-ak) Relating to uric acid and ammonia; denoting a variety of urinary calculus. uroanthelone (ur-o-an′the-lon) SYN: urogastrone. urobilin (ur-o-bi′lin, -bil′in) A uroporphyrin; an acyclic tetrapyrrole that is one of the natural breakdown products of heme via choleglobin, verdohemochrome, biliverdin, bilirubin, and d-urobilinogen; a urinary pigment that gives a varying orange-red coloration to urine according to its degree of oxidation. SYN: urohematin, urohematoporphyrin. urobilin IXα SYN: mesobilene. urobilinemia (u′ro-bil-i-ne′me-a) The presence of urobilins in the blood. urobilinogen (ur-o-bi-lin′o-jen) Precursor of urobilin. urobilinogen IXα SYN: mesobilane. urobilinuria (u′ro-bil-i-noo′re-a) The presence in the urine of urobilins in excessive amounts, formed mainly from hemoglobin. urocanase (u′ro-ka-nas) SYN: urocanate hydratase. urocanate (ur′o-ka-nat) A salt or ester of urocanic acid. u. hydratase an enzyme catalyzing the reaction of water with urocanic acid to produce 4-imidazolone-5-propionic acid, a step in l-histidine catabolism; this enzyme is absent in cases of urocanic aciduria. SYN: urocanase. urocanic acid (ur-o-kan′ik) 4-Imidazoleacrylic acid;an acid derived from the oxidative deamination of l-histidine; present in sweat and in dog's urine; elevated levels are observed in cases of urocanate hydratase deficiency. The cis form, resulting from exposure to UV radiation, activates suppressor T cells. urocanic aciduria (oor′o-kan′ik-as′id-ur′e-a) Elevated levels of urocanic acid in the urine. urocanicase (ur-o-kan′i-kas) One of a group of at least three enzymes that convert urocanic acid to glutamic acid. urocele (u′ro-sel) Extravasation of urine into the scrotal sac. [uro- + G. kele, hernia] urocheras (u-rok′er-as) 1. SYN: gravel. 2. SYN: uropsammus (2) . [uro- + G. cheras, gravel (an incorrect form of cherados, gravel)] urochesia (u-ro-ke′ze-a) Passage of urine from the anus. [uro- + G. chezo, to defecate] urochrome (ur′o-krom) The principal pigment of urine, a compound of urobilin and a peptide of unknown structure. SYN: urian. urochromogen (ur-o-kro′mo-jen) Originally, a body in the urine that, on taking up oxygen, formed urochrome; now, probably urobilinogen. urocrisia (u-ro-kris′e-a, -kriz′e-a) 1. SYN: urocrisis. 2. Obsolete term for diagnosis based upon the results of a urinary examination. [uro- + G. krino, to separate, judge] urocrisis (u′ro-kri′sis) 1. Obsolete term for the critical stage of a disease accompanied by a copious discharge of urine. 2. Severe pain in any of the urinary organs or passages occurring in tabes dorsalis. SYN: urocrisia (1) . [uro- + G. krisis, crisis] urocyanin (u′ro-si′a-nin) An indigo blue pigment sometimes observed in the urine in certain diseases, especially scarlet fever. SYN: uroglaucin. [uro- + G. kyanos, a blue substance] urocyanogen (u-ro-si-an′o-jen) A blue pigment sometimes observed in the urine in cases of cholera. urocyanosis (u′ro-si-a-no′sis) A bluish discoloration of the urine in indicanuria. urocyst (u′ro-sist) SYN: urinary bladder. [uro- + G. kystis, bladder] urocystic (u′ro-sis′tik) Relating to the urinary bladder. urocystis (u′ro-sis′tis) SYN: urinary bladder. urodynamics (u′ro-di-nam′iks) The study of the storage of urine within, and the flow of urine through and from, the urinary tract. [uro- + G. dynamis, force] urodynia (ur-o-din′e-a) Pain on urination. [uro- + G. odyne, pain] uroenterone (ur-o-en′ter-on) SYN: urogastrone. uroerythrin (u-ro-er′i-thrin) A urinary pigment that gives a pink color to deposits of urates; presumably derived from melanin. SYN: purpurin (1) , urerythrin. uroflavin (ur-o-fla′vin) A fluorescent product of riboflavin catabolism, or perhaps riboflavin itself, found in mammalian urine and feces. uroflowmeter (u-ro′flo-me-ter) A device that measures urine flow rates during micturition, including these parameters: peak flow rate, average flow rate, voided volume, and time of voiding. urofollitropin (ur-o-fol′i-tro-pin) A preparation of gonadotropin extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women, used in conjunction with human chorionic gonadotropin to induce ovulation. SEE ALSO: menotropins. urofuscohematin (u-ro-fus-ko-he′ma-tin) A brownish red pigment found in the urine in certain diseases such as leprosy. urogastrone (ur-o-gas′tron) A fluorescent pigment extracted from urine; an inhibitor of gastric secretion and motility. Cf.:enterogastrone. SYN: anthelone U, anthelone, uroanthelone, uroenterone. urogenital (u′ro-jen′i-tal) SYN: genitourinary. urogenous (u-roj′e-nus) SYN: urinogenous. uroglaucin (u-ro-glaw′sin) SYN: urocyanin. [uro- + G. glaukos, bluish gray] urogonadotropin (ur′o-go-nad-o-tro′pin) See human menopausal gonadotropin. urograffin (ur-o-graf′fin) A mixture of salts of diatrizoic acid used to form density gradients. urogram (ur′o-gram) The radiographic record obtained by urography. urography (u-rog′ra-fe) Radiography of any part (kidneys, ureters, or bladder) of the urinary tract. SEE ALSO: pyelography. [uro- + G. grapho, to write] antegrade u. radiography following intravenous or percutaneous injection of contrast agent with a needle or catheter into the renal calices or pelvis (antegrade pyelography), or into the urinary bladder (antegrade cystography). cystoscopic u. SYN: retrograde u.. intravenous u., excretory u. radiography of kidneys, ureters, and bladder following injection of contrast medium into a peripheral vein. retrograde u. radiography of the urinary tract following injection of contrast medium directly into the urethra, bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis. SYN: cystoscopic u.. urogravimeter (u′ro-gra-vim′e-ter) SYN: urinometer. [uro- + L. gravis, heavy, + G. metron, measure] urohematin (ur-o-hem′a-tin) SYN: urobilin. urohematoporphyrin (ur′o-hem′a-to-por′fi-rin) SYN: urobilin. uroheparin (ur-o-hep′a-rin) An inactive form of heparin excreted in the urine. urohypertensin (ur′o-hi-per-ten′sin) A pressor substance derived from the urine. urokinase (ur-o-ki′nas) SYN: plasminogen activator. urolagnia (ur-o-lag′ne-a) Sexual stimulation occasioned by the sight of a person urinating. [uro- + G. lagneia, lust] uroleucinic acid, uroleucic acid (u′ro-loo-sin′ik, u-ro-loo′sik) An aromatic compound, excreted in the urine of persons with alcaptonuria. urolith (u′ro-lith) SYN: urinary calculus. [uro- + G. lithos, stone] urolithiasis (u-ro-li-thi′a-sis) Presence of calculi in the urinary system. urolithic (u-ro-lith′ik) Relating to urinary calculi. urolithology (u′ro-li-thol′o-je) The branch of medicine concerned with the formation, composition, effects, and removal of urinary calculi. [uro- + G. lithos, stone, + logos, study] urologic, urological (u-ro-loj′ik, i-kal) Relating to urology. urologist (u-rol′o-jist) A specialist in urology. SYN: genitourinary surgeon. urology (u-rol′o-je) The medical specialty concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract. [uro- + G. logos, study] urolutein (u-ro-loo′te-in) Name given to yellow pigment in the urine. See urochrome, uroporphyrin (1) . uromelanin (ur-o-mel′a-nin) A black pigment occasionally found in the urine, possibly a decomposition product of urochrome. urometer (u-rom′e-ter) SYN: urinometer. uroncus (u-rong′kus) A urinary cyst; a circumscribed area of extravasation of urine. [uro- + G. onkos, mass (tumor)] uronic acids (u-ron′ik) Acids derived from monosaccharides by oxidation of the primary alcohol group (–CH2OH) farthest removed from the carbonyl group to a carboxyl group (–COOH); e.g., glucuronic acid. uronoscopy (u-ro-nos′ko-pe) SYN: uroscopy. uropathy (u-rop′a-the) Any disorder involving the urinary tract. [uro- + G. pathos, suffering] obstructive u. any pathologic condition, anatomic or functional, of the urinary tract caused by obstruction.
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