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urophanic (ur-o-fan′ik)
Appearing in the urine; denoting any constituent, normal or pathologic, of the urine. [uro- + G. phaino, to appear]

urophein (u-ro-fe′in)
A grayish pigment occasionally found in the urine, possibly identical with urobilin. [uro- + G. phaios, gray]

uropoiesis (u′ro-poy-e′sis)
The production or secretion and excretion of urine. [uro- + G. poiesis, a making]

uropoietic (u′ro-poy-et′ik)
Relating or pertaining to uropoiesis.

uroporphyrin (ur-o-por′fi-rin)
1. Porphyrin excreted in the urine in porphyrinuria; e.g., urobilin. 2. Class name for all porphyrins containing 4 acetic acid groups and 4 propionic acid groups in positions 1 through 8. SEE ALSO: porphyrinogens. u. I porphin-1,3,5,7-tetraacetic acid-2,4,6,8-tetrapropionic acid;formed by the action of light on uroporphyrinogen I; elevated levels observed in certain porphyrias. u. III porphin-1,3,5,8-tetraacetic acid-2,4,6,7-tetrapropionic acid;formed by the action of light on uroporphyrinogen III; elevated levels observed in certain porphyrias.

uroporphyrinogen (ur′o-por-fi-rin′o-jen)
See porphyrinogens. u. decarboxylase an enzyme that participates in heme biosynthesis; it catalyzes the decarboxylation of uroporphyrin III to produce coproporphyrinogen III; it also acts on uroporphyrin I; a deficiency of this enzyme will result in either porphyria cutanea tarda or hepatoerythropoietic porphyria. u. III cosynthase an enzyme in heme biosynthesis that participates in the formation of u. III; a deficiency of this protein results in congenital erythropoietic porphyria.

uropsammus (u-ro-sam′us)
1. SYN: gravel. 2. Any inorganic or uratic urinary sediment. SYN: urocheras (2) . [uro- + G. psammos, sand]

uropterin (u-rop′ter-in)
SYN: urothion.

uropurpurin (ur-o-pur′poor-in)
A purple pigment in the urine.

uroradiology (u′ro-ra-de-ol′o-je)
The study of the radiology of the urinary tract.

urorectal (u′ro-rek′tal)
Relating to the urinary tract and rectum.

urorosein (ur-o-ro′ze-in)
A chromogen in the urine that forms a red color on the addition of nitric acid; normally exists in very minute quantities but is increased in tuberculosis and other wasting diseases, and is related to ingestion of indole compounds.

urorubin (ur-o-roo′bin)
A red pigment in urine made more visible by treatment with hydrochloric acid.

urorubrohematin (ur′o-roo-bro-he′ma-tin)
A reddish pigment occasionally present in the urine in various chronic diseases.

uroschesis (u-ros′ke-sis)
1. Retention of urine. 2. Suppression of urine. [uro- + G. schesis, a checking]

uroscopic (ur-o-skop′ik)
Relating to uroscopy.

uroscopy (u-ros′ko-pe)
Examination of the urine, usually by means of a microscope. SYN: urinoscopy, uronoscopy. [uro- + G. skopeo, to view]

urosemiology (u′ro-sem-e-ol′o-je)
The study of the urine as an aid to diagnosis. [uro- + G. semeion, a sign, + logos, study]

urosepsin (ur-o-sep′sin)
An obsolete term for a substance formed by the decomposition of urine, supposed to be the cause of septic poisoning after urinary extravasation.

urosepsis (ur-o-sep′sis)
1. Sepsis resulting from the infection of extravasated urine. 2. Sepsis from obstruction of infected urine. [uro- + G. sepsis, decomposition]

urospectrin (ur-o-spek′trin)
A pigment found in the urine, possibly the same as urobilin.

urothelium (u-ro-the′le-um)
The epithelial lining of the urinary tract. [uro- + epithelium]

urothion (ur-o-thi′on)
A sulfur-containing pteridine derivative isolated from urine. SYN: uropterin.

urothorax (ur-o-thor′aks)
The presence of urine in the thoracic cavity, usually following complex multiple organ injuries.

uroxanthin (ur-o-zan′thin)
SYN: indican (2) .

uroxin (u-rok′sin)
SYN: alloxantin.

ursodeoxycholic acid
SYN: ursodiol.

ursodiol (er-so-di′ol)
A bile acid used to facilitate the dissolution of gallstones in patients; a potential alternative to cholecystectomy. SYN: ursodeoxycholic acid.

urtica (er-ti′ka, er′ti-)
The herb, U. dioica (family Urticaceae); a weed, the leaves of which produce a stinging sensation when touching the skin. It has been used as a diuretic and hemostatic in metrorrhagia, epistaxis, and hematemesis. SYN: nettle. [L. a nettle, fr. uro, pp. ustus, to burn]

urticant (er′ti-kant)
Producing a wheal or other similar itching agent. [L. urtica, nettle; see urtica]

urticaria (er′ti-kar′i-a)
An eruption of itching wheals, usually of systemic origin; it may be due to a state of hypersensitivity to foods or drugs, foci of infection, physical agents (heat, cold, light, friction), or psychic stimuli. SYN: hives (1) , urtication (2) . [L. urtica] acute u. SYN: febrile u.. u. bullosa an eruption of wheals capped with subepidermal vesicles. SYN: u. vesiculosa. cholinergic u. a form of physical or nonallergic u. initiated by heat ( e.g., hot baths, physical exercise, pyrexia, exposure to sun or to a warm room) or by excitement; the rather distinctive lesions consist of pruritic areas 1–2 mm in diameter surrounded by bright red macules. SYN: heat u.. chronic u. a form of u. in which the wheals recur frequently, or persist. SYN: u. chronica. u. chronica SYN: chronic u.. cold u. wheal formation that develops after exposure to lowered temperatures, with or without demonstrable passive-transfer antibodies. u. endemica, u. epidemica u. caused by the nettling hairs of certain caterpillars. factitious u. SYN: dermatographism. febrile u. u. accompanied by mild fever. SYN: acute u.. giant u. SYN: angioedema. heat u. SYN: cholinergic u.. u. hemorrhagica u. bullosa in which the serous exudate contains blood. u. maculosa a chronic form of u. with lesions of a red color and little edema. u. medicamentosa an urticarial form of drug eruption. papular u. a sensitivity reaction to insect bites, especially human and pet fleas, seen mostly in young children as wheals followed by papules on exposed areas. u. perstans a form of chronic u. in which the wheals persist unchanged for long periods; includes urticarial vasculitis. u. pigmentosa cutaneous mastocytosis resulting from an excess of mast cells in the superficial dermis, producing a chronic eruption characterized by flat or slightly elevated brownish papules which urticate when stroked. The disease in children frequently involutes spontaneously whereas resolution is rare with adult onset and there may be systemic lesions. SEE ALSO: diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis. pressure u. u. of unknown etiology occurring after local pressure on the skin. solar u. a form of u. resulting from exposure to sunlight; some patients have passive-transfer antibodies and others do not. u. subcutanea u. in which itching is present without the wheals. u. vesiculosa SYN: u. bullosa. vibratory u. a form of u. that occurs in response to vibratory stimuli.

urticarial (er-ti-kar′e-al)
Relating to or marked by urticaria.

urticate (er′ti-kat)
1. To perform urtication. 2. Marked by the presence of wheals. [L. urticatus]

urtication (er-ti-ka′shun)
1. A burning sensation resembling that produced by urticaria or resulting from nettle poisoning. 2. SYN: urticaria. [L. urticatio]

urushiol (oo′roo-she-ol)
A mixture of nonvolatile hydrocarbons, derivatives of catechol with unsaturated C15 or C17 side chains, constituting the active allergen of the irritant oil of poison ivy, Toxicodendron radicans, poison oak, T. diversilobum, and the Asiatic laquer tree, T. verniciferum. [Jap. urushi, lac, + L. oleum, oil] u. oxidase SYN: laccase.

Abbreviation for United States Adopted Names.

Barney D., Canadian dermatologist, 1899–1978. See Senear-U. disease, Senear-U. syndrome.

Charles Howard, English ophthalmologist, 1865–1942. See U. syndrome.

Abbreviation for United States Pharmacopeia. See Pharmacopeia.

Abbreviation for United States Public Health Service.

ustilaginism (us-ti-laj′i-nizm)
Poisoning by Ustilago maydis (corn smut), which produces burning, itching, hyperemia, acrocyanosis, and edema of the extremities; resembles ergotism, pellagra, or infantile acrocynia.

Ustilago (us-ti-la′go)
A genus of smuts (order Ustilaginales). [L. a kind of thistle, fr. ustio, a burning] U. maydis a smut species that resembles ergot of rye in its metabolic action; its black spores on the ears of corn are dispersed by wind and can cause contamination of laboratory cultures. SYN: corn ergot, corn smut, U. zeae. U. zeae SYN: U. maydis.

ustulation (us-tu-la′shun)
1. Separation of compounds by heat, as in the process of freeing ores from sulfur by roasting. 2. Drying of a drug by heat to prepare it for pulverization. [L. ustulo, pp. -atus, to scorch]

usurpation (u′ser-pa′shun)
Assumption of pacemaker function of the heart by a subsidiary focus as a result of its own increased automaticity; e.g., accelerated junctional pacemaker takes command when it exceeds the sinus rate. [L. usurpo, pp. -atus, to seize]

uta (oo′ta)
A mild form of New World or American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania peruana, occurring in the high Andean valleys of Peru and Bolivia, and characterized by numerous small dermal lesions occurring almost exclusively on exposed skin surfaces; the dog is an important reservoir. Unlike all other forms of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, this disease is found at high elevations (2000–2500 m) in barren open country, rather than in lowland tropical forests. [Sp.]

See utero-.

uterine (u′ter-in, u′ter-in)
Relating to the uterus.

utero-, uter-
The uterus. SEE ALSO: hystero- (1) , metr-. [L. uterus]

uteroabdominal (u′ter-o-ab-dom′i-nal)
Relating to the uterus and the abdomen. SYN: uteroventral.

uterocervical (u′ter-o-ser′vi-kal)
Relating to the cervix of the uterus.

uterocystostomy (u′ter-o-sis-tos′to-me)
Formation of a communication between the uterus (cervix) and the bladder. [utero- + G. kystis, bladder, + stoma, mouth]

uterofixation (u′ter-o-fik-sa′shun)
SYN: hysteropexy.

steroid-inducible, evolutionarily conserved, homodimeric secreted protein with many biological activities including a proinflammatory effect, inhibition of soluble lipoprotein-lipase A2, and chemotaxis of neutrophils and monocytes. It binds to several putative receptors on several cell types and inhibits cellular invasion of the extracellular matrix. It is found in blood and urine, uterus and numerous other tissues but not kidneys. In mice u. has been shown to bind to fibronectin (Fn), preventing Fn self-aggregation and subsequent abnormal tissue deposition, especially in glomeruli. It is essential for maintaining normal renal function in mice. SYN: bastokinin.

An α/β heterodimeric protein found in renal tubule cells, thought to regulate ion transport through channels in the actin cytoskeleton. A mutant allele has been found in some patients with hypertension and it may be associated with the salt sensitive form of essential hypertension.

uterolith (u′ter-o-lith)
SYN: uterine calculus. [utero- + G. lithos, stone]

uterometer (u-ter-om′e-ter)
SYN: hysterometer.

utero-ovarian (u′ter-o-o-var′e-an)
Relating to the uterus and an ovary.

uteroparietal (u′ter-o-pa-ri′e-tal)
Relating to the uterus and the abdominal wall.

uteropelvic (u′ter-o-pel′vik)
Relating to the uterus and the pelvis.

uteropexy (u′ter-o-pek-se)
SYN: hysteropexy.

uteroplacental (u′ter-o-pla-sen′tal)
Relating to the uterus and the placenta.

uteroplasty (u′ter-o-plas-te)
Plastic surgery of the uterus. SYN: hysteroplasty, metroplasty. [utero- + G. plastos, formed]

uterosacral (u′ter-o-sa′kral)
Relating to the uterus and the sacrum.

uterosalpingography (u′ter-o-sal-pin-gog′ra-fe)
SYN: hysterosalpingography.

uteroscope (u′ter-o-skop)
SYN: hysteroscope.

uteroscopy (u-ter-os′ko-pe)
SYN: hysteroscopy.

uterotomy (u-ter-ot′o-me)
SYN: hysterotomy.

uterotonic (u′ter-o-ton′ik)
1. Giving tone to the uterine muscle. 2. An agent that overcomes relaxation of the muscular wall of the uterus. [utero- + G. tonos, tone, tension]

uterotropic (u′ter-o-tro′pik)
Causing an effect on the uterus.


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