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verrucose (ve-roo′kos)
Resembling a wart; denoting wartlike elevations. SYN: verrucous. [L. verrucosus]

verrucosis (ver-oo-ko′sis)
A condition marked by the appearance of multiple warts. [L. verruca, wart, + G. -osis, condition] lymphostatic v. SYN: mossy foot.

verrucous (ve-roo′kus)
SYN: verrucose.

verruga (ve-roo′ga)
SYN: verruca. [Sp.] v. peruana a late, eruptive stage of bartonellosis; characterized by soft conical or pedunculated vascular papules anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes from miliary size to several centimeters, resolving without scars after a few months. SYN: Peruvian wart, verruca peruana, verruca peruviana.

versicolor (ver-si-kol′or)
Variegated; marked by a variety of color. [L. particolored, fr. verso, to turn, twist, + color, color]

version (ver′zhun, -shun)
1. Displacement of the uterus, with tilting of the entire organ without bending upon itself; such displacement may be anteversion, retroversion, or lateroversion. 2. Change of position of the fetus in the uterus, occurring spontaneously or effected by manipulation. 3. SYN: inclination. 4. Conjugate rotation of the eyes in the same direction; such rotation may be dextroversion, levoversion, supraversion, or infraversion. [L. verto, pp. versus, to turn] bimanual v. turning of the baby in utero, performed by the hands acting upon both extremities of the fetus; it may be external v. or combined v.. SYN: bipolar v.. bipolar v. SYN: bimanual v.. cephalic v. v. in which the fetus is turned so that the head presents; can be external cephalic v. or internal cephalic v.. SEE ALSO: external cephalic v., internal cephalic v.. combined v. bipolar v. by means of one hand in the vagina, the other on the abdominal wall. external cephalic v. v. performed entirely by external manipulation. SEE ALSO: cephalic v.. internal cephalic v. v. performed by means of one hand within the uterus. SEE ALSO: cephalic v.. internal podalic v. maneuver to deliver the fetus by inserting a hand into the uterine cavity, grasping one or both feet, and drawing them through the cervix; rarely indicated today except for the delivery of a second twin. SYN: podalic v.. pelvic v. v. by means of which a transverse or oblique presentation is converted into a pelvic presentation by manipulating the buttocks of the fetus. podalic v. SYN: internal podalic v.. postural v. nonmanual v. obtained by changing the position of the mother. Potter v. obsolete term for a v. in which both feet are brought down until the buttocks are delivered, the back is then rotated to an anterior position, the arms and shoulders are delivered by twisting and downward movements. spontaneous v. turning of the fetus effected by the unaided contraction of the uterine muscle. Wright v. a cephalic v. employed in cases of shoulder presentation when the shoulders are pushed upward while the breech is moved toward the center of the uterus by the other hand; the head is then guided into the pelvis.

vertebra, gen. and pl. vertebrae (ver′te-bra, -bre) [TA]
One of the segments of the spinal column; in humans, there are usually 33 vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral (fused into one bone, the sacrum), and 4 coccygeal (fused into one bone, the coccyx). [L. joint, fr. verto, to turn] basilar v. the lowest lumbar v.. block vertebrae congenitally fused and hypoplastic vertebral bodies which, on radiographs, give the appearance of a more or less solid bony mass. See Klippel-Feil syndrome. butterfly v. a hemivertebra or sagittally cleft v. that has a butterfly configuration on frontal radiographs; congenital in origin. v. C1 atlas. v. C2 axis (5) . caudal vertebrae the vertebrae that form the skeleton of the tail. cervical vertebrae [C1–C7] [TA] the seven segments of the vertebral column located in the neck. SYN: vertebrae cervicales [C1–C7]. vertebrae cervicales [C1–C7] SYN: cervical vertebrae [C1–C7]. vertebrae coccygeae [Co1–Co4] [TA] SYN: coccygeal vertebrae [Co1–Co4]. coccygeal vertebrae [Co1–Co4] [TA] the four terminal segments of the vertebral column, usually fused to form the coccyx. SYN: vertebrae coccygeae [Co1–Co4] [TA] , tail vertebrae. codfish vertebrae exaggeration of the concavity of the upper and lower end plates of the vertebrae, as demonstrated radiographically in various types of osteopenia. cranial v. a segment of the skull regarded as homologous with a segment of the vertebral column. v. dentata SYN: axis (5) . dorsal vertebrae [L1–L4] an archaic term for thoracic vertebrae. false vertebrae the fused vertebral segments of the sacrum and coccyx. SYN: vertebrae spuriae. first cervical v. SYN: atlas. hourglass vertebrae the radiographic appearance of some vertebrae in osteogenesis imperfecta tarda. H-shape vertebrae sharply delimited depression of the central portion of the endplates of the vertebrae, producing a stocky “H” shape on radiographs, as in sickle cell anemia. ivory v. a radiographically dense v., usually from metastatic disease, especially lymphoma when solitary. vertebrae lumbales [L1–L5] SYN: lumbar vertebrae [L1–L5]. lumbar vertebrae [L1–L5] the vertebrae, usually five in number, located in the lumbar region of the back. SYN: vertebrae lumbales [L1–L5]. v. magna SYN: sacrum. odontoid v. SYN: axis (5) . picture frame v. radiographically diminished density of trabecular bone with relative preservation of the cortex, a sign of osteopenia. v. plana spondylitis with reduction of vertebral body to a thin disk. v. prominens [TA] the v. in the cervicothoracic region which has the most prominent spinous process (seventh cervical v. in 70% of the cases, sixth in 20%, and first thoracic v. in 10%). SYN: nuchal tubercle. rugger jersey v. appearance of a vertebral body with horizontal sclerotic bands adjacent to the endplates; associated with renal osteodystrophy. vertebrae sacrales [S1–S5] SYN: sacral vertebrae [S1–S5]. sacral vertebrae [S1–S5] the segments of the vertebral column, usually five in number, that fuse to form the sacrum. SYN: vertebrae sacrales [S1–S5]. second cervical v. SYN: axis (5) . vertebrae spuriae SYN: false vertebrae. tail vertebrae SYN: coccygeal vertebrae [Co1–Co4]. vertebrae thoracicae [T1–T12] SYN: thoracic vertebrae [T1–T12]. thoracic vertebrae [T1–T12] [TA] the segments of the vertebral column, usually 12, which articulate with ribs to form part of the thoracic cage. SYN: vertebrae thoracicae [T1–T12]. toothed v. SYN: axis (5) . true v. any one of the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar vertebrae. SYN: v. vera. v. vera SYN: true v..

vertebral (ver′te-bral)
Relating to a vertebra or the vertebrae.

vertebrarium (ver-te-bra′re-um)
SYN: vertebral column. [Mod. L.]

Vertebrata (ver-te-brah′ta, -bra′ta)
The vertebrates, a major division of the phylum Chordata, consisting of those animals with a dorsal hollow nerve cord enclosed in a cartilaginous or bony spinal column; includes several classes of fishes, and the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. SYN: Craniata. [L. vertebratus, jointed]

vertebrate (ver′te-brat)
1. Having a vertebral column. 2. An animal having vertebrae.

vertebrated (ver′te-brat-ed)
Jointed; composed of segments arranged longitudinally as in certain instruments.

vertebrectomy (ver′te-brek′to-me)
Resection of a vertebral body. [vertebra + G. ektome, excision]

A vertebra, vertebral. [L. vertebra]

vertebroarterial (ver′te-bro-ar-ter′e-al)
Relating to a vertebra and an artery, or to the vertebral artery.

vertebrochondral (ver′te-bro-kon′dral)
Denoting the three false ribs (eighth, ninth, and tenth), which are connected with the vertebrae at one extremity and the costal cartilages at the other, these cartilages not articulating directly with the sternum. SYN: vertebrocostal (2) . [vertebro- + G. chondros, cartilage]

vertebrocostal (ver′te-bro-kos′tal)
1. SYN: costovertebral. 2. SYN: vertebrochondral. [vertebro- + L. costa, rib]

vertebrofemoral (ver-te-bro-fem′o-ral)
Relating to the vertebrae and the femur.

vertebroiliac (ver′te-bro-il′e-ak)
Relating to the vertebrae and the ilium.

vertebrosacral (ver-te-bro-sa′kral)
Relating to the vertebrae and the sacrum.

vertebrosternal (ver′te-bro-ster′nal)
SYN: sternovertebral.

vertex, pl .vertices (ver′teks, ver′ti-sez) [TA]
1. [NA] The topmost point of the vault of the skull, a landmark in craniometry. 2. In obstetrics, the portion of the fetal head bounded by the planes of the trachelobregmatic and biparietal diameters, with the posterior fontanel at the apex. [L. whirl, whorl] v. cordis SYN: apex of heart. v. of cornea SYN: corneal v.. v. corneae [TA] SYN: corneal v.. corneal v. [TA] the central part of the cornea, slightly thinner than the peripheal part. SYN: v. corneae [TA] , v. of cornea.

vertical (ver′ti-kal) [TA]
1. Relating to the vertex, or crown of the head. 2. Perpendicular. 3. Denoting any plane or line that passes longitudinally through the body in the anatomic position. SYN: verticalis [TA] .

verticalis (ver-ti-ka′lis) [TA]
SYN: vertical. [L.]

vertices (ver′ti-sez)
Plural of vertex.

verticil (ver′ti-sil)
A collection of similar parts radiating from a common axis. SYN: vortex (1) , whorl (4) . [L. verticillus, the whirl of a spindle, dim. of vertex, a whirl]

verticillate (ver′ti-sil′at)
Disposed in the form of a verticil.

Verticillium (ver-ti-sil′e-um)
A genus of hyphomycetous fungi often found in clinical specimens as contaminants. They are occasionally found in the meatus in cases of otitis externa, but are of doubtful pathogenicity. [L. verticillus, the whirl of a spindle]

verticomental (ver-ti-ko-men′tal)
Relating to the crown of the head and the chin; denoting a diameter in craniometry.

vertiginous (ver-tij′i-nus)
Relating to or suffering from vertigo.

vertigo (ver′ti-go, ver-ti′go)
1. A sensation of spinning or whirling motion. V. implies a definite sensation of rotation of the subject (subjective v.) or of objects about the subject (objective v.) in any plane. 2. Imprecisely used as a general term to describe dizziness. [L. v. (vertigin-), dizziness, fr. verto, to turn] aural v. 1. v. caused by disease of the internal ear or pressure of cerumen on the drum membrane; 2. nonspecific term for v. caused by labyrinthine disorders. benign paroxysmal positional v. a recurrent, brief form of positional v. occurring in clusters; believed to result from displaced remnants of utricular otoconia. SYN: cupulolithiasis. benign positional v. brief attacks of paroxysmal v. and nystagmus that occur solely with certain head movements or positions, e.g., with neck extension; due to labyrinthine dysfunction. SYN: positional v. of Bárány, postural v. (1) . Charcot v. SYN: tussive syncope. chronic v. SYN: status vertiginosus. endemic paralytic v. SYN: vestibular neuronitis. epidemic v. SYN: vestibular neuronitis. height v. dizziness experienced when looking down from a great height or in looking up at a high building or cliff. SYN: vertical v. (1) . horizontal v. dizziness experienced on lying down. hysterical v. a sensation of dizziness, as from a whirling motion, whose etiology is psychosomatic. laryngeal v. SYN: tussive syncope. lateral v. dizziness caused by watching rows of vertical objects ( e.g., telegraph poles, trees, and fences) from the window of a fast-moving vehicle. mechanical v. v. caused by continued rotation or vibration of the body. nocturnal v. a feeling of falling when dropping off to sleep. ocular v. dizziness attributed to refractive errors or imbalance of the extrinsic muscles. organic v. v. due to brain damage. paralyzing v. SYN: vestibular neuronitis. physiologic v. SYN: space sickness. positional v. v. occurring with a change in body position. positional v. of Bárány SYN: benign positional v.. postural v. 1. SYN: benign positional v.. 2. light-headedness that appears particularly in elderly people with change of position, usually from lying or sitting to standing; due to orthostatic hypotension. sham-movement v. dizziness accompanied by an impression that the body is rotating or that objects are rotating about the body. vertical v. 1. SYN: height v.. 2. dizziness experienced when standing upright. visual v. v. induced by visual stimuli.

vertometer (ver-tom′e-ter)
SYN: lensometer. [vertex + G. metron, measure]

verumontanum (ver-oo-mon-ta′num)
SYN: seminal colliculus. [L. veru, a spit, + montanus, mountainous]

vesalianum (ve-sa′le-a′num)
SYN: os v..

Vesalius, Wesal, Vesal
Andreas (Andre), Flemish anatomist, 1514–1564. See V. bone, V. foramen, V. vein.

See vesico-.

vesica, gen. and pl. vesicae (ve si ka, ve si se; -ke) [TA]
1. [NA] SYN: urinary bladder. 2. Any hollow structure or sac, normal or pathologic, containing a serous fluid. [L.] v. biliaris [TA] SYN: gallbladder. v. fellea gallbladder. v. prostatica SYN: prostatic utricle. v. urinaria [TA] SYN: urinary bladder.

vesical (ves′i-kal)
Relating to any bladder, but usually the urinary bladder.

vesicant (ves′i-kant)
An agent that produces a vesicle.

vesicate (ves′i-kat)
To form a vesicle.

vesication (ves-i-ka′shun)
SYN: vesiculation (1) .

vesicle (ves′i-kl) [TA]
1. SYN: vesicula. 2. A small (<1.0 cm in diameter), circumscribed elevation of the skin containing fluid. SEE ALSO: bleb, blister, bulla. 3. A small sac containing liquid or gas. 4. A closed structure surrounded by a single membrane. [L. vesicula, a blister, dim. of vesica, bladder] acoustic v. SYN: otic v.. acrosomal v. a v. derived from the Golgi apparatus during spermiogenesis whose limiting membrane adheres to the nuclear envelope; together with the acrosomal granule within, it spreads in a thin layer over the pole of the nucleus to form the acrosomal cap. air vesicles SYN: pulmonary alveolus. allantoic v. the hollow portion of the allantois. amniocardiac v. the rostral portion of the most primitive intraembryonic celom. auditory v. SYN: otic v.. blastodermic v. SYN: blastocyst. cerebral v. each of the three divisions of the early embryonic brain (prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon). SYN: encephalic v., primary brain v.. cervical v. an abnormally persisting vestige of the cervical sinus or its associated branchial grooves. coated v. a v. that has its biomembrane coated with the protein clathrin. It is involved in the transport of proteins from one membrane site to another. encephalic v. SYN: cerebral v.. forebrain v. prosencephalon. germinal v. archaic term for the nucleus of the ovum. hindbrain v. rhombencephalon. lens v. in the embryo, the ectodermal invagination that forms opposite the optic cup; it is the primordium of the lens of the eye. SYN: lenticular v.. lenticular v. SYN: lens v.. malpighian vesicles the minute air-filled vesicles on the surface of an expanded lung. matrix vesicles hydroxyapatite-containing, membrane-enclosed vesicles secreted by odontoblasts and some chondrocytes; believed to serve as nucleation centers for the mineralization process in dentin and calcified cartilage. midbrain v. mesencephalon. ocular v. SYN: optic v.. ophthalmic v. SYN: optic v.. optic v. in the embryo, one of the paired evaginations from the ventrolateral walls of the forebrain from which the sensory and pigment layers of the retina develop. SYN: ocular v., ophthalmic v., vesicula ophthalmica. otic v. one of the paired sacs of invaginated ectoderm that develop into the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. SYN: acoustic v., auditory v.. pinocytotic v. a v., a fraction of a micrometer in diameter, containing fluid or solute being ingested into a cell by endocytosis. SEE ALSO: pinocytosis. primary brain v. SYN: cerebral v.. seminal v. seminal gland. synaptic vesicles the small (average diameter 30 nm), intracellular, membrane-bound vesicles near the presynaptic membrane of a synaptic junction, containing the transmitter substance which, in chemical synapses, mediates the passage of nerve impulses across the junction. SEE ALSO: synapse. telencephalic v. paired diverticula arising from the prosencephalon, from which the forebrain develops. umbilical v. SYN: yolk sac.

vesico-, vesic-
A vesica, vesicle. SEE ALSO: vesiculo-. [L. vesica, bladder]

vesicoabdominal (ves′i-ko-ab-dom′i-nal)
Relating to the urinary bladder and the abdominal wall.

vesicobullous (ves′i-ko-bul′us)
Denoting an eruption of variously sized lesions containing fluid.

vesicocele (ves′i-ko-sel)
SYN: cystocele.

vesicocervical (ves′i-ko-ser′vi-kal)
Relating to the urinary bladder and the cervix of the uterus.

vesicoclysis (ves′i-kok′li-sis)
Washing out, or lavage, of the urinary bladder. [vesico- + G. klysis, a washing out]

vesicointestinal (ves′i-ko-in-tes′ti-nal)
Relating to the urinary bladder and the intestine; e.g., v. fistula.

vesicolithiasis (ves′i-ko-li-thi′a-sis)
SYN: cystolithiasis. [vesico- + G. lithos, stone, + -iasis, condition]

vesicoprostatic (ves′i-ko-pros-tat′ik)
Relating to the bladder and the prostate gland.

vesicopubic (ves′i-ko-pu′bik)
Relating to the bladder and the os pubis.

vesicopustular (ves′i-ko-pus′tu-lar)
Pertaining to a vesicopustule.

vesicopustule (ves′i-ko-pus′tul)
A vesicle which is developing pus formation.

vesicorectal (ves′i-ko-rek′tal)
Relating to the bladder and the rectum.

vesicorectostomy (ves′i-ko-rek-tos′to-me)
Surgical urinary tract diversion by anastomosis of the posterior bladder wall to the rectum. [vesico- + rectum + G. stoma, mouth]

vesicosigmoid (ves′i-ko-sig′moyd)
Relating to the bladder and the sigmoid colon.


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