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vibrissa, gen. and pl. vibrissae (vi-bris′a, vi-bris′e) [TA]
SYN: hairs of vestibule of nose, under hair. [L. found only in pl. vibrissae, fr. vibro, to quiver]

vibrissal (vib-ris′al)
Relating to the vibrissae.

vibrocardiogram (vi′bro-kar′de-o-gram)
A graphic record of chest vibrations produced by hemodynamic events of the cardiac cycle; the record provides an indirect, externally recorded measurement of isovolumic contraction and ejection times. [L. vibro, to shake, + G. kardia, heart, + gramma, a drawing]

vibromasseur (vi′bro-ma-ser′)
A type of vibrator for giving vibratory massage.

vibrotherapeutics (vi′bro-thar-a-pu′tiks)
SYN: vibratory massage.

Viburnum prunifolium (vii-bur′num proo-′ni-fo′le-um)
A medication derived from the root bark of V. (family Caprifoliaceae); contains viburnin; bitter resin; tannin; sugar; citric, malic, oxalic and valeric acids. Formerly used as a smooth muscle relaxant/antispasmodic (uterine).

vicarious (vi-ker′e-us)
Acting as a substitute; occurring in an abnormal situation. [L. vicarius, from vicis, supplying place of]

vicine (vi′sen)
A glucoside occurring in akta, a weed that contaminates Lathyrus sativus, and in the common vetch (Vicia sativa), a plant whose fruit is substituted for red lentils; thought by some to be responsible for the symptoms of lathyrism. [Vicia (genus name) + -ine]

Vicq d'Azyr
Félix, French anatomist, 1748–1794. See V. bundle, V. centrum semiovale, V. foramen.

Victoria blue
Any of several blue diphenylnaphthylmethane derivatives; used as a stain in histology. [Queen Victoria]

Victoria orange
An alkaline salt of dinitrocresol; a reddish yellow stain formerly used in histology.

vidarabine (vi-der′a-ben)
A purine nucleoside obtained from fermentation cultures of Streptomyces antibioticus and used to treat herpes simplex infections.

videoendoscope (vid′e-o-end′o-skop)
An endoscope fitted with a video camera.

videoendoscopy (vid′e-o-en-dos′ka-py)
Endoscopy performed with an endoscope fitted with a video camera.

videokeratoscope (vid′e-o-ker′ah-to-skop)
A keratoscope fitted with a video camera.

vidian (vid′e-an)
Named after or described by Vidius.

Vidius, Vidus
Guidi (Guido), Italian anatomist and physician, 1500–1569. See vidian artery, vidian canal, vidian nerve, vidian vein.

J.P., 20th century Brazilian dermatologist. See V. sign.

Raymond de, French anatomist, 1641–1715. See V. anulus, V. ansa, V. centrum, V. foramina, under foramen, V. ganglia, under ganglion, V. isthmus, V. limbus, V. loop, V. ring, valve of V., V. valve, V. veins, under vein, V. ventricle.

view (vu)
SYN: projection. axial v. SYN: axial projection. base v. SYN: submentovertex radiograph. Caldwell v. SYN: Caldwell projection. half axial v. SYN: Towne projection. Judet v. v. consisting of two oblique radiographic projections centered on the hip in question, tilted 45° medially or laterally from a true anteroposterior direction; useful for fractures or deformities of the acetabulum. long axis v. in echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging of the heart, a projection parallel to the ventricular axis and perpendicular to the interventricular septum of the heart; four-chamber v.. Stenvers v. SYN: Stenvers projection. Towne v. SYN: Towne projection. verticosubmental v. SYN: axial projection. Waters v. SYN: Waters projection.

vigabatrin (vi-ga′ba-trin)
An irreversible inhibitor of γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase, a degradative enzyme for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the inhibitory neurotransmitter. The drug intensifies the effects of GABA and thus inhibition of the central nervous system; used as an antiepileptic agent.

vigil (vij′il)
A state of wakefulness or sleeplessness. [L. vigilia, wakefulness, alertness, fr. vigeo, to be active, to rouse] coma v. SYN: akinetic mutism.

vigilambulism (vij-i-lam′bu-lizm)
An older term for a condition of unconsciously regarding one's surroundings, with automatism; resembling somnambulism but occurring in the waking state. [L. vigil, awake, alert, + ambulo, to walk about]

vigilance (vij′i-lans)
An attentiveness, alertness, or watchfulness for whatever may occur. [L. vigilantia, wakefulness]

villi (vil′i)
Plural of villus.

villin (vil′in)
An actin-binding protein that, at low calcium ion concentrations, nucleates polymerization of actin filaments; micromolar Ca2+ causes v. to sever actin filaments into short fragments.

SYN: villositis.

villose (vil′os)
SYN: villous (2) .

villositis (vil-o-si′tis)
Inflammation of the chorionic villi surface of the placenta. SYN: villitis. [villous + G. -itis inflammation]

villosity (vi-los′i-te)
Shagginess; an aggregation of villi.

villous (vil′us)
1. Relating to villi. 2. Shaggy; covered with villi. SYN: villose.

villus, pl .villi (vil′us, vil′i)
1. A projection from the surface, especially of a mucous membrane. If the projection is minute, as from a cell surface, it is termed a microvillus. 2. An elongated dermal papilla projecting into an intraepidermal vesicle or cleft. See festooning. [L. shaggy hair (of beasts)] anchoring v. a chorionic v. that is attached to the decidua basalis. arachnoid villi tufted prolongations of pia-arachnoid that protrude through the meningeal layer of the dura mater and have a thin limiting membrane; collections of arachnoid v. form arachnoid granulations that lie in venous lacunae at the margin of the superior sagittal sinus; the spongy tissue of the a. v. contains tubules that serve as one-way valves for transfer of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space to the venous system. Both a. v. and the granulations formed from them are major sites of fluid transfer. SEE ALSO: arachnoid granulations, under granulation. chorionic villi vascular processes of the chorion of the embryo entering into the formation of the placenta. floating v. SYN: free v.. free v. a chorionic v. that is not attached to the decidua basalis, but is “free” in the maternal blood of the intervillous spaces. SYN: floating v.. intestinal villi [TA] projections (0.5–1.5 mm in length) of the mucous membrane of the small intestine; they are leaf-shaped in the duodenum and become shorter, more finger-shaped, and sparser in the ileum. SYN: villi intestinales [TA] . villi intestinales [TA] SYN: intestinal villi. villi pericardiaci [TA] SYN: pericardial villi. pericardial villi [TA] minute filiform projections (synovial villi) from the surface of the serous pericardium. SYN: villi pericardiaci [TA] . peritoneal villi [TA] synovial villi on the surface of the peritoneum. SYN: villi peritoneales [TA] . villi peritoneales [TA] SYN: peritoneal villi. pleural villi [TA] shaggy appendages (synovial villi) on the pleura in the neighborhood of the costomediastinal sinus. SYN: villi pleurales [TA] . villi pleurales [TA] SYN: pleural villi. primary v. the first stage of chorionic v. development, with columns of cytotrophoblastic cells covered by syncytiotrophoblast. secondary v. an intermediate stage of chorionic v. development following invasion by a connective tissue core. synovial villi [TA] small vascular processes given off from a synovial membrane. SYN: villi synoviales [TA] , synovial fringe, synovial tufts. villi synoviales [TA] SYN: synovial villi. tertiary v. the definitive chorionic v. with a vascular core separated from maternal blood by connective tissue, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotrophoblast.

vimentin (vi-men′tin)
The major polypeptide that copolymerizes with other subunits to form the intermediate filament cytoskeleton of mesenchymal cells; they may have a role in maintaining the internal organization of certain cells. SEE ALSO: desmin.

vinblastine sulfate (vin-blas′ten)
A dimeric alkaloid obtained from Vinca rosea. It arrests mitosis in metaphase (although vincristine is more active in this respect) and exhibits greater antimetabolic activity than does vincristine; used in the treatment of Hodgkin disease, choriocarcinoma, acute and chronic leukemias, and other neoplastic diseases; blocks microtubule assembly. SYN: vincaleucoblastine.

vincaleucoblastine (ving′ka-loo-ko-blas′ten)
SYN: vinblastine sulfate.

Vinca rosea (ving′ka ro′ze-a)
A species of myrtle (family Myrtaceae) used in various parts of the world as a home remedy; two active dimeric alkaloids obtained from this plant are vinblastine and vincristine. SYN: periwinkle.

Henri, French physician, 1862–1950. See V. angina, V. bacillus, V. disease, V. infection, V. spirillum, V. tonsillitis.

vincristine sulfate (vin-kris′ten)
A dimeric alkaloid obtained from Vinca rosea; its antineoplastic activity is similar to that of vinblastine, but no cross-resistance develops between these two agents, and it is more useful than vinblastine in lymphocytic lymphosarcoma and acute leukemia. SYN: leurocristine.

vinculin (ving′koo-lin)
A protein associated with actin microfilaments; found in intercalated discs of cardiac muscle and focal adhesion plaques; may have a role in how a tumor virus causes pleiotropic effects of transformation. [L. vinculum, bond, fr. vincio, to bind + -in]

vinculum, pl .vincula (ving′koo-lum, -la) [TA]
A frenum, frenulum, or ligament. [L. a fetter, fr. vincio, to bind] v. breve digitorum manus [TA] SYN: v. breve of fingers. SEE ALSO: vincula tendinea of digits of hand and foot. v. breve of fingers [TA] a triangular band that extends from the dorsal surface of each of the flexor tendons of a digit to the capsule of the nearby interphalangeal joint and to the phalanx proximal to the insertion of the tendon. SYN: v. breve digitorum manus [TA] , short v.. v. linguae SYN: frenulum of tongue. vincula lingulae cerebelli small lateral prolongations of the lingula of the vermis of the cerebellum resting on the dorsal surface of the superior cerebellar peduncle. long v. SYN: v. longum of fingers. v. longum digitorum manus [TA] SYN: v. longum of fingers. SEE ALSO: vincula tendinea of digits of hand and foot. v. longum of fingers [TA] a long, threadlike band that extends from the dorsal surface of each of the flexor tendons of a digit to the proximal phalanx. SYN: v. longum digitorum manus [TA] , long v.. v. preputii SYN: frenulum of prepuce. short v. SYN: v. breve of fingers. vincula tendinea of digits of hand and foot [TA] fibrous bands that extend from the flexor tendons of the fingers and toes to the capsules of the interphalangeal joints and to the phalanges; they convey small vessels to the tendons. SYN: synovial frena, synovial frenula, vincula of tendons, vincula tendinum digitorum manus et pedis. vincula tendinum digitorum manus et pedis SYN: vincula tendinea of digits of hand and foot. SEE ALSO: v. breve of fingers, v. longum of fingers. vincula of tendons SYN: vincula tendinea of digits of hand and foot.

vindesine (vin′de-sen)
Synthetic derivative of vinblastine which shares antineoplastic properties with the latter agent. Used in the treatment of childhood lymphocytic leukemia.

Arthur M., Canadian thoracic surgeon, 1903–1988. See V. procedure.

vinegar (vin′e-gar)
Impure dilute acetic acid, made from wine, cider, malt, etc. SYN: acetum. [Fr. vinaigre, fr. vin, wine, + aigre, sour] mother of v. in v., the fungus of acetous fermentation appearing as a stringy sediment. [A.S. modder, mud] pyroligneous v. SYN: wood v.. wood v. impure acetic acid produced by the destructive distillation of pine tar and wood. SYN: pyroligneous v..

vinic (vi′nik)
Relating to or derived from wine. [L. vinum, wine]

vinous (vi′nus)
Relating to, containing, or of the nature of wine.

Porter P., U.S. surgeon, 1890–1959. See Plummer-V. syndrome.

vinyl (vi′nil)
The hydrocarbon radical, CH2&dbond;CH–. SYN: ethenyl. v. carbinol SYN: allyl alcohol. v. chloride a substance used in the plastics industry and suspected of being a potent carcinogen in humans. SYN: chloroethylene.

vinylbenzene (vi′nil-ben′zen)
SYN: styrene.

vinylene (vi′nil-en)
The bivalent radical, –CH&dbond;CH–. SYN: ethenylene.

vinylidene (vi-nil′i-den)
The bivalent radical, H2C&dbond;C&dbond;.

violaceous (vi-o-la′shus)
Denoting a purple discoloration, usually of the skin. [L. viola, violet]

violet (vi′o-let)
The color evoked by wavelengths of the visible spectrum shorter than 450 nm. For individual v. dyes, see the specific name. [L. viola] Hoffman v. dahlia. visual v. SYN: iodopsin.

viomycin (vi-o-mi′sin)
An antibiotic agent obtained from Streptomyces puniceus var. floridae; active against acid-fast bacteria, including strains of tubercle bacilli resistant to streptomycin; may produce vestibular damage and deafness.

viosterol (vi-os′ter-ol)
SYN: ergocalciferol.

Abbreviation for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide.

viper (vi′per)
A member of the snake family Viperidae. [L. vipera, serpent, snake] Russell's v. characteristically marked, highly venomous snake (Vipera russellii) of southeastern Asia. The venom is coagulant in action and is used locally in a 1:10,000 solution for the arrest of hemorrhage in hemophilia.

Viperidae (vi-per′i-de)
A family of poisonous Old World snakes, the true vipers, composed of about 50 species and characterized by two relatively long caniculated fangs at the front of the upper jaw which are attached to movable bones, allowing them to be erect during the bite when the mouth is open, and folded into a palate skin fold when the jaws are shut. [L. vipera, viper]

VIPoma (vi-po′ma)
An endocrine tumor, usually originating in the pancreas, which produces a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide believed to cause profound cardiovascular and electrolyte changes with vasodilatory hypotension, watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, and dehydration. [vasoactive intestinal polypeptide + G. -oma, tumor]

French physician. See V. sign.

viprynium embonate (vip-rin′e-um em′bo-nat)
SYN: pyrvinium pamoate.

viraginity (vir′a-jin′i-te)
A rarely used term for the presence of pronounced masculine psychologic qualities in a woman. [L. virago (viragin-), a female warrior]

viral (vi′ral)
Of, pertaining to, or caused by a virus.

Rudolf L.K., German pathologist and politician, 1821–1902. See V. angle, V. cells, under cell, V. corpuscles, under corpuscle, V. crystals, under crystal, V. disease, V. node, V. psammoma, V.-Holder angle, V.-Hassall bodies, under body, V.-Robin space.

viremia (vi-re′me-a)
The presence of a virus in the bloodstream. [virus + G. haima, blood]

vires (vi′rez)
Plural of vis.


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