Immigration USA/Personal Edition is designed for the consumer.
Our professional product, Immigration Assistant, is loaded with professional features, such as 180 different immigration forms, searchable law and regulations, the DOT, etc.
When you order choose from over 180 immigration forms and the ability to add and update forms on the fly. Fill out forms on your screen, modify, save and print them.
Browse or search through hundreds of immigration topics in concise, layman's language.
Scrolling lists of over 100 visa and permanent resident classifications. Point and click to see a concise definition, eligibility requirements, time limits, required application forms and other documentation requirements.
Interactive World Map. Point and click on any country to view special rules that apply to those from that country.
Complete reference on American Life. The people, the
land and the culture; making a living, starting and running a business,
religion; public services; health care; transportation, banks and finance; living in an American community; education ; government and the law.