Europe Pipelines map - Crude Oil (petroleum) pipelines - Natural Gas pipelines - Products pipelines
SOURCE: various
Europe oil, gas and products pipelines map - Click on map to enlarge Click on the map to enlarge

The following map shows pipelines in Europe, including cross-border, international pipelines which originate or end in European countries. You can click the map to see an enlarged version. The pipeline routes on the map are labeled with the codes that are explained in separate tables. These tables, together with more detailed maps of groups of countries, can be accessed through the following links. On the maps and table, pipeline label codes are colored green for oil, red for gas and blue for products, such as gasoline and ethylene. The diameter, length and capacity of the pipelines, if known, are shown on the tables.

Pipelines map legent

1. Balkan area - Southeast Europe Pipelines (includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, FYR Macedonia and Turkey)

2. France and Belgium Pipelines

3. Germay, Netherlands and Czech Republic Pipelines

4. Italy Switzerland and Austria Pipelines

5. Norway, Sweden and Denmark Pipelines

6. Russia and former Soviet states Pipelines (includes Russia, Kazahstan, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Tajikistan)

7. Spain and Portugal Pipelines

8. United Kingdom and Ireland Pipelines

Pipelines map legent

Click on the map to enlarge
Europe oil, gas and products pipelines map - Click on map to enlarge

NOTE: The information regarding Europe pipelines on this page is re-published from various source. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Europe pipelines contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Europe pipelines should be addressed to the webmaster.

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This page was last modified 31-MAR-17
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