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Hong Kong Geography 1996

    • Affiliation:
      Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Formerly a dependent territory of the UK)

    • Location:
      Eastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and China

    • Map references:
      Southeast Asia

    • Area:

        total area:
        1,040 sq km

        land area:
        990 sq km

        comparative area:
        slightly less than six times the size of Washington, DC

    • Land boundaries:
      total 30 km, China 30 km

    • Coastline:
      733 km

    • Maritime claims:

        territorial sea:
        3 nm

    • International disputes:

    • Climate:
      tropical monsoon; cool and humid in winter, hot and rainy from spring through summer, warm and sunny in fall

    • Terrain:
      hilly to mountainous with steep slopes; lowlands in north

    • Natural resources:
      outstanding deepwater harbor, feldspar

    • Land use:

        arable land:

        permanent crops:

        meadows and pastures:

        forest and woodland:


    • Irrigated land:
      20 sq km (1989)

    • Environment:

        current issues:
        air and water pollution from rapid urbanization

        natural hazards:
        occasional typhoons

        international agreements:

    • Note:
      more than 200 islands

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