Warden Beach, Portsalon, Donegal county, Ulster, Ireland photo
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Warden Beach, Portsalon, Donegal county, Ulster, Ireland photo
Warden Beach, Portsalon, Donegal county, Ulster

Portsalon, a coastal townland in County Donegal, on the scenic Lough Swilly, is world-renowned for its beach.

Up until the second half of the 20th century, there was very little in the area, now it is a very popular tourist resort and many visitors have built holiday homes around Portsalon.

Situated towards the mouth of Lough Swilly the beach has a rock headland on the south side with exposed rocks in the middle, but is otherwise clean sand. Fish tight to the headland or either side of the rocks in the middle of the beach for the best results.

The beach carries a fair surf during north, northeast and east winds, but is sheltered for the most part from westerly winds.

One can fish at all stages of the tide due to the incoming and outgoing tide as the Lough fills and empties, but for a variety of species either side of low water and the last two hours of the flood give the best fishing. The best fishing season is from June through to January.

SOURCE: Roger Kinkead, courtesy of Tourism Ireland.

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