Leopard and crocodile, Sabi Sand reserve, Mpumalanga province, South Africa Photo
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Leopard and crocodile, Sabi Sand reserve, Mpumalanga province, South Africa photo
Leopard and crocodile, Sabi Sand reserve, Mpumalanga province

The Sabi Sand Game Reserve offers game viewing tours and safaris, including close viewing of the Big 5 and Africa's wildife from open Safari vehicles, luxury lodges, spas treatments and fine dining.

The reserve shares a common 50 km unfenced boundary with the Kruger National park to the east. Two perennial rivers, the Sabi and the Sand flow through this Game Park, sustaining the diverse fauna and flora of the area, which enjoys one of the highest and most bio-diverse wildlife populations of any area in Africa.

Such is the integrity of the environment that there is consistently a year round population of animals that remain within the area. There is limited migration between this, the Sabi Sands Game Reserve and the Kruger National Park, ensuring genetic diversity with an integrated biodiversity within the entire 2,7 million hectare protected area.

PHOTO SOURCE: D. Allen, courtesy of, and copyright, South Africa Tourism, a department of the government of South Africa, used with permission.

NOTE: The information regarding South Africa on this page is re-published from other sources. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of south_africa information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about south_africa photos should be addressed to the copyright owner noted below the photo.

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