Tsitsikamma National Park, Eastern Cape province, South Africa Photo
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Tsitsikamma National Park, Eastern Cape province, South Africa photo
Tsitsikamma National Park, Eastern Cape province

The Tsitsikamma Area of the Garden Route National Park is situated at the heart of the picturesque tourist region known as the Garden Route, found in the Southern Cape of South Africa. Tsitsikamma is a Khoisan (early inhabitants of the area) word meaning, �place of much water.�

The Tsitsikamma�s spectacular scenery includes the Indian Ocean breakers, pounding rocky shores beneath 180 m high cliffs, evergreen forests and fynbos (proteas and heath) rolling down to the sea in a lush carpet where ancient rivers have carved their path to the ocean through rocky ravines.

Tsitsikamma National Park is the third most frequently visited out of the twenty national parks in South Africa. This makes it one of the few National Parks where tourism revenue is adequately able to match the exhaustive expenses associated with conservation. Such an income source is imperative to help meet the immense financial challenges facing conservation in a developing country like South Africa, where national parks need to be able to have a tangible value both spiritually and economically to the communities around the parks.

PHOTO SOURCE: D. Allen, courtesy of, and copyright, South Africa Tourism, a department of the government of South Africa, used with permission.

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