Cuba Geography 1989 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System
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    Cuba Geography - 1989

      Total area: 110,860 km2
      land area: 110,860 km2

      Comparative area: slightly smaller than Pennsylvania

      Land boundary: 29.1 km with US Naval Base at Guantanamo
      note--Guantanamo is leased and as such remains part of Cuba

      Coastline: 3,735 km

      Maritime claims: @m5Continental shelf: 200 m
      @m5Extended economic zone: 200 nm
      @m5Territorial sea: 12 nm

      Disputes: US Naval Base at Guantanamo is leased to US and only mutual agreement or US abandonment of the area can terminate the lease

      Climate: tropical; moderated by trade winds; dry season (November to April); rainy season (May to October)

      Terrain: mostly flat to rolling plains with rugged hills and mountains in the southeast

      Natural resources: cobalt, nickel, iron ore, copper, manganese, salt, timber, silica

      Land use: 23% arable land; 6% permanent crops; 23% meadows and pastures; 17% forest and woodland; 31% other; includes 10% irrigated

      Environment: averages one hurricane every other year

      Note: largest country in Caribbean; 145 km south of Florida

      NOTE: The information regarding Cuba on this page is re-published from the 1989 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Cuba Geography 1989 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Cuba Geography 1989 should be addressed to the CIA.

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    Revised 15-Apr-03
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