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    Tokelau Chiefs of State - 2003
      Governor General Cartwright, Silvia, Dame
      Prime Minister Clark, Helen
      Dep. Prime Min. Cullen, Michael
      Min. of Agriculture Sutton, James
      Min. of Arts, Culture, & Heritage Clark, Helen
      Min. of Biosecurity Sutton, James
      Min. of Broadcasting Maharey, Steve
      Min. of Civil Defense Hawkins, George
      Min. of Commerce Dalziel, Lianne
      Min. of Communications Swain, Paul
      Min. of Conservation Carter, Chris
      Min. of Corrections Gosche, Mark
      Min. of Courts Wilson, Margaret
      Min. of Crown Research Institutes Hodgson, Peter
      Min. of Defense Burton, Richard (Mark)
      Min. of Disarmament & Arms Control Hobbs, Marian
      Min. of Economic Development Anderton, James
      Min. of Education Mallard, Trevor
      Min. of Energy Hodgson, Peter
      Min. of the Environment Hobbs, Marian
      Min. of Finance Cullen, Michael
      Min. of Fisheries Hodgson, Peter
      Min. of Food Safety King, Annette
      Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade Goff, Philip
      Min. of Forestry Sutton, Jim
      Min. of Health King, Annette
      Min. of Housing Gosche, Mark
      Min. of Information Technology Swain, Paul
      Min. of Immigration Dalziel, Lianne
      Min. of Industry & Regional Development Anderton, James
      Min. of Internal Affairs Hawkins, George
      Min. of Justice Goff, Philip
      Min. of Labor Wilson, Margaret
      Min. of Land Information Tamihere, John
      Min. of Local Government Carter, Chris
      Min. of Maori Affairs Horomia, Parekura
      Min. of Pacific Island Affairs Gosche, Mark
      Min. of Police Hawkins, George
      Min. of Racing Gosche, Mark
      Min. of Research, Science, & Technology Hodgson, Peter
      Min. of Revenue Cullen, Michael
      Min. of Senior Citizens Dalziel, Lianne
      Min. of Social Services & Employment Maharey, Steven
      Min. of Sports & Recreation Mallard, Trevor
      Min. of State Accident Insurance Dyson, Ruth
      Min. of State Owned Enterprises Burton, Richard (Mark)
      Min. of State Services Mallard, Trevor
      Min. of Statistics Tamihere, John
      Min. of Tourism Burton, Richard (Mark)
      Min. of Trade Negotiations Sutton, James
      Min. of Transport Swain, Paul
      Min of Veterans Affairs Hawkins, George
      Min. of Women's Affairs Dyson, Ruth
      Min. of Youth Affairs Tamihere, John
      Min. in Charge of the Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Wilson, Margaret
      Treasurer Cullen, Michael
      Attorney General Wilson, Margaret
      Governor, Reserve Bank Bollard, Alan
      Ambassador to the US Wood, John
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York MacKay, Donald J.

      NOTE: The information regarding Tokelau on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Tokelau Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Tokelau Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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