Objectives of CICA:
- enhance co-operation through elaborating multilateral approaches towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia;
- eradicate the menace of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations;
- combat illicit drug production and trafficking;
- promote trade and economic cooperation for the prosperity and stability in Asia;
- cooperation on all issues relating to environment;
- prevention of proliferation and eventual elimination of weapons of mass destruction;
- develop measures to address humanitarian issues;
- promote mutual respect, understanding and tolerance in the relations among civilizations;
- facilitate implementation of Confidence Building Measures among Member States.
Basic Principles:
- sovereign equality and respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty;
- refraining from the threat or use of force;
- territorial integrity of the States;
- peaceful settlement of disputes;
- non-interference in internal affairs of States;
- disarmament and arms control;
- economic, social and cultural cooperation;
- human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The People's Republic of China
Administrative body:
Secretariat, located in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Structure of the Secretariat:
Executive Director: Ambassador Gong Jianwei (The People’s Republic of China)
Deputy Executive Director Ms. Anel Bakytbekkyzy (Kazakhstan)
Professional Personnel seconded by the Member States
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