The Pacific Alliance - Member States and Observer States

The Pacific Alliance - Member States and Observer States
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Objectives of the Pacific Alliance:
  • To construct, in a participatory and consensual manner, an area of profound market-driven economic integration that will contribute to the free movement of goods, services, capital and persons.
  • To promote the growth, development and competitiveness of the Parties’ economies, with the objective of achieving greater welfare and overcoming socioeconomic inequalities.
  • To become a platform for economic and commercial integration as well as political coordination with global outreach, particularly towards the Asia Pacific. The Pacific Alliance has an active and comprehensive agenda based on results achieved to date in trade with joint and coordinated action between export promotion agencies, cooperation in climate change research, student mobility and flexible migration, amongst other matters.
Benefits of the Pacific Alliance

(Trade, investment and services)
  • Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru have a solid, democratic institutional structures, with regularly elected presidents, dynamic, globalized markets and positive investment conditions.
  • According to the World Bank's 2012 Doing Business Report, of the 32 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region, the countries of the Alliance hold first, third, fourth and fifth place, respectively, in the ease of doing business ranking (Ranking refers to qualification in ten aspects of ease of doing business. A good position means that the regulatory environment favors entrepreneurial activity).
Economic aspects

As an economic bloc, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru have a total population of over 209 million inhabitants, 36% of the Latin American and Caribbean total, with a Gross Domestic Product per capita of US$10,011.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Pacific Alliance member countries accounts for 35% of the total Latin American and Caribbean GDP. In 2012, the Alliance Members States' average growth rate of 5% was higher than the global average of 3.2%.

High macro-economic stability and their capacity for annual market expansion are characteristic of the bloc's four Member States.
  • In 2012, the Alliance Member States had an average unemployment rate of 7.1% and average inflation rate of 2.7%, below the regional average of 4.6%.
  • Together, the four members of the Pacific Alliance account for 50% of trade in the region, with exports of US$556,000 million and imports of US$551,000 million in 2012.
  • The Pacific Alliance countries’ main export products are fuels, mining products, agricultural products and manufactured goods and therefore their supply is complementary to Asia Pacific markets.
  • The countries of the Pacific Alliance represent 26% of total FDI flows of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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This page was last modified 8-JUL-10
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