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  • USA Flag Burning Archive Page 35

      NOTE: This an attempt to construct a unique historical archive from around the world. Intellectual rights belong to their respective copyright holders, noted below the photos. The author of this page has no connection with those depicted, so, don't shoot the messenger.
      Photius Coutsoukis
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    Burning the American flag in Thailand . Burning the USA flag in Australia
    Songkhla 26-Mar-03 (Reuters, left) and Sydney 26-Mar-03 (Reuters, right)
    Deriding the  American flag in Mexico . Protesting the USA in Germany
    Mexico City 25-Mar-03 (Reuters, left) and Leipzig 24-Mar-03 (AP, right)
    Desecrated American Flag in Uruguay. U.S. Flag burning in  Colombia
    Montevideo 24-Mar-03 (AP, left) and Bogota 25-Mar-03 (AP, right)
    Burning the US flag in Nicaragua.
    Managua 25-Mar-03 (AP)

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    Save America's Children

    USA Immigration Software for Windows !
    Revised 7-May-02
    Copyright © Photius Coutsoukis (All rights reserved).
