Peng Liyuan Glamour - - The Elegant Style of China's First Lady

Peng Liyuan starring in the Laundry Song, Chinese Opera
Opera Star

With a sterling resume, which includes military
honors and performances at New York's
Metropolitan Opera and the Vienna State
Opera, China's new first lady, Peng Liyuan
is well positioned to to be the focus of gobal

Here she is seen performing "Laundry Song"
from a Chinese Opera.
Closeup photo of Peng Liyuan
Closeup Fitness
Born November 20, 1962,
Peng is a renowned Chinese
contemporary folk singer
and performing artist.

She is the wife of Chinese
President Xi Jinping, but
her fame long preceded
his rise to power.
Peng Liyuan promotional photo
What a beauty Lady Gaga hair styles
One can appreciate Peng's genuine
beauty in this professional promotional
photo from her singing career.

Peng Liyuan was an honored civilian
officer of the Peoples Liberation Army.
Her task was to sing patriotic songs, to
motivate the soldiers.

She sang in and out of uniform, in
opera houses around the world, and
had her own CD.
Peng Liyuan on official visit to Russia, 2013
First foreign trip as first lady Michelle Obama fashion
Peng Liyuan is seen here
in Moscow, during China's
president Xi's first official
foreign trip, in March 2013.

Naturally, she likes to
wear the creations of
Chinese fasion designers.
Peng Liyuan in Moscow, 24_march_2013
China look in Moscow Free nautical charts
Another photo from Peng's
trip to Moscow,

This photo, taken on March
23, 2013, shows her in an
elegant dress with traditional
Chinese touches.

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Paris, March 27, 2014
In the fashion capital of the world

Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
during an official visit to Paris,
March 27, 2014.

Here she is seen in an
elegant dress and coat,
in the company of prime
minister Jean-Marc Ayrault
of France and his wife

Peng Liyuan shows her
impecable sense of style.

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Lyons, 26 March 2014
Oh, another bag!
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
during an official visit to
France, at the Biomerieux research
center in Lyon, 26 March 2013.

Check out her fancy Chinese bag.

Expect it to become a sellout
hit in China.

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Amsterdam, March 22, 2014
China's Royalty
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
with the Dutch royals, king
Willem-ALexander, queen Maxima
and queen mother Beatrix, 22
March 2014.

Formalwear with heavy Chinese

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Costa Rica, June 3, 2013
Relaxed style in an official visit
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
during an official visit to Costa,
Rica, June 3, 2013.

Here she is seen in very
elegant casual atire on a
visit to a local farm.

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, ariving in Mexico City, June 4, 2013
What a nice blue dress
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
arriving in Mexico City for an
official visit on June 3, 2013.

Nice smile!
Great violet color!

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, at a ceremony, receiving the keys to Mexico City, June, 2013
Killer dress suit
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
at a ceremony in Mexico City
receiving the keys to the city,
June, 2013.

Peng Liyuan, with Mexico's first lady, visiting a broadcaster in Mexico City, June 6, 2013
Black pant suit
Peng Liyuan with Mexico's
first lady, visiting a TV broadcast
studio in Mexico City, on
June 6, 2013

Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, March 25, 2013
Official Duty
Peng Liyuan with husband,
President Xi Jinping of China,
during an official Africa tour,
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania,
March 25, 2013.

Her good looks make her a
natural goodwill ambassador
for China.

Here she wears an elegant
dress suit of conspicuously
Chinese design.
Peng Liyuan with President Xi Jinping of China, Moscow, Russia, March 24, 2013
Arriving in Style - oh that bag!!
Here Peng Liyuan, dressed
very, very fashionably, steps
off China's presidential plane
with President Xi Jinping in
Moscow, on March 24, 2013.

Interestingly enough, what
created a stir back home
was her made-in-China bag,
which went viral in the media
and sold millions of copies
within days.
Peng Liyuan performing Chinese Opera at Vienna State Opera
Opera Star
While her primary job, as an
army officer, was to sing
patriotic songs, to motivate
the troups, she also performed
in classic Chinese opera.

Here she is seen at Vienna's
world-famous Wiener Staatsoper.
Peng Liyuan in a Chinese New Year Performance
Chinese New Year's Performance
Peng Liyuan was a regular
at the annual Chinese New
year's television broadcasts.

Peng Liyuan with children in 2006
In her casuals, with children
in 2006.
Peng Liyuan in uniform singing for the troups
In Uniform
As an officer of the People's
Liberation Army, Peng's job
was to sing patriotic songs,
to uplift the morale of the
Peng Liyuan in uniform, holding a bouquet of flowers, saluting the troops after a performance in Russian
Military Salute.
After singing for the troups,
in Russian (!), officer Peng
Liyuan salutes holding a bouquet
of flowers.

Peng Liyuan singing classical opera, in costume
Diva Peng Liyuan
Peng Liyuan singing
an operatic solo, in
costume, with a
classical western
Peng Liyuan singing at Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival on October 31, 2006 in Nanning, Guangxi Province
Folk Singer
Peng Liyuan sang at the
Nanning International Folk
Song Arts Festival on
October 31, 2006 in Nanning,
Guangxi Province.
Peng Liyuan in uniform with dancers in the background
Big Production
Peng's uniformed performances
often included big-production
numbers with lots of extras.
Peng Liyuan in a professional photo
Femme fatale
Peng in an older promotional
photo, striking a pose as a
femme fatale.

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