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Jersey Government 1996

    • Names:

        conventional long form:
        Bailiwick of Jersey

        conventional short form:

    • Digraph:

    • Type:
      British crown dependency

    • Capital:
      Saint Helier

    • Administrative divisions:
      none (British crown dependency)

    • Independence:
      none (British crown dependency)

    • National holiday:
      Liberation Day, 9 May (1945)

    • Constitution:
      unwritten; partly statutes, partly common law and practice

    • Legal system:
      English law and local statute

    • Suffrage:
      NA years of age; universal adult

    • Executive branch:

        Chief of State:
        Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952)

        Head of Government:
        Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief Air Marshal Sir John SUTTON (since NA 1990); Bailiff Sir Peter L. CRILL (since NA)

        committees; appointed by the States

    • Legislative branch:

        Assembly of the States:
        elections last held NA (next to be held NA); results - no percent of vote by party since all are independents; seats - (56 total, 52 elected) 52 independents

    • Judicial branch:
      Royal Court

    • Political parties and leaders:
      none; all independents

    • Member of:

    • Diplomatic representation in US:
      none (British crown dependency)

    • US diplomatic representation:
      none (British crown dependency)

    • Flag:
      white with the diagonal red cross of Saint Patrick (patron saint of Ireland) extending to the corners of the flag

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