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Northern Mariana Islands Government 1996

    • Names:

        conventional long form:
        Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

        conventional short form:
        Northern Mariana Islands

    • Digraph:

    • Type:
      commonwealth in political union with the US; self-governing with locally elected governor, lieutenant governor, and legislature; federal funds to the Commonwealth administered by the US Department of the Interior, Office of Territorial and International Affairs

    • Capital:

    • Administrative divisions:

    • Independence:
      none (commonwealth in political union with the US)

    • National holiday:
      Commonwealth Day, 8 January (1978)

    • Constitution:
      Covenant Agreement effective 3 November 1986 and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

    • Legal system:
      based on US system except for customs, wages, immigration laws, and taxation

    • Suffrage:
      18 years of age; universal; indigenous inhabitants are US citizens but do not vote in US presidential elections

    • Executive branch:

        chief of state:
        President William Jefferson CLINTON (since 20 January 1993); Vice President Albert GORE, Jr. (since 20 January 1993)

        head of government:
        Governor Froilan C. TENORIO (since January 1994); Lieutenant Governor Jesus C. BORJA (since January 1994); election last held in NA November 1993 (next to be held NA November 1997); results - Froilan C. TENORIO (Democrat) was elected governor with 56% of the vote

    • Legislative branch:
      bicameral Legislature

        elections last held NA November 1993 (next to be held NA November 1995); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (9 total) Republicans retained a majority of the seats

        House of Representatives:
        elections last held NA November 1993 (next to be held NA November 1995); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (18 total) Republicans retained a majority of the seats

        US House of Representatives:
        the Commonwealth does not have a nonvoting delegate in Congress; instead, it has an elected official "resident representative" located in Washington, DC; seats - (1 total) Juan N. BABAUTA (Republican)

    • Judicial branch:
      Commonwealth Supreme Court, Superior Court, Federal District Court

    • Political parties and leaders:
      Republican Party, Benigno R. FITIAL, Leader; Democratic Party, Dr. Carlos S. CAMACHO, Chairman

    • Member of:
      ESCAP (associate), INTERPOL (subbureau), SPC

    • Flag:
      blue with a white five-pointed star superimposed on the gray silhouette of a latte stone (a traditional foundation stone used in building) in the center

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