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Reunion Government 1996

    • Names:

        conventional long form:
        Department of Reunion

        conventional short form:

        local long form:

        local short form:
        Ile de la Reunion

    • Digraph:

    • Type:
      overseas department of France

    • Capital:

    • Administrative divisions:
      none (overseas department of France)

    • Independence:
      none (overseas department of France)

    • National holiday:
      National Day, Taking of the Bastille, 14 July (1789)

    • Constitution:
      28 September 1958 (French Constitution)

    • Legal system:
      French law

    • Suffrage:
      18 years of age; universal

    • Executive branch:

        chief of state:
        President Francois MITTERRAND (since 21 May 1981)

        head of government:
        Prefect of Reunion Island Hubert FOURNIER (since NA)

        Council of Ministers

    • Legislative branch:
      unicameral General Council and unicameral Regional Council

        General Council:
        elections last held March 1994 (next to be held NA); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (47 total) PCR 12, PS 12, UDF 11, RPR 5, others 7

        Regional Council:
        elections last held 25 June 1993 (next to be held NA); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (45 total) UPF 17, Free-Dom Movement 13, PCR 9, PS 6

        French Senate:
        elections last held 24 September 1992 (next to be held NA); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (3 total) RPR 1, FRA 1, independent 1

        French National Assembly:
        elections last held 21 and 28 March 1993 (next to be held NA 1998); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (5 total) PS 1, PCR 1, UPF 1, RPR 1, UDF-CDS 1

    • Judicial branch:
      Court of Appeals (Cour d'Appel)

    • Political parties and leaders:
      Rally for the Republic (RPR), Alain DEFAUD; Union for French Democracy (UDF), Gilbert GERARD; Communist Party of Reunion (PCR), Elie HOARAU;; France-Reunion Future (FRA), Andre THIEN AH KOON; Socialist Party (PS), Jean-Claude FRUTEAU; Social Democrats (CDS), leader NA; Union for France (UPF - including RPR and UDF); Free-Dom Movement, Marguerite SUDRE

    • Member of:
      FZ, WFTU

    • Diplomatic representation in US:
      none (overseas department of France)

    • US diplomatic representation:
      none (overseas department of France)

    • Flag:
      the flag of France is used

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