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Taiwan Geography 1996

    • Location:
      Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China

    • Map references:
      Southeast Asia

    • Area:

        total area:
        35,980 sq km

        land area:
        32,260 sq km

        comparative area:
        slightly larger than Maryland and Delaware combined

        includes the Pescadores, Matsu, and Quemoy

    • Land boundaries:
      0 km

    • Coastline:
      1,448 km

    • Maritime claims:

        exclusive economic zone:
        200 nm

        territorial sea:
        12 nm

    • International disputes:
      involved in complex dispute over the Spratly Islands with China, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and possibly Brunei; Paracel Islands occupied by China, but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan; Japanese-administered Senkaku-shoto (Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Tai) claimed by China and Taiwan

    • Climate:
      tropical; marine; rainy season during southwest monsoon (June to August); cloudiness is persistent and extensive all year

    • Terrain:
      eastern two-thirds mostly rugged mountains; flat to gently rolling plains in west

    • Natural resources:
      small deposits of coal, natural gas, limestone, marble, and asbestos

    • Land use:

        arable land:

        permanent crops:

        meadows and pastures:

        forest and woodland:


    • Irrigated land:
      NA sq km

    • Environment:

        current issues:
        water pollution from industrial emissions, raw sewage; air pollution; contamination of drinking water supplies; trade in endangered species

        natural hazards:
        earthquakes and typhoons

        international agreements:
        signed, but not ratified - Marine Life Conservation

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