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    Australia Chiefs of State - 2003
      Governor General - Designate Jeffrey, Michael, Maj. Gen. (Ret.)
      Prime Minister Howard, John
      Dep. Prime Min. Anderson, John
      Min. for Aging Andrews, Kevin
      Min. for Agriculture, Fisheries, & Forestry Truss, Warren
      Min. for the Arts & Sport Kemp, Rod
      Min. for Children & Youth Affairs Anthony, Larry
      Min. for Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs Hardrave, Gary
      Min. for Communications, Information Technology, & the Arts Alston, Richard
      Min. for Community Services Anthony, Larry
      Min. for Defense Hill, Robert M.
      Min. for Education, Science, & Training Nelson, Brendan
      Min. for Employment & Workplace Relations Abbott, Anthony
      Min. for Employment Services Brough, Mal
      Min. for the Environment & Heritage Kemp, David
      Min. for Family & Community Services Vanstone, Amanda
      Min. for Finance & Administration Minchin, Nick
      Min. for Foreign Affairs Downer, Alexander
      Min. for Forestry & Conservation McDonald, Ian
      Min. for Health & Aging Patterson, Kay
      Min. for Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs Ruddock, Phillip
      Min. for Industry, Tourism, & Resources MacFarlane, Ian E.
      Min. for Justice & Customs Ellison, Christopher
      Min. for Regional Services, Territories, & Local Government Tuckey, Wilson
      Min. for Revenue Coonan, Helen
      Min. for Science McGauran, Peter
      Min. for Small Business & Tourism Hockey, Joe
      Min. for Trade Vaile, Mark
      Min. for Transport & Regional Services Anderson, John
      Min. for Veterans' Affairs Vale, Danna
      Min. Assisting the Min. for Defense Vale, Danna
      Min. Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Abbott, Anthony
      Min. Assisting the Prime Minister for Reconciliation Ruddock, Philip
      Min. Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women Vanstone, Amanda
      Treasurer Costello, Peter
      Asst. Treasurer Coonan, Helen
      Special Min. of State Abetz, Eric
      Attorney General Williams, Daryl
      Chmn., Reserve Bank Macfarlane, Ian J.
      Ambassador to the US Thawley, Michael
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Dauth, John

      NOTE: The information regarding Australia on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Australia Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Australia Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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